And you thought this was a settled issue decades ago.

Anti-abortion conservatives are proposing a new constitutional amendment that critics claim would make it a crime to take birth control pills in Florida.

The “Personhood Amendment” that conservative activists are filing today in Tallahassee would add language to the state constitution that defines someone as a “person,” regardless of age or health status, “from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

Pat McEwen of Palm Bay is one of two leaders of the loose collection of activists, collectively known as Personhood Florida.

  1. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    “And you thought this was a settled issue decades ago.” /// Yep, thats exactly what I thought. And it was, and it still is, and it (most likely) still will be when the Court goes with well settled law.

    Yep, the bible thumping anti-choice freedom hating dimwits bite the big one.

  2. Poindexter says:

    I think we need to root out the American Taliban before we go after the Afgany and Paky Taliban.

  3. fordprefect says:

    It’s with issues like this that I normally ask ‘what would Jesus or the Founding Fathers do’ – they probably would have used a coat hanger and a bottle of gin.

  4. Robart says:

    Please make it stop!

  5. Juiceman says:

    I live in Florida. The one thing we need in Florida is to thin out the gene pool. We are overrun with morons. Just watch any newscast. Ever. Birth control pills limit the birth of some of these miscreants. Although the portion of the population they come from don’t take the pills anyway and believe some sort of luck will keep them from getting pregnant.

    Florida – do yourself a favor – prescribe these pills to 90% of the population.

  6. Improbus says:

    Why does my country have to be this fucked up all of the time? Repeat after me: The. Bible. Is. Fiction.

  7. Phydeau says:

    The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. There is no issue that can be considered permanently settled. Did anyone ever think, after we prosecuted the Japanese for waterboarding in WWII and Reagan signed the anti-torture treaty in 1984, that our government would be torturing in the 21st century?

    There is no cure for fear and stupidity, and those people will always be out there pushing their bullsh*t.

  8. Everyone, sing it with me:

    “Every sperm is sacred!
    Every sperm is great!
    When a sperm is wasted
    God gets quite irate!”

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This is roughly akin to PETA wanting to ban fishing…when they take the argument this far, there’s going to be come repercussions.

  10. Ron Larson says:

    I doubt there is any special in Florida in this regard. I’m sure if you look, there have been similar proposals in Kansas, North Dakota, and probably most states. All the radical christian right wing nutters are not in Fla. God knows there are heaps of them here in Calif. too.

  11. Alf says:

    It might be good to make sure women know the side effects.

    From Webmd: Are There Side Effects Associated HC?

    Yes, although the majority are not serious. They include:

    * Nausea
    * Weight gain
    * Sore or swollen breasts
    * Small amount of blood, or spotting, between periods
    * Lighter periods
    * Mood changes

    The following side effects, easily remembered by the word “ACHES,” are less common but more serious. If you experience any of these, contact your doctor immediately. If you cannot reach your doctor, go to an emergency room or urgent care center for evaluation. These symptoms may indicate a serious disorder, such as liver disease, gallbladder disease, stroke, blood clots, high blood pressure, or heart disease. They include:

    * Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
    * Chest pain
    * Headaches (severe)
    * Eye problems (blurred vision)
    * Swelling and/or aching in the legs and thighs

    Can Any Woman Take HC?

    HC can be taken safely by most women, but is not recommended for women who are over the age of 35 and smoke. If you don’t smoke, you can use HC until menopause. In addition, you should not take HC if you have had:

    * Blood clots
    * Serious heart or liver disease
    * Cancer of the breast or uterus

  12. Number 6 says:

    Brought to you by the same people who are joining the teabaggers, protesting that the government is taking over our lives.

    It is of course – but what they actually are upset about is that it isn’t taking over the lives of people they dislike rather than their own.

    If you really want liberty, you have to be ready to recognize it for others.

  13. Thomas says:

    “from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

    Wouldn’t the moment the parents begin thinking about sex or a child be the beginning of biological development? It’s all a matter of how far back we go. Indeed, every sperm is sacred…

  14. Named says:

    16 AlfredETerrorist

    You obviously don’t know jack about biology. Which is completely expected. Afterall, Jesus was implanted from a star or something…

    Anyhoo, when the sperm fertilizes the egg it’s a ZYGOTE. Look it up. After some time (4 days), it becomes an embryo. Then a foetus at 9 weeks. So, no need to ban the pill since it doesn’t abort a foetus.

  15. Named says:

    18 AlfredETerrorist

    Exactly the response expected. Throw out science and fact and re-iterate a misguided belief. Kinda like religion!

    What you failed to read, carefully, is that a zygote is not a fetus. Neither is an embryo. You, though, are not a fully formed human being. Keep trying though budding terrorist.

  16. Named says:

    18 AlfredETerrorist,

    I would rather a deaf mute speak up for me than a psychotic budding terrorist like you. Thanks for thinking about me again though. Its nice being your intellectual superior. And very easy!

  17. Troublemaker says:

    We should be slaughtering Christians not Muslims. Christians are the real threat to this country.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    Jesus wouldn’t like you telling lies. I think he called it “bearing false witness”, but in this era we call it lying.

    Just think, Alphie is going to hell because he doesn’t have Jesus in his heart.

  19. Improbus says:

    Alphie it is people like you that fuck up religion for the rest of the morans.

  20. jccalhoun says:

    I’d expect a statist like Alfred1 to support something like this. He hasn’t meant a government program to regulate morality that he hasn’t liked.

  21. tcc3 says:

    Yet those same people get all up in arms about regulation of business of any kind.

    Odd, that.

  22. JD says:

    Hey, just wait until sperm is regulated with “from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.” This actually goes after men as much as women.

    Headline: “Blowjob kills millions!”

  23. ridin the short bus says:

    Here we go again, we could probably cut and paste earlier blogs and let them fit in this thread…

    Religion has caused more harm to the world than good,… Maybe on the suface one would think other wise.. ….then read a history book… “if your not like me I will kill U” ..seems the theme since AD 1

    Scientifically speaking, thankyou no noname #16 🙂

  24. spsffan says:

    Lots of very silly things get put forth now and again. The most silly don’t usually get very far, and I think this effort will miscarry. :).

    But, as advocate of a number of unpopular campaigns, I recommend putting birth control drugs in the water supply, and not JUST in Florida. We can stop when the global population gets back to a reasonable 3 billion or so.

  25. Named says:

    27 ridin the short bus,

    Hey, I’m always ready to provide scientific fact to the ignorant like AlfredETerrorist. It’s my pleasure in fact… Rarely is it helpful…

    Speaking of history and religion, I found out something truly amazing whilst reading The Histories by Herodotus. The Egyptian gods (Osiris, Horus, Set et al.) were then passed onto the Greeks and then the Romans. I had no idea that the Greeks picked up their gods from the Egyptians. But, that’s history for you. You learn a lot from it.

  26. LibertyLover says:

    This ranks up there with the War on Drugs, AFAIAC.

    But then again . . . if smart, rich people start having babies, maybe we won’t end up with an Idiocracy 🙂

    I guess they will have to outlaw condoms next.

    #2, I think we need to root out the American Taliban before we go after the Afgany and Paky Taliban.


    #13, If you really want liberty, you have to be ready to recognize it for others.

    Exactly. Even the minority.

  27. Named says:

    31, AlfredETerrorist,

    Uh… you’re the one foaming at the mouth. Check the mirrors… unless your particular padded cell isn’t allowed to have one.

    Can you please go to the hills as soon as they let you in the yard for your sunshine hour? Off the grid please. Thanks!

  28. tcc3 says:

    I find it helps to imagine a “graaaaahhhh!!” in front of Alfred’s posts.

    For context.

  29. meetsy says:

    Alfred1, what is your problem? Are you just a troll..or do you really believe this nonsense?
    It’s not religion you are spouting but the devil. Get an exorcist…you need it.

  30. Postman says:

    So all the mexicans have to do is visit Florida, get pregnant,and voilĂ , their child is us citizen and the parents are immediately elegable for naturalization.

    Nativists and anti-choicers can hash out the details.


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