(CNN) Facebook’s user base is nearly as large as the U.S. population and, for the first time, the site has turned a profit.
Facebook now has 300 million users — almost as many as the population of the United States.

That was the double-barreled announcement Tuesday from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who thanked the site’s users for helping its online community cross the 300 million threshold. There are about 307 million people living in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

“We’re just getting started on our goal of connecting everyone,” Zuckerberg wrote on the company’s blog.

They must have some amazing servers.

  1. Improbus says:

    I just remembered I have a Facebook account. Hell, I even remembered the password. You can tell I spend a lot of time on Facebook. Zzzzzz

  2. sargasso says:

    How to permanently delete your Facebook account | Facebook http://bit.ly/jq6G

  3. zorkor says:

    Facebook is damn addcitve. It helped me find many of my old lost friends which I thought that I would never be able to find. Found many best friends all around the world.

    Thanks Facebook, Thanks Mark Zuckerberg!

  4. bobbo, marketings aim is to bamboozel all says:

    Cheap shot coming up: #3–zorkor== What???? “Sleepercells – R – Us” is not one stop shopping for you? Why you would want to reconnect with all your chums before you went broke in business and turned to the dark side is beyond me. Oh, wait. Suck them in. Yes, good plan.

    Yea InYourFacebook.

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    Facebook? I don’t get the need to put so much personal information out there for others to exploit?

    Thankfully I have outgrown the need and illusion of being the center of the universe.

  6. Buzz says:

    You know why the numbers are up? Several people are on there twice!

    I KNOOOW! What’s with THAT!?

  7. Jägermeister says:

    They must have some amazing servers.


  8. zorkor says:


    didnt get you there?what are you trying to say??

  9. Hmeyers says:

    @ #3

    “It helped me find many of my old lost friends which I thought that I would never be able to find.”

    Is it more amazing that there is a Dvorak blog commenter that has friends or is the proper context that you lost these “friends” and they were trying to avoid you and then they were like “Damn it! I’ve tried to avoid that guy all these years but he finally found me.”

    Who knows? Sometimes stories are better left untold.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    My question is and will always be with social networks and services.

    IF these people are your FRIENDS WHY did you lose them?

    Maybe my concept of friends is not casting as wide a net as other people? Or maybe people assign the FRIEND tag to anyone that actually are people you have goodwill towards or just tolerate?

    To me a friend is someone that you could entrust your VERY LIFE with. That if you were hanging off a dead drop cliff they would hold on to you no matter what. They’d take a bullet, they’d raise your kids if you were killed in an accident as their own flesh and blood. And you would do the same.

    Not just that you like the same band, movie and coffee shop. Oooh! I just went subway for lunch nom nom nom!

    I don’t know. Maybe I ask too much of someone to be my FRIEND. Maybe that is why I have ONLY one.



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