Wow! Who could have guessed this outcome.

U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land has thrown out a complaint questioning the president’s birth from an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq and gave a warning to her lawyer, birther maven Orly Taitz.

Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national “birther” movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar “frivolous” lawsuit in his court.

“(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States,” Land states in his order. “Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is ‘an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, [and] an unqualified imposter.'”

  1. Uncle Dave says:


    As someone asked in another post about all this, suppose by some bizarre set of circumstances Obama was found to not be a citizen and kicked out, do you really want Biden as President since that is the only ultimate outcome?

  2. noname says:

    # 36 Alfred1, You lie.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    History repeats itself. Sadly. Didn’t we go thru a similar litany of bull sh*t with various women claiming prez Clinton had sex with them. Maybe it was true. But they waited until he was president, to make their claim. Rather than when he was only a governor. Or should I say the RNC waited until a Democrat was president, to support and encourage all these lame allegations against him. So here we are again. Bet this is the RNC playing muck raking, dirty pool, again. Proving just how much a bunch of spoiled little boys they are, and poor losers too. And this is what passes for party leadership and purpose, in the USA. Not working hard to solve very real problems in the daily lives of all Americans. But plotting and scheming to disgrace an elected President. Just because he not on their side.

    Apparently this is all the RNC is good for anymore. Dirty tricks both before and after elections. Not about fixing problems, but sticking it to the other party. Well when voter confidence totally erodes away. They’ll have nobody to blame but themselves. They’ll really have to start putting in some time at public schools, to try and convince the kids that they aren’t just a bunch of overpaid liars. And then track down the home schooled kids, and give them an ear full.

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    Well you cant denigrate him for being a ‘nigger’ any more so the next best thing is to insinuate that the ‘aint American’ or a Muslim. These idiots are so transparent.

    Carter’s right when he says that many of Obama’s detractors hate him on racial grounds. I have no doubt this is the case. Not everyone who hates him is a racist by a long way, but many are and don’t have the balls to say so.

    One who does have the balls to say so is Limbaugh. Seem’s he wants to ignite a race war.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    Add to that the evidence he was born in Kenya

    What evidence? there is no evidence. The only evidence is that someone said they were there when he was born in Kenya. So one person’s word is good enough? Fine, I was there when he was born in Atlantis.

    Guess what, even if he was born in Atlantis he is still a citizen because his mom was a citizen. Just like McCain is a citizen even though he was born in Panama.

    Can anyone seriously argue that if our president was a white guy named Ben O’Bama whose father was Irish and who went to school in Germany or some European country that there would be even one tenth as many Birthers?

  6. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    There really should be more done to thoroughly verify eligibility *before* the candidates even get onto the ballot. That way if anyone ever wants to challenge there will be better documented proof and the lawsuit would be against the people who did the verification, instead of this nonsense.

    But honestly, I want to hear an answer from someone who would actually prefer Biden to be president? Oooh, I sure hope Obama does not get assassinated.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    jccalhoun: “Just like McCain is a citizen even though he was born in Panama.”
    Absolutely, completely, dead wrong.

    Now if you had said “Just like McCain is a citizen BECAUSE HE WAS BORN ON THE SOVEREIGN SOIL OF AN AMERICAN MILITARY BASE in Panama.”
    You would have been correct.

    Listen up, birthers!
    Named in #29 got it right. All you need is there.

    With all the real problems we are facing, why waste time on this???

  8. fordprefect says:

    Why doesn’t Obama show people his birth certificate like McCain did when the issue was raised during the campaign?
    McCain successfully squashed rumors that were flying around last year by being open and providing people with his long form birth certificate. Unless Obama does the same I can’t see there being an end to the speculation.

  9. derspankster says:

    We are living in the land of morons. It’s somewhat frightening.

  10. Foosh says:

    Why can’t your dictator just simply provide the “real” birth certificate and do so with the rarely practiced concept of transparently? If small inconsistencies were found on Bush’s birth, it would have been the same fiasco from the democrats blasting him and his followers.

  11. Microsoft has failed says:

    Easy solution: Show a genuine birth certificate.

    Obama solution: Ban publication of the Presidents birth certificate.

    “Nothing to see here – move along ….”

  12. Named says:

    44, 46, 47,

    Go read number 29. All your answers are in there. WARNING: It is thorough, detailed and full of facts.

  13. fordprefect says:

    Some people here don’t seem to know what a birth certificate looks like. As an example, here is John McCain’s.

    Different format to Obama’s certificate of live birth (signatures and details of attending physician etc). Also looks like McCain was born before lazer printers were invented.

  14. noname says:


  15. qb says:

    The reason he doesn’t do what the birthers demand is simple: you don’t argue with bullshit. The same reason Bush didn’t produce his Air Force dental records to prove he served his time in the Reserves.

    And even if he “produce the long form” I don’t think that Orly Taitz or an Alfred1 would believe it anyway. They’ve already “pre-judged” because they’re fundamentalists, not thinkers.

    Look on the bright side. As long as the Republican party is over-whelmed by birthers and tea baggers then they won’t have the collective brain power that God gave a fence post to win an election.

  16. Jess Hurchist says:

    Wouldn’t Hillary Clinton have found something if it was there to find?

  17. Wretched Gnu says:

    Hmm… I think the district court judge must be wrong and the screaming hillbillies right.

  18. qb says:

    Wretched Gnu said “screaming hillbillies..”


  19. smartalix says:

    Not just hillbillies, stupid racist disingenuous hillbillies.

  20. Howard Beale says:

    #s 49, 47,46, 44

    see #28

    BTW did any of you ask to see Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43s Birth Certificates? If not don’t be surprised if you are called a raciest.

    Enjoy Hawaii and your fight to take away individual States Rights or better yet that Constitutional Amendment fight.

    gesh give it up fools make sensible arguments about policy instead.

  21. qb says:

    #56 Howard Beale

    I think the more time the right spends on crap like this, the better for everyone.

  22. Buzz says:

    Connie Rhodes is a man. Originally Connor, he has been transformed in costume and makeup at minimum.

  23. Rabble Rouser says:

    #12 Birther Movement SPEAKS,
    So, by your logic, John McCain would also not be able to be president, as he was born in PANAMA, which was leased to the US. As McCain was clearly NOT born in the US, he could not have been president either.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    I just love this. In another six months as the primaries start up, the Republican candidates are going to worry about pandering to their extreme base and still appearing to a centrist style candidate. When the extremists start running their own candidates the mainstream candidates will need to spend all their campaign money in the primaries.

    Now that is going to be funny. Republicans trying to explain during the election why they think Obama’s Birth Certificate is forged. Why they claimed death panels were in the Health Care bill, why they think Obama has too many “unaccountable” czars when they supported Bush when he had even more, why they voted against the stimulus package then they turned around and claimed money for their district, …

    Funny, funny, funny

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #62, Alphie

    Serious question.

    My buddies, who disagree with me …

    How much do you pay these buddies to be your friend?

  26. noname says:

    It wasn’t long ago when the Birthers proposed the Constitution be amended to allow anyone who has lived in America for at least twenty years to run for the Presidency.

    This was to support Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) run for the Presidency, who was born in Austria.

    Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduced a bill that would change the Constitution to allow anyone who has lived in America for at least twenty years to run for the Presidency.

    Isn’t this just so hilarious???

  27. Oxides says:

    Her logical next step is to challenge the judge, demand to see his/her birth certificate, etc. Obviously if the judge cannot prove that to her then his ruling is invalid?

  28. noname says:

    Ok they say, put your self in other people shoes before you judge.

    Ok, let’s try thinking like a Birther… Here it goes… I am losing my self….

    Maybe the Birthers are right, maybe Obama wasn’t even born, maybe Barack Obama is a black Android….

    But why black??

    Wow that blows my mind Barack Obama is a black Android, … wow.

    The Birthers where right; they are our heroes, only trying to save humanity from being over run by Androids.


  29. Phydeau says:

    Poor Alfie, in #59 he calls Obama a radical leftist, in #60 he complains about Obama giving billions to bankers. It’s probably too much to expect of him to keep his accusations coherent. 🙂

    “The food was terrible, and the portions were so small!”

  30. qb says:

    #68 Phydeau

    I really enjoyed the “Incorrect…the data, the facts, are not subject to the Razor…”

    Then two lines later he says:

    “The only ‘model’ that accounts for the existence of all the data, and that satisfies Ockham’s Razor, is…”

    I gotta agree. It’s endlessly amusing, and so easy. Fish meet barrel, barrel meet fish.


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