Wow! Who could have guessed this outcome.
U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land has thrown out a complaint questioning the president’s birth from an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq and gave a warning to her lawyer, birther maven Orly Taitz.
Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national “birther” movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar “frivolous” lawsuit in his court.
“(Rhodes) has presented no credible evidence and has made no reliable factual allegations to support her unsubstantiated, conclusory allegations and conjecture that President Obama is ineligible to serve as president of the United States,” Land states in his order. “Instead, she uses her complaint as a platform for spouting political rhetoric, such as her claims that the president is ‘an illegal usurper, an unlawful pretender, [and] an unqualified imposter.'”
Woohoo!! Finally, we can get back to Hopey and Changy.
The sad news is the Birther movement will contort and twist this as somehow furthering the legitimacy of their views.
And it really speaks poorly for the Army Captain who hired this lawyer.
I can’t wait to see Orly Taitz’s next interview on Fox News!
The only good thing to come out of the Birther movement is funny photoshop photos like the one above.
This nonsense was over months ago, time to move on.
She is a fucking idiot.
I don’t agree that this should have been thrown out. Now we’re gonna have to hear about this shit forever because Obama wouldn’t just show everyone undeniable proof that he’s a legit citizen. Maybe he has, I don’t know. I never really cared about this issue.
A few points though:
1. If he isn’t a citizen, then he would not be eligible to be the president and would have to resign. The constitution is the supreme law of the land.
2. That’s arguably the silliest thing in the entire constitution. Seriously, it shouldn’t matter if someone is born in Kenya, what does that have to do with anything?
3. I’d support an amendment to abolish that part of the constitution.
That said, this has all been a massive annoying distraction, I’m glad it’s over? Although, I suspect that it isn’t over. I’m sure we’ll hear about this for many decades.
And District Court Judge Clay Land is a Bush 43 appointment that John Ashcroft what a jerk good thing Gonzales took over. Gonzales how did that work out for them?
I’m shocked how could he be so impartial what is this world coming to
Have the birthers been aborted? I doubt it. Facts are not something you need for the innuendo game just believers.
well now wha-ch U got to say Alfred? and his ilk.
#5-Ah_Yea-The only good thing to come out of the Birther movement is funny photoshop photos…
I would like to add one more and that is the joy of how the Birther movement makes the Obama worshipers go insane trying to protect their lord and master.
For some reason I never tire of the frivolity. The good news is like a good sitcom season two is right around the corner. I can hardly wait to see what new Obama lies are introduced into the storyline.
Hehe # 6 Guilherme Cherman said a naughty word.
# 7 DA
“I’m sure we’ll hear about this for many decades.”
I hope so. This issue won’t be ripe for the liberal picking until the 2010 elections are nigh.
I don’t particularly like this birther business as conspiracy theories go. I do wish people would be nicer about it though. There is a thin line between dismissing “nuts” and dismissing all dissenting voices.
I guess no one (left or right) cares about the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, nor the Bill of Rights anymore. In other words, LAW!
It is LAW that the President, and ONLY the President of the United States of America be born within the United States of America.
Barack Obama has NOT proven that he was born in the United States of America and thus not proven his qualifications to BE president! It’s just that simple.
I suppose I also probably shouldn’t expect ANYONE in San Francisco to UNDERSTAND that either. After all, northern California voted for Nancy Pelosi — the most anti-American piece of “snot” in Congress!
So I guess we’ll have to wait for some other judge who can read and can’t be intimidated by any White House powers to agree to hear the “birthers” argument and eventually get this case before the Supreme Court.
So, what are you afraid of you liberals? Afraid that your guy Barack is LYING! Or is it that you can’t stand to see ol’ idiot Joe take over the reins with “Numb Nuts Nancy” by his side?
#12-BMS-After all, northern California voted for Nancy Pelosi — the most anti-American piece of “snot” in Congress!
I see you know the work of Nancy Pelosi very well.
Word is she is Satan’s spawn, but to date no one has been able to prove it. Well, other than her evil existence.
#12 Here is your chance.
Since this federal judge threw it out of court, petition the U.S. Supreme Court directly. Surely they will see the wisdom of your arguments and will fall over themselves to accommodate your hearing where they will, no doubt, gasp at the truly nefarious nature of the hoodwinking of this great nation and will quickly remedy the situation. You will go down in history and be remembered with the likes of Paul Revere, Nathan Hale, and Sergeant Alvin C York.
Or they may just give you a new roll of aluminum foil for use in hat making.
#12 SPEAKS said,
“Barack Obama has NOT proven that he was born in the United States of America and thus not proven his qualifications to BE president! It’s just that simple.”
Yes he has long ago if you have an issue it is with the State on Hawaii.
Now pick up your brief and go to Oahu but leave the GOP appointed Federal Courts Judges alone. They are tired of you wasting there time and have put you on notice.
Nobody has SEEN a real birth certificate. End of story.
I expect the Republican party, the christian taliban and the KKK to get billed for this waste of taxpayer dollars and clogging the judicial system.
#12 Afterbirther – Wow, it’s so great that you are smarter than all of the Republican and Democratic candidates for President this past election cycle. If there had been even a smidgen of truth to this birther nonsense do you not think that at least one single candidate’s team would have researched the heck out of the allegation and come up with some concrete and irrefutable proof to use against then-candidate Obama’s campaign. Even as dishonest and corrupt as some of Obama’s opponents and their supporters were, not one could provide anything remotely credible to support the false allegations that the stupefyingly ignorant birthers present.
17 AlfredETerrorist,
*SIGH* Here I have to teach you again. You are not using Occam’s razor correctly. You do not have two theories making the same prediction. What you have is 1) the birthers making shit up and 2) Obama was born in Hawaii.
If you are pretending that Occam’s Razor is the simplest solution is the most correct then, yes, you are wrong again. The simplest solution is that he was born in Hawaii.
Aren’t you supposed to be hiding in the hills planning your terrorist operations?
#6, Cherman
She is a fucking idiot.
Aahh, so you look up to her.
Now if we can get the Democrats to stop supporting people who think Bush/Cheney flew the planes on 9/11 by remote control, or whatever.
# 17 Alfred1,
You didn’t, but you did; you invoked “Occam’s razor”, OOOOOOOH!
By the power of “Occam’s Veg-O-Matic” your keen wit sliced and diced this issue:
“she returned…did as any mother would…she got a live birth certificate…and posted a few anouncements of his birth in the local papers, just in case they asked for some proof.”
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! “Are you my mommy?”
As long as you promise to tell a friend, you also get a sausage attachment.
I can’t wait until 2010 election; this is going to be fun!!!!!!!!!!
It wouldn’t matter if the Supreme Court had a full hearing with the Birthers allowed to present all the evidence and experts they wanted, the movement would still cry foul when the case was tossed.
The first thing you need to do whenever you file a claim in court is show some evidence. The Birthers have none so the case was tossed as frivolous.
I truly hope the birthers continue to scream such crap. It will sure help their cause in 2010.
#17 I don’t think Occam’s Razor means what you think it means. It looks like you’re multiplying entities at an exponential rate.
Faxon said,
“Nobody has SEEN a real birth certificate. End of story.”
State of Hawaii delivered a legal document. The Constitution states only that you need be a Natural-born citizen he has provided this proof. As to some piece of paper his mother probably lost in her many moves and illnesses sorry it’s most likely long gone. If you have a disagreement it is with the State of Hawaii or that the US Constitution did not require the original document.
Just wondering if YOU have personally seen any of the 43 white male President’s original document birth certificates? Have you even asked if anyone has ever seen them? Why do you assume that #44’s fake given that there is “no credible evidence” to indicate it would be? I’m going to go with you are just a sad and sorry sore loser and not a racist.
Still haven’t seen, it, jerks.
and you have seen Bush’s?
idiot you lost this debate and are to stupid to even realize it.
Is it just me or does Miss Orly look like he/she’s in drag?
Sitting in front of my computer is the only place where you can laugh out loud at truly sick and stupid people. Out in public it would be rude.
Birthers, Palin, government death panels (never mind that they already exist in the form of insurance companies) – it’s all free entertainment.
It’s sad that anyone – MSM and blogs – pays any attention to them at all.
I’d go to sleep now; but I’m all awake from laughing.
# 25 Mr. Fusion,
What you say is true, but you miss the Birters argument.
Their argument is, it’s not for Birthers to present proof, it’s for Obama to present proof that the Birthers, not the courts mind you, will accept.
Truth and reality doesn’t matter for these loons; the problem is, Birthers are conveniently never satisfied. Arguing with them is like playing whack-a-mole. Each time you answer whatever absurd argument they’re making, they just switch to a different, but equally or more absurd argument.
That why I say let them thoroughly and publicly become frantic and frothing at the mouth, then; pop their arguments like a ripe zit they are just in time for the 2010 elections.
It’s like tug of war. Some times it’s just more fun to let go of the rope.
For the “birthers” Orly made the statement that sums it up perfectly…
“Orly Taitz: Unless he can bring his father out of the grave and make him a citizen post mortem… ”
It’s pointless. If Obama wasn’t black this wouldn’t even be discussed. But, White Republicans are so scared of the black man taking their daughters and wives they have to cling to anything… even crack pot fake lawyers.