• Pundits befuddled by negative reaction to Zune.
  • iPhone going into China.
  • Comcast going to put video on phones. How will they do it? A surprise method.
  • EU in talks with MS-Yahoo.
  • Dell must pay $4 million over fraud suit. Dell has issues.
  • AMD rolls out $99 killer quad chip.
  • ARM producing a dual core little chip.
  • Facebook has 300 million users.
  • MSFT Bing market share up!

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  1. Mustardtits the blind harp blower says:

    Weather report good-
    No volume control bad-
    or is it just my computer?

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Should be no surprise over the Zune given this.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    With all this multi-core chip talk, isn’t it odd that there’s no mention of total file system encryption in Windows 7 ? I mean there ought to be enough processor power now, to encrypt and decrypt the whole damn thing, on the fly. And the users wouldn’t even notice the overhead it takes. But identity thieves and hackers would be stopped cold by this. Quite possibly for several years to come. Of course, so would the NSA and FBI. Which may be why there is no talk of it. Any security strong enough to keep out all the bad guys. Keeps out the bad guys, posing as good guys, too.

  4. Sailboatfool says:

    It is I that doesn’t like the weather report.
    Wish he would stop.

    Oh, btw, I live in Columbus Oh *NOT* Bismark -whatever-


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