A U.S. raid in Somalia that killed one of Africa’s top al Qaeda men has likely won valuable counter-terrorism intelligence but risks further inflaming anti-Western opinion in a country of growing concern.
The apparent absence of civilian casualties in Monday’s strike, in which U.S. special forces took custody of the body of the man, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, is a notable win for military anti-terror efforts often condemned for killings of innocents.
More stuff to worry about.
Good job, navy seals!
I think it will be difficult to make anti-western opinion in Somalia any worse.
In and Out.
Cheap and Effective.
If we would only use our brains as well as our feet.
#2 FTW
Is there any possible way we could make that part of the world hate us more? I think not!
i thought that this was the one that WAS getting all the mainstream press, mainly because they didnt kill as many civilians as they usually do this time.
#5 – Oh I don’t know, we could nuke them but there probably wouldn’t be enough people left to really hate us. I think if we really want them to hate us we should send Jehovah’s Witness missionaries.
I’m not too worried about how much Somalia hates us. What are they gonna do? Start hijacking ships that pass by? Oh, wait…
easy! Wow you STILL haven’t whacked yourself?
I know your afraid, but really you’re completely useless as a human being – its really the best for all!!
Try gasoline – just a cup or two over your head and a match – POOF!
Sister Mary–I love you. Too bad your nights are filled by Jebeesus.
Keep the good stuff coming.
#5–cliffton==”I don’t think that phrase means what you think it does.”
Just remembered==Letting GoogleEarth fly you over Somalia is really a shocking and eye opening experience. Download it for free and use it if you haven’t already.
Right at your fingertips and not a dime, life, or limb put at risk.
You won’t believe it, looks like a movie set.
Don’t give a crap what the rest of the world thinks of America. This isn’t a freaking popularity contest. If your country is harboring terrorist enemies of the United States, we’re gonna come in and kill them, stay out of the way and maybe we won’t take your ass out in the process.
“..further inflaming anti-Western opinion in a country..”
Oh Please… they hate us anyhow. And like we give a rats ass what they think anymore. They are a non functioning state harboring terrorist and pirates. And then they act “surprised” when they get attacked.
Cry me a river.
Little reported? WHAT?
The first two aggregates are exactly what you claim is un-reported… and you’re linking Reuters no less? I think you don’t know what “little mainstream reports” actually means…
12 & 13, we need to go out for drinks. I bet you gave up your lunch money every day in school…. and possibly at work too.
That second line was meant for number 5. My typing sucks.
this was on the front page of the New York Times this morning. not sure how much more mainstream you can get.
but i guess if you only watch cable “news” you’d never know…
One raghead closer to victory over terrorism.
is “invades” appropriate here? when does one covert op to kill a bad guy mean an invasion of a country? Remember Somalia brought us Black hawk down…prob not much love for us….ever
Awesome! Congratulations Prez B Hussein Obama for once again executing flawlessly.
Also, thank you for keep the USA save from terrorist attacks this far into your first term.
The same cannot be said for Cheney’s first term.
Can we all agree that Cherman as a blogger is incredibly dumb? At least the other bloggers here have some sort of clue.
Forget a troop buildup in Afghanistan. This is the shadow war we should be fighting. Strike them anytime anywhere!
This raid was in the south of Somalia near the Kenyan border. Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was a Kenyan national. A few years ago, Ethiopia invaded Somalia – many say with U.S. approval and support. Atrocities were committed by all sides. In Kenya on the Somali border, are large refugee camps (some of the largest in the world) of Somalis from this war and past conflicts. It only exacerbated what was already a horrible humanitarian crisis.
That may be what the author was referring to with “further inflaming anti-Western opinion in a country ..”.
#23… gotta love how the US gets blamed 100% for all the worlds problems. This despite the fact that it is Islamic fundamentalist, ME intelligence agencies, and other crazies running wild in Africa and the ME that are actually on the ground in Somalia causing all the problems. They are armed to the teeth with weapons from China and Russia. Yet somehow it is still all America’s fault.
The word ‘invasion’ implies that we went into a sovereign state.
Not sure Somalia (née Somaliland, née Puntland, née Chaos, née NoMansLand) really qualifies.
And if Bush were Pres, the Democrats would probably be calling for impeachment.
when you say invade do you mean there were some tanks, jets, air craft carriers!? because when the U.S. invades they don’t mess around.
It’s about time…
Just go down the list of al Qaeda one at a time…
You just don’t get it do you?
Either we kill them or they kill us.
I vote we kill them.
Who cares who started it, but I think it started a long time ago.
There is no COUNTRY named Somalia.
There is an area with boundaries, and the area is called Somalia, but there is no COUNTRY named Somalia.
A country has a government that rules the area. There is no government in Somalia.
There is nobody to ask permission to enter the area, since there is no government.
If we are going to piss someone off, it will be the local warlord, a person that is almost 100% of the time a bloodthirsty murderous thug, so if we take him out in the process also, fine.
So in summary, the US military went into an area with no government and killed one bloodthirsty thug that was under the watch of another bloodthirsty thug. Well done.
BTW… Somalia is what the USA would look like if the ‘principles’ of the Teaparty members were to rule the USA. No government, rule by arms and thugs, no infrastructure. Freedom to live like a rat in a ghetto.
Of course they had to do away with this Kenyan national. He had Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate.