The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.
Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law’s authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called “lone wolf” terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.
Only the ignorant, those who believe that we still have a multi-party system that provides a significant difference in policy depending upon who one votes for, would expect one plutocracy vetted, lobbyist cash inspired politicians to be significantly different from another.
#30, dro,
Still as full of crap as usual.
#31, ford
If ‘revisit’ means keeping everything the same but present it with slicker autocue delivery than Bush would have done, this will be another election promise kept.
Can you point to anything where Obama has asked that the wording be kept EXACTLY the same?
Oh, in case you were unaware, those National Security Letters? They were ruled unconstitutional. See Doe v Ashcroft.
why is it the right wing nuts like to blame Obama for what their hero Bush did? Is it just plain stupidity or gross ignorance.
#34, Number 6,
Maybe you can point to something demonstrating Obama continuing Bushes policy on rendition (hint, he isn’t) or imprisoning people without charge.
Bold lies are not only accepted by the right wing nuts, they have become a way of life.
As for the terrorists being held in Guantanamo, it is now extremely difficult to charge them with anything as the evidence has been tainted by torture. They can’t be released as no country will take them.
No Backone Obama… They have Gotten to him… the NSA/FBI/CIA or others… they fed him scare mongering tactiics and now we have another Winner!!!!!!!
The Constitution will soon be used to light the Whitehouse Fireplace!!!!!
Another Dissapointment……… what next?
And this is why Terrorists use Skype and AT&T want to kill it …
You just don’t know what you are talking about. Everything that the Leftists wailed about with Bush is still there. The only difference is that the willingness of the lockstep Leftist media to report and investigate as thoroughly as they used to is gone.
La Times Aug 22 2009.
“By Bob Drogin
August 22, 2009
Reporting from Alexandria, Va. – A Lebanese citizen being held in a detention center here was hooded, stripped naked for photographs and bundled onto an executive jet by FBI agents in Afghanistan in April, making him the first known target of a rendition during the Obama administration.”
Where’s the ACLU, the DNC, Code Pink? What about the illegal war, is it now legal? I mean even poor Cindy Sheehan has to hold her protest against the war all alone now. Nobody in the mainstream press is interested anymore. Geee. I wonder why?
The brainwash by the mainstream press over the Bush years was so complete that any news to the contrary results in cognitive dissonance by the Leftists. What renditions? Huh?? Yeah right.
#43, smitty,
Hhmm, so your post is very confusing. You didn’t include a link. Where is “here”, Afghanistan or Alexandria VA? Hhmmm, do you know?
But the real stupidity of your post is you don’t even know what happened.
He was arrested in Afghanistan and brought to Virginia where he had absconded from an arrest warrant. He was not sent to some Bush concentration camp prison.
Why do right wing nuts like to lie?
$20 says he uses the Patriot Act to go after non-terrorists.
C’mon, give the prez a break. He didn’t know, till he got to be president, that there are issues even he can’t influence.
Give a politician a centimeter and they will take a kilometer. Something you should remember next time you give YOUR president to much power. The NEXT president, who may not share your political beliefs, will have it as well.
Oh that’s right, the right wing nut jobs at the LA Times are lying. There is no such thing as a right wing at the LA Times. How about the right wing nuts over at the NY Times?
Published: August 24, 2009
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will continue the Bush administration’s practice of sending terrorism suspects to third countries for detention and interrogation, but pledges to closely monitor their treatment to ensure that they are not tortured, administration officials said Monday.”
But HE will “monitor their treatment” unlike the mean old nasty Bush who we all know is evil and was characterized literally as Hitler by the leftists in and around media.
It goes on and on. Go back a couple of days on this blog when Dvorak portrayed a video of right wing protesters (and it’s reported this way again and again), ascribing the Obama-as-Hitler references to conservatives.
This is not a conservative viewpoint. It is lunatic fringe Lyndon LaRouche (who has both run for office and identified himself as a leftist Democrat) that is making these Obama-as-Hitler and Nazi posters and comparisons. Go back and watch the video. Find the LaRouche logo on the posters.
I don’t care that you are being brainwashed by leftest media, I only care that you don’t recognize you are being brainwashed by leftist media.
#49, smitty,
Your problem is your illiteracy. In #38 I asked for an example of a continuance of Bushes policy on rendition. Instead you posted a story where the FBI arrested someone and brought him back to America to stand trial. Great show there einstein.
The typical right wing nut rant is to just make crap up and post it. Like you did. When you are called on it you try to weasel your way out by posting more crap.
The problem with all the right wing nuts is they rarely, if ever, verify their claims. They listen to some nut ball like O’Reilly, Limbaugh, or Beck and go with it. It doesn’t matter that these entertainers aren’t pundits. All that matters is they now have something they can throw out there denigrating the President.
18 20 I didn’t trust the government then and I don’t it now.
People who trust the government or any other large organization are nuts.
That’s why the founding fathers wanted the media to keep an eye on the government not that the present media does much of that.
From the NY Times article linked in post #49,by smittybc, that Mr. Fusion is apparently unable to read:
“It is extremely disappointing that the Obama administration is continuing the Bush administration practice of relying on diplomatic assurances, which have been proven completely ineffective in preventing torture,” said Amrit Singh, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union”
Presumably the ACLU is one of those “Right wing nut jobs”
Number 6,
From the NY Times article linked in post #49,by smittybc, that Mr. Fusion is apparently unable to read:
So you didn’t read the article either.
Nope, sure doesn’t read like the Bush rendition policies.
more, …
What? Someone in the article praised the President? Someone from Human Rights Watch. Damn!!!
Mr. Fusion – so you agree that Obama has continued the policy of rendition. Some, like yourself and Human Rights Watch, may praise that fact. Others, like the ACLU (that bastion of right wing nut jobs) rightly criticize it.
But continue rendition he has.
Your apology is accepted.
I’ll assume any future posts are your attempt to save face as the troll of this board, you and I will know it’s all show. You have a reputation maintain here. True, it’s a shabby one but it’s yours and you need to maintain it.
Rant on.