Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week the highlight is a discussion about China, Gold and the Dollar. Interesting!
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  1. ECA says:

    WILL someone get the vacuum out and CLEAN this up??

    Kill those that CANT compete..
    MAKE new ones..

    IF the CORPS cant do it let the gov.. SO they can make the money..AND CUT TAXES..

  2. ECA says:

    MAjor corps should NOT be in the stock market..

  3. ridin the short bus says:

    Try living overseas and converting your money to the Euro or UK Pound…
    The Euro when it started was .85 now it takes 1.45 to buy a Euro
    last year the Pound was at a very bad 1 USD to 2.0 Pound now its better at approx 1.65 $ to a pound…
    Its a struggle to do business in Europe if you get paid in Dollars… America is loosing her way… Everything goes in Cycles, but if the Curerent Gobt does not get the spending under control we will all be paid allot but the total will be worthless… It is now that $10K per month salary is worthless in some countries…

    15 Years ago I made $2600 per month and it was allot… now 10K is nothing….

    I know some will wish they had my problem, but its all relative…

    I live a life that my children complain about and call us poor… of course we are not, but the money does not go as far as it used to!!! We recently had to move, because the cost of living is so high!!!

    Those living in America won’t understand… but its all true!!

    The Dollar is crashing!!!!!!!

  4. ridin the short bus says:

    Correction I stated the Pound dollar in reverse /// last year it was 2 Dollars to buy 1 pound… (sorry)

  5. Faxon says:

    I can’t seem to find this on the Zune store. Anybody know how to get it on my Zune?

  6. wumpus says:

    Thank the pantheist forces that I learned Mandarin — I might still have a job in the bleak future.

  7. ridin the short bus says:

    I live as an expat in the ME..and the costa re making it such thatn better to go back home… but where to find a job… things are bleak and the company I work for is offering new contracts with up to 35% less money…. it aint easy with 4 kids no matter where you are!!

    Keep smiling!!!

  8. ECA says:

    WE DIDNT elect an economist..we elcted a president.
    The problem comes WITH THE economists/banks/heath insurance/Insurance agencies/and all sources related to the banking industry..
    ALL economists REFER to the Fed.. I dont think MOST of them have done the math in years to figure out whats happening..AND THEY DONT CARE.
    To many corps have control internally, and its FOULING UP the WHAT is happening. The economists ONLY learned that BUSINESS/DEREGULATION, is the FIX. The PROBLEM with this, is that OVER 1/2 the Business’s are owned by only a FEW, and SUPER RICH, that DONT WANT TO LOOSE MONEY. A true business WORKS to give people something to reap a SMALL reward.
    Figure out what would happen to MOST business if the MAJOR players DIDNT GET WAGES for 1-2 years.. HOW much of the business would be saved.

  9. The0ne says:

    I like the comment “…shut him up already…” I have to agree, just pass the health care bill already and lets see where it goes 🙂 I’m also confident it’s not going to be any worse than what I’m dealing with now.

    FCK Humana I say! Having collection agency coming after me because of their lack of processing claims is utterly ridiculous.

  10. bobbo, economics being the dark hand says:

    Caught Michael Moore on Jay Leno last night. He claimed the top 1% in America own as much as the bottom 95%. Thats the highest mismatch I have heard and I thought it bumped in the opposite direction with this equity crash.

    Still, whatever it actually is, its a “maldistribution” and is not doing our society any good at all.

    Are China, Gold, and the Dollar related to this? Well, everything is related to everything else. Just a matter of degree and imagination.

  11. bobbo, marketings aim is to bamboozel all says:

    #13–Pedro==hah, hah. No, he didn’t. He did mention he was giving away the profits from showing his film, which is getting excellent reviews, in America’s 10 hardest hit cities.

    Pedro–here is an honest challenge==name how Moore is being a hypocrite? I’ll bet right now, you can only come up with “things you disagree with” or a few of the factoids Moore got wrong in his films.

    The USA NEEDS change in most of its now calcified social/business/political/religious institutions. Moore is breaking the ice. If you don’t like his changes, suggest your own.

    “We like it the way it is” is the playground of the criminal class.

    Educate us.

  12. Glenn E. says:

    So the timing of all this is just perfect. But the time we get universal health care in the US, it will cost xxx amount of worthless dollars a month. Or maybe we will end up bartering for it.

  13. ECA says:

    THE ESTIMATE IS 7-10% eQUAL TO THE employees labor..


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