And of course you can make any segment of the public look stupid by asking simple questions. These events are social gatherings which take the form of a protest. There is no protest, just generalized, mostly uninformed bitching. Good work by the producers.

found by Tom Cannan

  1. jay says:


    yeah that’s great. I swear people like that should not be able to have kids.

  2. bobbo, always looking for the broader point says:

    “And of course you can make any segment of the public look stupid by asking simple questions.” //// Not true. Go to a meeting of any professional group and ask questions. Perhaps you define “public” by excluding any other kind of group not so ignorant?? I see your point.

    What is “the public” then? By your definition, those people willing to rally in the streets at the urging of a talk radio host? Well, you’ve got me there.

  3. Be thinkin says:

    The world has always had nutjobs standing on the corner arguing the end is neigh or whatever. No amount of logic, facts, or common sense will ever sway them.

    The only difference is now they end up on the news (or “news” equivalents) and give everyone the impression that there is something to their thinking. This forms the believe that a well thought out response would be productive. In reality, “nu huh” is just as effective and a lot quicker.

  4. The0ne says:

    I’m with you on your comments. But their comes a point with it’s pointless to continue the conversation where your best move is to just stop and walk away.

  5. Dude12 says:

    This is so utterly, crushingly depressing. Even if these people are a relative minority (and I doubt that they are) I fear for our future and the future of this country. The irresponsibility of blind devotion to to a cause without the benefit of even a basic understanding of history or what is currently being proposed is astounding.

  6. bobbo, I'm calling DU on this says:

    Dear Hall Monitor: “Nobody” can post as consistently inane as Alfie ((((HEY ALFIE!!!!!))) does for as long as he does. Standing alone, anyone posting as does Alfie would have been picked up on the streets for Disturbance of the Public Peace.

    I’m thinking the only “rational” answer is that Alfie actually posts here under several names. Now, I can understand the enjoyment of catbirding certain issues, but staying within that frame of reference takes a lot of energy without some kind of outlet.

    Given the flexible nature of the DU posting mechanism, we don’t know if Alfie is a switch hitter or not.

    Seems to me with your recent “stand” on people not appropriating other peoples nicknames, perhaps a comment that Alfie posts under different names would be a help for those of us who either:

    A. Marvel at his overwhelming fixations, or
    B. Are concerned about his mental status, or
    C. See him as a threat to Public Safety.

    To Alfie==we’ve seen the act. Sharpen it up. Just “be better” at what you are aiming to do.

  7. Sam says:

    Dems and Reps are different sides of the same coin.

  8. bac says:

    Alfred1, I do believe you when you say “your side” is increasing in numbers. But “your side” is a bunch of whiners that have no plan of their own. If “your side” put the same energy in coming up with a great plan like you do with whining, the protest might have a bigger punch. But you, the Glenn Becks and the idiots in the short video clip rather whine than work.

    Obama has a plan. Where is Alfred’s plan? Where is Wilson’s plan? Where is Beck’s plan?

  9. Leave Your Reply Below says:

    Post # 4 by “J” basically threw this whole interview into a spin, and right down the toilet, as if the interviewer who is basically providing fodder for those who are mocking these people, can’t even get the first czar thing right, what’s the point? He’s in the same stupidity camp then. And why doesn’t the O’man simply change the name from “czar” to “advisor” to calm the public’s fears if that’s all they are? No, he won’t do that as the prez loves stirring up the public.

    I liked the signs that said:

    “Pelosi’s a jezebel”
    “Obama’s a teleprompted puppet”
    “DC – District of Corruption”
    “Beck for President”

  10. bobbo, I'm calling DU on this says:

    #56–Alfie===((((HEY ALFIE!!!!)) thank you, alredy much better. Holy Link Batman, some sliver of reality.

    but I went to your link and clicked on their Healthcare Solution. Maybe I missed it but all I read was attacks on Obaman. Is this like the Republican Alternative Budget for 2009 without a single number in it?

    Please cut and paste from your link where the “We’re Not Loons” health care reform package is?

    I won’t even mention except in this passing that the Repugs had 8 years in office where they passed everything they wanted with 2-3 exceptions and THEY DID NOTHING.

    But, thanks for the links. You are now riding that slime worm in the gutter on his back. Still dragging your toes, but great improvement.

  11. bobbo, truth is a process not a dogma says:

    #57–leave==you are exactly wrong. The truth in things social and political involve a contest between ideas, a rough stumbling with facts, intuitions, hopes and fears. You don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. You save the baby for homeschooling, and keep the bath water to organically raise vegetables.

    What’s wrong with you? Wanting one and only one truth to hang on too is just disingenuous and destructive to what you say you want.

    The process will remain corrupt given all the players. All we can hope for is the occasional pendulum swing into rationality and for some majority to vote it into legislation.

    Too bad MSM is biased to the conflict and not to the truth.

  12. Loupe Garou says:

    “Sad, really. Especially when you consider that most of what they oppose is really in their best interest.”

    “No wonder they did not want America’s elites running the country they have no idea”

    Some of you Dems have a great attitude. What a bunch of arrogant, egotistic, little snots. You sound like a bunch of fat white boys in a prep school.

  13. bobbo, looking at the sheeple graze says:

    #60–loupee==you DON’T think it is sad? People without decent health care voting it down in order that Insurance Companies can continue bankrupting America? THAT doesn’t make you sad?

    Or can you rephrase your caterwauling to anything specific worthy of the mention?

  14. bobbo, looking at the sheeple graze says:

    #61–awwww ALFIE!!!!! You done fell off the worm, right into the slime.

    I had hopes.

  15. right says:

    “Fact remains, we fielded over 100,000 people,… ”

    Alphie, Alphie, your messiah Gland Beck says there were 1.7 million there:

    “Citing “a university,” Glenn Beck claimed on Monday that 1.7 million people had attended the anti-reform protest in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.

    He couldn’t remember the name of the school, for some reason.”

    Come on Alphie, get your numbers right, you self serving ass.

  16. JMuba says:

    Is our children learning?

  17. They is learnin good.

  18. GF says:

    This health care reform will be just as effective as the drug war. Frankly, I don’t want to pay for it, especially as half baked as it is. One day there will be a public option and on the next day there won’t. One day the U.S. government will fine you $3,800 bucks if you don’t have health insurance and on the next day it won’t. It’s like they’re writing a bill in the mud and making it up as they go. Congress and Mr. President, write it down in stone and defend your ideas or drop it.

    ps. shouldn’t you be more worried about the economy anyway.

  19. Altruist says:


    Alfred against my own views in the hopes of brining up the level of intelligence in these debates I was trying to help you and those who share your Right leaning stance by suggesting you were not the best spokesperson to have the megaphone.

    You choose to shoot the messenger and then yourself in the foot. Fine by me go ahead and make the Right look as silly on DU as these clips do on youtube, You only help the rest of the country.

    If you have healthcare I have heard lithium might help with these symptoms anger, aggression, poor judgment, hyperactivity, rushed speech and a reduction in the need for sleep. Ask your doctor. He/She was probably in that NEJM poll Jay posted back on #42 you know the one that said

    “it seems clear that the majority of U.S. physicians support using both public and private insurance options to expand coverage. A majority of physicians also support the expansion of Medicare. Support for the public option is consistent across physician specialties, practice settings, and regions of the country, and therefore should be carefully considered by lawmakers as they finalize legislation to reform health care and provide coverage for 47 million uninsured Americans.”

  20. qb says:

    Man, that was a whole lot of white people.

  21. Named says:

    68 Altruist,
    “Alfred against my own views in the hopes of brining up the level of intelligence in these debates I was trying to help you and those who share your Right leaning stance by suggesting you were not the best spokesperson to have the megaphone.”

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. *gasp* HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. I’m taking it you haven’t had much “discussion” with AlfredETerrorist before? I had a twenty to thirty post count “conversation” with the moran where I asked him explicitly to go back in my comments and find where I said a specific thing. He struggled so hard and for so long to deflect, distract and divert the conversation and each time I asked him to go back in the conversation (same blog post mind you) and find where I said “x”. Finally, after performing amazing feats of jackassery, he claims that it’s time to move onto something else.

    AlfredETerrorist did one thing though. He claimed he is ready to martyr himself against the government of the United States of America. He defacto claimed himself a budding terrorist.

    One other thing about him. Have you noticed that early in the AM he had some lucid moments, and by the evening he goes bat shit insane? I think he is a cab driver by trade. First thing in the morning hes all fresh and full of ludes to keep him straight. Enough people bailing on him during the day for scaring them on the car rides and he’s ready for murder. As he so eloquently claimed earlier. Don’t worry AlfredETerrorist. You are your own worst enemy… No one can help you… Except the MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY!

    Anyhoo Altruist, don’t waste your namesake on AlfredETerrorist. You’d better spend your time convincing JCD that his new “editor” Guilherme is doing a shite job…

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #67-GF-It’s like they’re writing a bill in the mud and making it up as they go.

    Exactly right… Well done!

    ObamaCare will not take affect for about 4 years and they want to pass an unwritten bill now. Can you imagine all that can be added to it in that amount of time? And don’t think that hasn’t crossed their greedy little minds.

    Tyranny at it’s finest.

  23. skunky says:

    what these people want to do is reverse the results of the october 2008 election. they cannot accept the fact that their beloved Republican party squandered their hold on power with a senseless never-ending war and dousing the economy in gasoline and lighting it on fire.

    Elections have consequences people. Get used to it. And anyone who says there isn’t a healthy dose of racism in this crowd has their head up their ass.

    The message is basically, Obama’s a Muslim Kenyan Indonesian Communist Fascist Schvartze who’s going to force abortions on everyone and screw your sister and mother, possibly in front of you. Thanks, Glenn Beck, for elevating the political discussion in this country.

  24. Hugh Ripper says:

    Having viewed this video, I can honestly say I’ve never seen a bigger bunch of ridiculously jingoistic backward arsed slack-jawed yokels in one place at one time. Except maybe here in Oz at a Pauline Hanson rally.

    Do these people even know what they’re protesting or has Beck summoned a crowd of Fox News zombie’s to prowl around the capital in search of brains?

    They have right to protest, and all power to em, but they should have the common decency to actually know what they’re protesting about before they turn up.

  25. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    Thanks Alfie. This is closer to the mark:

  26. Named says:

    75 AlfredETerrorist,

    Alfred, you’re a half-wit budding terrorist. I wouldn’t go call other people names. Wait… did I say half-wit? Wow, I really gave you too much credit.

  27. Altruist says:

    “Try to keep up.”

    Pretty much every thing you railed against on this thread or was covered in any one of the clips is fodder for this one it would be hard to be off topic.

    I’m speechless; please continue on your own with your deprivations if it amuses you.

  28. Named says:

    81 AlfredETerrorist

    “It must be hard lugging around such a large brain”

    Nope. I’m used to being the intellectual superior of morans like you. You might say I enjoy it.

    Now, go plan your little Martyr mission budding Terrorist fantasy. Idiot.

  29. Laura Secord says:


    Are you paid by John C Dvorak to be a troll here. It seems you spend a lot of time on this web site, far more time than anyone who has a full time job would have to spend.

  30. qb says:

    #84 Laura Secord

    I guess the question would be: Is Alfred1 worse than a walrus flossing?


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