And of course you can make any segment of the public look stupid by asking simple questions. These events are social gatherings which take the form of a protest. There is no protest, just generalized, mostly uninformed bitching. Good work by the producers.

found by Tom Cannan

  1. Bahramks says:

    I believe that needs no additional comments.

  2. DrWally says:

    The real enemy of our country is ignorance and stupidity. I love a good debate with an informed, thinking individual — even if we have very different ideas. But what do you do with these people? They obviously don’t think too much and apparently only listen to Fox News and Michael Savage. They can’t defend their “view”, but just sputter more “bumperstickerisms”. Sad, really. Especially when you consider that most of what they oppose is really in their best interest.

  3. sm125925 says:

    I’m sure there were plenty of informed people in the crowd but WTF; the people in this piece are just embarrassing to themselves and the country.

  4. J says:

    I hate to even say this because I really like this video but that kid misspoke. The First Czar was appointed by Richard Nixon in 1973. It was a “Drug Czar”. For Christ sake…..If you are going to show these incredibly stupid people as they are don’t muck it up with you making an incorrect statement too.

  5. Pity on these poor misguided souls says:

    No wonder they did not want America’s elites running the country they have no idea. I blame the schools

    I’m looking forward to the next round of elections so these people can see just how much of a minority they really are when they lose again.

  6. #5 I blame the schools too…

  7. Angus says:

    #4 FDR had dictators. Different name, same idea.

    I like the “bumperstickerism” idea. But, let’s be honest and say that there are A LOT of idiots on the right AND the left. For example, there’s often enough hot air coming out of Hollywood to lift a dirigible.

  8. freddybobs68k says:

    #9 Alfred1

    I see what you’re saying.

    You certainly have what it takes to be one of the people in the video.

  9. Alf says:

    re: #7

    The schools are at fault only so much as the parents allow them to be. If there is not regulation by local, state, federal governments and parents don’t care either our country is headed for third world nation status.

  10. Sheep says:

    Damn Gubmint!

  11. noneofyourbusiness says:

    You can go into any large gathering of people and find the biggest idiots and film them, then edit the footage to make it seem like everyone is uninformed.

    It’s the easiest trick in the book. There are plenty of people who have the ability to put a sentence together, but they wouldn’t make a youtube video with many hits.

  12. Named says:

    12 AlfredETerrorist

    Don’t forget your tag line:

    “Budding Terrorist/Martyr Alfred1”

    You could have started your flock… Another missed opportunity.

  13. ECA says:

    How much of congress is in English??
    How many of our representatives have come out and EXPLAINED THINGS??
    HOw much government HISTORY, and TRUE knowledge of what is going on, in that building DOES ANYONE KNOW??
    HOw many people have time, AFTER WORK and KIDS to take time to read threw 8 hours of MORE legal happenings in our Capital?
    School?? that tells you HOW things are supposed to WORK, and not alot of FACT about what goes on.
    Look up the word Czar..THAT isnt what is happening. CANT these folks use (representatives) USE AMERICAN ENGLISH??

  14. Unspeakable says:

    Hold on with that blame the schools line Johnny boy! I have my students (5th grade) for six hours a day. Their parents (or the TV/video game system) have them for the other eighteen hours. If blame is being placed it rests squarely with parents and a culture that accepts ignorance as a virtue. You can lead a kid to knowledge but you can’t make ’em think.These people are the adult example of this. Thinking is work and most people are not interested in doing more work then they absolutely have to.

  15. stopher2475 says:

    “You can go into any large gathering of people and find the biggest idiots and film them, then edit the footage to make it seem like everyone is uninformed.”
    Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. Those were just the outlyers.=P Let’s not judge everyone who showed up there with the company they keep.

  16. Dr Dodd says:

    #19-Unspeakable-Thinking is work and most people are not interested in doing more work then they absolutely have to.

    Apparently so is teaching.

    When children graduate not able to read their diploma then the teachers carry at least half the blame.

    It’s not my fault the kids aren’t learning… good grief.

  17. Named says:

    18 AlfredETerrorist

    When you hear the knocking, make sure you answer the door nicely.

    21 AlfredETerrorist
    “Obama lowered the sea level!”

    Didn’t your god do something similar? Hmmm. Maybe you should write the KOV (King Obama Version) of the bible.

  18. right says:

    Wow, that was enlightening. To see so many delusional people in one spot was something else.
    They have their woo hoo in high gear there for sure. I’ll still bet that thousands of these people and Alfred1 will be first in line when the public option is implemented.
    Then they’ll say “I didn’t argue against healthcare reform, you took my statements out of context. Now leave me alone, I gotta sign up.”

  19. Named says:

    28 right,

    I’m sure a very high percentage of them are already on Medicare and Medicade, and some on VA…

  20. Altruist says:


    Alfred1 you so often bless DU with disturbed exercising of your First Amendment Rights, I wonder how much time you spend working for a living. Every time I decide to come here you are all over the place (such a bore). If your mind is made up no matter what any one says and you lack the communication skills and knowledge base to change anyone else’s mind why not sit back and let the better informed and more articulate posters that share your ideals carry the load? You are only hurting there/your cause.

    Watch the video again and think about how YOU come off to the readers of DU.

  21. Pity on these poor misguided souls says:

    #19 Unspeakable

    Point taken

    The parents!

    Now I feel like one of Mel Stuart’s takes on an Oompa Loompa

  22. bac says:

    How can they be unrehearsed? Don’t these people follow Glenn Beck’s every word? Doesn’t Glenn Beck hand out cue cards?

    With the mighty Fox news on their side, how can these people be not be prepared?

  23. bac says:

    #34 — Every president lies Alfred1. Every senator and representative lies? Where have you been under a rock?

    Plus, the opinionated show personalities on all news outlets lie too.

  24. Dr Dodd says:

    #35-bac-president lies…senators and representatives lies… news personalities lie…

    Kind of makes you wonder why we bother to listen?

  25. jay says:

    This people are crazy, i cant stand these idiots. Where the fck where they when G W Bush was fucking things up.

  26. Altruist says:

    “You know I am here too much, because every time you come here, I’m here also…
    Brilliant. Didn’t think how that logic appeared to others, did you?”

    I had thought about that and determined it would only need be explained to you. If you must know, some days I edit/process hundreds of photos and hop on while waiting for progress bars to flush out. If a conversation gets my interest I’ll come back in the evenings to see what was said. You are always here usually off topic.

    Hey thanks for taking an interest

    Here is a site for you about lying triple Ws dot ( ) enjoy. Ok Obama shows up miner crazy campaign stuff but your heroes are all over it.

    I’m sorry but to feel that to most of the readers of DU you look like the people in these clips and I’d bet those who share you ideals wish you would get in the back seat.

  27. m.c. in l.v. says:

    #9 Alfie – You Lie! At 5:27 into the video doesn’t Fat Grandma Redneck say she doesn’t work anymore? I guess you won’t be partying with her anytime soon. I’m sure you’d have so much in common.

    Hopefully that whole nutball gathering will get some of the crazyiness out of their system and they can go back to sitting on their lazy asses in their easy chairs and nodding their empty little heads in unison to whatever Beck and Faux News is spewing. They feel they’ve done their part. Good. Now let the intelligent adults fix things. Shouting bumper sticker gibberish is not a solution.

    Too bad these nutters didn’t have that kind of passion protesting against an unnecessary war taking the lives of so many of their families, friends and neighbors.

  28. Wretched Gnu says:

    Deep down, these people know how ignorant they are, which is why they usually keep (relatively) quiet.

    Note, for instance, the woman who instantly turned against the Republican party when she was informed of the simple fact that they invented the “Czars”…

    The reason they’re up in arms now is that there’s a black man in the white house. That fact gnaws at their hearts each and every night. That is the outrage that propels their incoherent selves into the streets — that and that alone.

  29. tcc3 says:

    The “Obama is the Antichrist” guy is especially amusing.


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