And of course you can make any segment of the public look stupid by asking simple questions. These events are social gatherings which take the form of a protest. There is no protest, just generalized, mostly uninformed bitching. Good work by the producers.

found by Tom Cannan

  1. Named says:

    84 Laura Secord (a Canadian hero!)

    Alfred1 (AlfredETerrorist) is a certifiable psycho. He logs on from his mental health institution while he gets his medicare and medicaid sorted by the government.

    But, he thinks he’s an absolute genius. In fact, I think at around this time he goes for counseling about his delusions. And then they just hook up the car battery… at least it calms him down. Check at about 5AM PST… he’s full of drugs by then and has calmed down a bit…

    Great fun…

  2. Mr. Fusion says:


    Jesus wouldn’t approve.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why do so many communist inspired people hate Obama’s Administration.

    If Glenn Beck was so instrumental in this protest, why didn’t he show up?

    And I don’t think these were just random people spouting off. They are bigots that have yet to come to grips with the fact Obama is OUR President.

    When they say they want to take back our country, they remind me of the fact that it is estimated that fully 1/3 of the colonists supported the British during the Revolution.

  4. Named says:

    87 AlfredETerrorist

    “He was different from other five year olds in Kindergarten, he was twelve…”

    Guess the car battery hookup and the drugs worked. That was lucid, and dare I say, almost humourous!

    I do also appreciate that believe I have a special clique on the Blog, which is just not true. The problem is that no one likes a budding terrorist psycho… like yourself. So, you feel like you’re ganged up on. Take more drugs, and you’ll be fine. You need all the help you can get.

  5. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dr Dodd — I keep trying to follow up with you, but Professor Dvorak keeps deleting my posts. Do the mechanics of irony have to be explained to you too, John?

    Cripes! Crimeny! Yeah I said it.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #95, Alphie,

    But his symbols have been stolen by the communist sympathizing tax revolters.

    BTW, I thought it was your “god” whom created all the snakes and every other living being. There ya go with that “make it up as you go along” crap again.

  7. right says:

    Will mention again seeing as there was no response. Alphie must have missed it.

    Alphie said: “Fact remains, we fielded over 100,000 people,… ”

    Glen Beck, Alphie’s human god said:

    “Citing “a university,” Glenn Beck claimed on Monday that 1.7 million people had attended the anti-reform protest in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.

    He couldn’t remember the name of the school, for some reason.”

    Ouch. Now that must be embarrassing having your guy not be in agreement with you.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    #94-Wretched Gnu-Professor Dvorak keeps deleting my posts.

    I’ve read some of your posts and in John’s defense – who can blame him? There must be some kind of standards and clearly you have fallen below the curve.

  9. GF says:

    # 91 Alex you don’t know shitake about American history. Here’s more about the yer so called ‘snake-logo’ :

  10. Alex says:

    99· You got me! (I am not American, but I have relatives). I did not know about the Gadsden snake, but now I know that the snake cut in pieces it was supposed to be a CARTOON. Why they do not the use the real Gadsden snake ? That is exactly my point, this movement seems to be a cartoon too. My question to you is what does the red fists threatening the Capitol have to do with American history ?

  11. Peggusus says:

    Why is this good work by the producers? Because it fits your stereotype of who these people are and what their issues are? I have been to these Tea Parties. There are a lot of smart, articulate folks there. Give me a break, we all know these producers left the smart, cogent responses on the cutting room floor. And you are biased as hell in your reporting.

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dr Dodd — Hm… I don’t quite see how your remark bolsters your argument that I, as a child of divorce, am necessarily more blighted and depraved than your blessed self.

    Perhaps you can try again.

    (Is that ok, John? I promise Dodd’s feelings won’t be hurt! He’s the child of holy matrimony, after all!)

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #102-Wretched Gnu

    You seem to be arguing with yourself. I never said you were blighted and depraved. If it helps I will concede that you are dazed and confused.

    Probably the result from the pressure of your better job and superior intellect.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #101, peggy,

    I have been to these Tea Parties. There are a lot of smart, articulate folks there.

    Then why don’t you link to something showing us how smart they are? C’mon, these are tea baggers, just saying some are smart doesn’t make it so.

  15. Dr Dodd says:

    #104-Mr Fusion-link to something showing us how smart they are.

    This is really not necessary. The good judgment of simply being a tea bagger outweighs the poor judgment of being an Obama worshiper.

    No other prove is required.

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    Strange how Dr Dodd and Alfred1 never reference or acknowledge each other.

    Anyhoo. Good to hear that you had a good time amongst fellow dumb asses, Fox zombies and religious zealots, Alfred1. There is certainly a rising tide of SOMETHING going on out there, but I’m not sure its conservatism. Is Beck the whacked out right’s answer to the Groovy Guru? I hear he didn’t show up. No doubt thwarted again by Control.

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    #108-Hugh Ripper-Strange how Dr Dodd and Alfred1 never reference or acknowledge each other.

    Must be a conspiracy along the lines of 9/11 being an inside job.

    Maybe we should notify Charlie Sheen.

  18. Hugh Ripper says:

    #109 No doubt 😉

  19. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dr. Dodd, Ph.D — “prove” is a verb; “proof” is the noun.

    See? you learned something today. Hooray!

  20. right says:

    Will mention again seeing as there was no response….again. Alphie must have missed it.

    Alphie said: “Fact remains, we fielded over 100,000 people,… ”

    Glen Beck, Alphie’s human god said:

    “Citing “a university,” Glenn Beck claimed on Monday that 1.7 million people had attended the anti-reform protest in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.

    He couldn’t remember the name of the school, for some reason.”

    Ouch. Now that must be embarrassing having your guy not be in agreement with you. Like I want to give up Alphie…not.

    I have a job Alfred1…not going to tell you what it is but you shouldn’t care as long as you are right as the day is long, right?

    So, to get things going Alfred1, please explain how you can say there were 100 thousand people at your rally and Glen Beck said it was definitely 1.7 MILLION.

    Let’s start there, shall we?
    Thanks Alphie, for accepting to participate in a cogent discussion.

    Comment posted – 6.30 pm PST

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #105, Dr. Dudd,

    This is really not necessary.

    It is necessary if you are going to back up the claim that many of the people at these tea parties are smart.

    If you can’t demonstrate their intelligence is greater than the present evidence, then that video stands on it’s own.

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #111-Wretched Gnu-“prove” is a verb; “proof” is the noun.

    It must be a burden being so intelligent. Maybe some day when you make a mistake I’ll be able to point it out to you.

    Ahh forget it – I’m not that petty or insecure.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    Dr. Dudd,

    Didn’t you previously post under the pseudonym “Patrick”. I can understand you changing it after being outed for all the things you weren’t.

    I notice you haven’t changed anything except your handle.

  24. Dr Dodd says:

    #117-Mr Fusion-Didn’t you previously post under the pseudonym “Patrick”


  25. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dodd sez: “Surely you are not naive enough to believe ObamaCare is about health care are you?”

    Yes, yes, I know. Healthcare reform is really about slavery. War is really about peace and detention without trial is really about freedom. We all know the right-wing handbook.

  26. Dr Dodd says:

    #119-Wretched Gnu-Healthcare reform is really about slavery.

    Actually it is closer to bondage than slavery. I know, it is one of those ideas people scoff at until it happens.

    Can you post a copy of this right-wing handbook you speak? I can’t seem to find a copy and Amazon never heard of it.

  27. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dodd sezz: “Can you post a copy of this right-wing handbook you speak?”

    I believe Glenn Beck must be the author. As the video above demonstrates, the right wing cannot conceive of any issue except as he articulates it. If Glenn didn’t talk about it, it didn’t happen.


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