Paris: pervert capital of the world? – Telegraph

Paris may be the city of love but it is also the capital of perverts. To experience this, you simply need to be female and walk down the street. You’re almost guaranteed to get your daily dose of dirty old men and if you live on the Left Bank, you really don’t need to go far.

In the space of a few weeks, I have been propositioned by at least a dozen men. As I wait to cross the road, at Saint Michel, a man old enough to be my grandfather leans over towards me and whispers seductively in my ear: “Jolies fesses” (nice bum).

I’d advise you to read this column with the intent of reading the comments that follow it. This is some hilarious material! Good info for world travelers too.

  1. sargasso says:

    French women deny it, but they miss the attention French men give them, when they travel abroad.

  2. amodedoma says:

    Been there twice, hated it. Don’t even think of speaking french with an american accent there. Everyone I met was rude and obnoxious, the place was filthy and the food was horrible. If it were up to me I’d pave it over and turn it into a huge parking lot.

  3. hhopper says:

    Cripes! When I saw the headline, I thought you were talking about Paris Hilton. Har!

  4. wildcatbn says:

    Pics from that guys camera or it didn’t happen.

  5. Unimatrix0 says:

    #3 – Headline still applies

  6. Jetfire says:

    F’em They bitch when you don’t look at them and bitch when you do. If you’re going to show off your knockers and bum I’m going to look.

  7. bobbo, a well traveled raconteur says:

    Italy is really a lot worse. Same looks, same displays, but a whole lot more physically assaultive==according to the wifey who got spit on by Priests in Greece for wearing a skirt.

    Men. Oink, Oink.

  8. hhopper says:

    Priests suck.

  9. T1 says:

    Luckily I’m ugly. my days (and nights) are hassle free.

  10. bobbo, a lover of my species says:

    #9–T1==gee, I’ve always thought/hoped that for every jerk there was a jerkett. Surely the hope is bi-lateral. Just remember if you/I/we get drunk enough, the personality of the other can shine thru. You already show good humor, just bring the beer.

  11. Scott says:

    Although not as old as John Dvorak, I can see by that article how muchthings have changed over the years!
    When I was a teenager “perverted” and “pervert” referred to those supposedly unnatural urges that various groups tell you people will go to hell because of. The behaviour the writer described was ignorant, stupid, rude politically incorrect and just plain nasty but it sure as heck is perfectly natural!
    Perverts are people who want to molest children and enjoy the pain of others. Not the same thing at all…

  12. GF says:

    Different strokes for different folks. LMFAO

  13. pfkad says:

    The pervert capital of the world is wherever I happen to be at the moment.

  14. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    The only French I bothered to learn was this:
    vous avez besoin d’un bain

  15. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #4 – This is a picture one of those French fuckwits took of me and some of the sisters.

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    #15 SMHGQR

    You know what I think. I think you’re some kind of deviated prevert. I think John C Dvorak found out about your preversion, and that you were organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts.

  17. amodedoma says:

    #16 Kewl Dr. Strangelove ref!

  18. John E. Quantum says:

    #14 That reminds me of the shortest love letter ever written, from Napoleon to Josephine- “Je viens. Ne lav pas”

  19. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #16 – Well, it is the church FFS. 🙂

  20. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #18 – Napoleon liked ’em stinky I guess. Napoleon was probably a cigar smoker and ate shit just to freshen his breath.

  21. bobbo, a lover of the romantic poets says:

    #18–Johnny==got a link to what you are thinking of? I can’t find the poem or what “lav” means.

    My top line of English happens to be from a poem:

    “The grave’s a fine and wonderous place,
    Yet none do there I think embrace.”

  22. Rick Cain says:

    “Old French Whore” was awesome, Garth Brooks stole the show in every skit he was in.

  23. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Bobbo – translation, Je viens. Ne lav pas:
    I come from, do not lav.

    On other words he’s telling her he’s on his way and don’t bother taking a bath. Ewww…

  24. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    Thanks Sister Mary. Well, its so on target: Why do you think the French invented Perfume?

    Interesting, not great film, very atmospheric film just released of the same name==Perfume that is. Not getting a wide distribution. Worth a view unless you like explosions.

  25. Glenn E. says:

    Things will only get worse, when Sony introduces the 8 megapixel camera shoe.

  26. Mizma says:

    I have been fondled in Italy.


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