This young Ukrainian girl tells an entire story by pushing around sand on a table. She uses nothing but sand and her hands to create these images.

Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won the “Ukraine’s Got Talent” competition. She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and “sand painting” skills to interpret the invasion and occupation of her country from 1941-1945.

  1. LDA says:

    Saw it on “Best of YouTube”. Very good.

  2. Ron Larson says:

    Wow… she is a fantastic artist.

  3. Heinrich Moltke says:

    She doesn’t look like a little girl. More a twentysomething.

  4. KMFIX says:

    I’d throw a quarter in her hat if she was doing that on the street somewhere… But seriously? REALLY? Best?

  5. wetback says:

    she got talent and shes hot.

  6. noname says:

    Brilliant, creative, sensitive all in one pretty package.

  7. jim says:

    wow, i wonder if that is the same person who did the one about a year ago… such a cool idea/talent!

  8. fred says:

    for all the sooooo last year crap posted on this blog, this Ive never seen. Way cool.

  9. sargasso says:

    Rehearsed. Beats a drunk party clown making balloon giraffes, just.

  10. Dallas says:

    Excellent artistic talent.

  11. Marc says:

    Are all the Ukrainian girls this pretty and talented?

  12. jimmy james says:

    #9 – sargasso

    Were you under the impression that the acts performing on “… Got Talent” shows didn’t rehearse?

    I have only ever seen clips online, but it is pretty clear none of the acts are improv…

  13. DrWally says:

    Ummm…to be able to do that, in real time, “under the bright lights” is simply incredible. All the morons here who dismiss this as true talent probably couldn’t draw a readable map to their house from the interstate in 10 minutes. Sure, it’s just sand — and it was just paint for Michelangelo, or just basketball for Micheal Jordan…

  14. soundwash says:


    at first i thought it was a touchscreen virtual sand thing.

    Talk about putting any U.S. “Got Talent” contest to shame.

    -thanks Uncle Dave, great find.


  15. snowinca says:

    Very Nice job … if you like this art try going to I saw this quite awhile ago it is an amazing skill

  16. Randin says:

    Here is a better vid of it….


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