Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

Read the bill here.

  1. tell the Truthiness says:

    Republicans are the worst losers ever! Bad sportsmanship you vocal minority you

  2. eaglescout1998 says:

    This is more rhetoric than reality. The bill contains no verification requirement or enforcement process for citizenship or legal residency, as exists for other federal benefit programs.

  3. Scients says:

    #2 — I would also question how many (if any) of them have read Sec 246 of the bill…Or perhaps if they get any information from reading rather than talking heads.

    All this nonsense reminds me part from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” about the theory of people always needed to continuously exercise their lips for fear that if they stop their brains might actually start working.

  4. Dr Dodd says:

    #1-Republicans are the worst losers ever…

    Only exceeded by the Democrats who are the worst winners ever. You can find more class in a trailer park.

  5. #5
    We take to the streets for Civil Rights, Gay Rights, unjust wars like Vietnam and Iraq, ect. They take to the streets to prevent any of there capital ever going healthcare for the needy.

    If by Protesting they are trying to influence public opinion they are succeeding the general public is thinking they have lost it.

  6. lynn says:

    Trudy Rubin, middle east reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, says that the Taliban et al. are having a field day with this footage.

  7. eaglescout1998 says:

    #5 If Democrats are so in love with the idea of civil rights, why did they filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Why did George Wallace run on a platform of racial segregation? Why Bobby Kennedy wire-tap Martin Luther King, Jr?

    If Democrats loath the idea of war… maybe some of you might remember an unpopular little war in Southeast Asia called Vietnam? You know who escalated that war? John F. Kennedy (D).

  8. noname says:

    # 3 eaglescout1998

    “The bill contains no verification requirement or enforcement process for citizenship or legal residency”

    Typical Hypocritical Bushnik double speak, wanting a smaller government then wanting more Bushnik bureaucrats and red-tape. P.S. Stalin is dead if you didn’t know.

    So, if someone like me comes to the emergency room and doesn’t have a wallet or proof of identity, do I get treatment or does your Bushnik bureaucrats let em die??

  9. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    How much energy should really be put into assuring people that need health care don’t get it because of illegal status?

    Now, I think all illegals should be deported and all illegal employers should be fined into bankruptcy==but why spend money on in essence torturing people?

    Seems to me such advocates favor money over people. Swine like behavior.

  10. Ranger007 says:

    #6 said “We take to the streets for Civil Rights, Gay Rights, unjust wars like Vietnam and Iraq, ect. They take to the streets to prevent any of there capital ever going healthcare for the need”

    Who the hell do you think “They” are? The government is too big now (and getting bigger) and the politicians believe they are royalty (or at least should be treated as such). Give me a break!

    #7 said “Trudy Rubin, middle east reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, says that the Taliban et al. are having a field day with this footage”

    So what?!?

  11. dusanmal says:

    @#9 And there lies the root of Obama lie… Not only that anyone will be treated in ER but at the regular office as well if Govt. participates in any general health care for the population. Because of already tested Constitutional issue. If Govt. provides Public option for any willing citizen it, by Constitution can’t deny the same treatment to anyone on USA soil, legal, illegal, of this planet or not. And, any law attempting to prevent this by any regulation will be immediately stripped of such provisions as unconstitutional. Not the legal theory but already tested issue at the Supreme Court level.

    Hence: Public option = illegal immigrants getting health care with it.

  12. bobbo, always ready to be edumacated says:

    #12–dismal==got a link to that constitutional requirement?

    I won’t call you stupid for a month if you can turn up anything even closely ambiguous.

    Until such time you are really STUPID to think anyone believes that right wingnut clap trap.

  13. Faxon says:

    “So, if someone like me comes to the emergency room and doesn’t have a wallet or proof of identity, do I get treatment or does your Bushnik bureaucrats let em die??”

    Assuming you are a criminal resident, you should be treated and then deported.

  14. eaglescout1998 says:

    #9: No one is going to let you die. It is illegal to refuse to provide emergency medical services to anyone (operative word: “emergency”), even if that person is an illegal alien. If you are ushered into the emergency room bleeding from a gunshot or knife wound, of course the doctors are going to provide treatment. Once you’re patched up, a payment plan can be negotiated. You wouldn’t have to pay the full bill at once. You could finance it, as you would an automobile.

    Worse case scenario, the cost of your treatment gets passed along to other patients. That might not seem fair to the other patients, but it is an unfortunate reality that costs are adjusted to compensate for losses. The same principle applies to buying produce at the supermarket. The price one pays for groceries is adjusted to compensate for shoplifters.

  15. Govt Spending says:

    Look, it’s obvious the government can run healthcare because they have run everything else so well, right?

    The following govt entities are broke or going broke:

    Post Office
    Washington DC (budgeted by Congress)
    Social Security
    Fannie Mae
    Freddie Mac

  16. Dr Dodd says:

    The great deception is that Obama and his merry band of tricksters will first provide illegal immigrants with amnesty, so strictly speaking no illegals will be covered.

    Welcome to ObamaCare.

  17. brm says:

    Can you even enforce a negative statement in a legal document?

    If elsewhere in the bill some statement does in fact provide health care for illegals, would that line from the bill mean anything?

  18. noname says:

    # 16 Govt Spending,
    Gee, another hypocrite, my favorite target:

    Look, it’s obvious the private corporations can run healthcare because they have run everything else so well, right?

    The following private entities are broke or going broke:

    1. Lehman Brothers Holdings on 9/15/08 with $691 Billion in Assets.
    2. Washing Mutual on 9/26/08 with $327.9 Billion in Assets.
    3. WorldCom on 7/21/02 with $103.9 Billion in Assets.
    4. General Motors on 6/1/09 with $91 Billion in Assets.
    5. Enron on 12/02/01 with $65.5 Billion in Assets.
    6. Conseco on 12/17/02 with $61 Billion in Assets.
    7. Chrysler on 4/30/09 with $39 Billion in Assets.
    8. Thornburg Mortgage on 5/1/09 with $36.5 Billion in Assets.
    9. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 4/6/01 with $36 Billion in Assets.
    10. Texaco on 4/12/87 with $34.9 Billion in Assets.

  19. Bob says:

    #19, and what happens when those corps do wrong? They are disbanded, fined, or execs are put in jail.

    What happens when a government program does wrong? We give it more money.

  20. JMRouse says:


    Good job.

  21. JMRouse says:


    The representatives that you and I voted into office make adjustments and changes to fix the things that go wrong. That’s the democracy part at work.

    Look i’m not saying the government is perfect, it’s not. I just think we are a nation capable of maintaining a public healthcare system that works. I also think it’s needed.

  22. eaglescout1998 says:


    It is the responsibility of private business owners to clean up their own house. The “democracy part at work” is consumers deciding who gets their money.

    Liberals often assert that Wal-Mart treats their employees like crap . . . and those those same liberals continue to shop at Wal-Mart. If they really wanted Wal-Mart to change, they would do business with Wal-Mart’s competition (even if it meant paying higher prices).

  23. noname says:

    # 20 Bob,
    Gee, another BUSHNIK hypocrite, my favorite target:

    Reality just bite, doesn’t it?

    “What happens when a government program does wrong? We give it more money.”

    I guess your another head in the sand Tea Partyier, who could care less how BUSH privatized profits but socialized losses in a program called TARP.

    $250 billion to purchase bank equity shares
    $40 billion to purchase preferred shares of AIG)
    $40 billion in stock purchases of Citigroup and Bank of America ($20 billion each)
    $12.5 billion in loan guarantees for Citigroup ($5 billion) and Bank of America ($7.5 billion) through the Asset Guarantee Program (none spent);
    $25 billion in loans to automakers and their financing arms

  24. tell the Truthiness says:


    “ If Democrats are so in love with the idea of civil rights, why did they filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964”
    Because of old Southern Democrats who were afraid there kids might have to go to school with blacks they are now in the god fearing GOP and you can keep them.
    “Why did George Wallace run on a platform of racial segregation?”
    Old Southern Democrat the type that is gone from the party now.
    He lost handily, twice. Nixon feared him as competitor for votes more than Humphrey. His idea of how to handle demonstrators, RUN EM DOWN. He did finally see the error of his ways and apologized.
    “Why Bobby Kennedy wire-tap Martin Luther King, Jr?”
    Fear of his connections with communist organizations the usual stuff for the 60s(sad but true) at least they did it legally not like your boy Bush.
    “If Democrats loath the idea of war… maybe some of you might remember an unpopular little war”..

    never said that, said unjust war.

    ..“In Southeast Asia called Vietnam? You know who escalated that war? John F. Kennedy (D)”

    and Johnson and Nixon were no heroes either.

    Gulf of Tonkin ruse was as bad as false yellow cake and WMDs

    The protests of our 68 convention was us setting the party straight on this stuff. We can learn and change how about the GOP. Cheney in 2012 or Powell?

  25. Bernard_Marx says:


    Actually, Washington DC has been in good financial condition for a number of years now (although facing tough times at the moment like many states). DC produces its own budget, but that budget has to be approved by Congress. (I wouldn’t call that being budgeted by Congress, but bothered by Congress)

  26. Dr Dodd says:


    Bush has been gone for almost a year now. Ian’t it time Obama takes a little of the credit and blame for what is presently hitting the fan?

  27. noname says:

    # 17 Dr Dodd

    Let me quote your favorite hero, Republican congressman Charles Wilson: “YOU lie”

    I think he describes you well.

  28. bobbo, always ready to be edumacated says:

    How come right wingnuts hardly EVER make a legitimate argument. Rare to ever not find a straw man or conflation. Here we have conflation:

    #23–eaglescout==”Liberals often assert that Wal-Mart treats their employees like crap . . . and those those same liberals continue to shop at Wal-Mart.” /// Wal-Mart treats their employees like crap or they do not. Anyone can think that and it is true or not regardless of whether or not they continue to shop there. Thats really an example of how the FREE MARKET does not regulate itself and the government has to step in to enforce laws.

    Silly conflation/confusion of elements to a pretty simple social issue. Valid arguments can be made, but you choose not to. Gotten lazy, or just appealing to the lazy?

  29. Dr Dodd says:


    Psychiatrist not working out for you? Too bad, I hear living in denial often leads to delusions.

    Wow! Look who I’m telling.

  30. eaglescout1998 says:


    Here is a news flash: Just because Bush supported the bailouts does not mean that every Republican was on board with them. Yea, there were a few RINOs that drank the Kool-Aid, but the conservative base that makes up the majority of the GOP was opposed to the bailouts.

    Fiscal conservatism has been on life support for quite some time. Bush/Paulson pulled the plug permanently back in September of 2008.


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