Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

Read the bill here.

  1. m.c. in l.v. says:

    The Rushpublican retards always mistake receiving an urgent live-saving medical procedure in the emergency room with routine health care. They’re not equal and most people would rather not have to resort to going to the ER. Being able to see your doctor when you want is completely different than having to turn to the emergency room when you’re in dire straits.

    It’s really is extraordinarily ignorant when you hear these teabaggers scream that everyone is getting “health care” simply because emergency rooms exist.

  2. noname says:

    # 30 Dr Dodd,

    To bad that medical degree isn’t working for you.

    You know, ignorance leads to being a republican.

  3. Awake says:


    “You can find more class in a trailer park.”

    Are you saying that your typical Republican is classy?

  4. Grandpa says:

    No, they’ll just legalize them by the millions..Anything for lower wages.

  5. GF says:

    …who can take tomorrow and spend it all today…Obamaman, Obamaman can…

  6. Poppa Boner says:

    What undocumented aliens might look like:

  7. Dave T says:


    How does Canada or Great Britain address this issue? I would think I couldn’t take a road trip to Canada and get surgery or an ER visit?

  8. deowll says:

    Yes the bill did say they weren’t supposed to do it but there was no penalty for breaking the law. Wilson knew the people in charge didn’t leave the penalty off by accident. The omission had been noted and they had declined to do anything about it. It was a deliberate choice.

    Wilson knew that and so did Obama.

    The Democrats are filling the war chest of anybody that might run against Wilson but he’s getting a lot of donations from those that agree with what he said, I think over a million so far and his distract agrees with what he said though he seems sincere in saying he should not have said it at that time and place.

    Since Wilson did contact Obama and apologize and Obama accepted his apology and I saw video of Nancy P. saying that the issue was settled I consider this to be just one more distraction the democrats could do without.

    Sure they can make him stand and chew his butt but too many people are going to take the view he told the truth. Better to focus on other issues.

  9. noname says:

    These tea partiers are like most lying evil groups, sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

    They will get more and more vociferous and angry and hostile to the point of lunar craziness.

    I hope they can keep it up for at least 3 more years. It will illuminate the voters as to what the republicans have to offer.

  10. deowll says:

    About the CNN broad cast. This remands me of an old Kenny Rogers song: You Can’t Roller Skate in a buffalo Herd.

    Not exactly a classic but what the heck did these people expect? For the crowds that had come to Washington to do their own thing to stand around silently while they talked about something else?

    No doubt the guy that posted this also expects a football crowd to stand mute while the guys in the broadcast booth discuss the game.

    You have fun and God bless

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Should we fine all republicans $500 for racket destruction and death threats on the line judge?

  12. MikeN says:

    So the latest two-minute hate for the Left is against Joe Wilson. Not too different from the right-wing two-minute hate against Joe Wilson when he said the president lied in the pages of the New York Times.

    However, in this case, the White House ended up agreeing with Joe Wilson, and now they are supporting adding verification of immigration status.

  13. noname says:

    # 43 MikeN,

    Good luck trying to re-spin, de-construct, lie, rewrite history.

    The fact remains Mr. Wilson did not have the facts on his side when he made the accusation.

    The fact is this is what Obama said in his speech, it would not give coverage to illegal immigrants.

    I wish, I could agree with your “right-wing two-minute hate” statement. Fact is, right right-wing hate, lies and just general evil is not limited to 2-minutes, it keeps going and going infecting more and more dumb people.

  14. Govt Spending says:

    #26 Bernard Marx

    I am sorry that I didn’t check that now. I used to live in DC, but I moved out in 2004. I’m glad they got their budget straightened out.


    Bankruptcy is completely different than what happens to these government bureaucracies when they go broke. The government companies just keep getting more money & more time.

    Private industries go through restructuring, layoffs, leadership changes when they are on hard times.

    To all you haters,

    Look, have your government healthcare. I’m not a Republican or Democrat. I yearn for more political parties because these two are corrupt as hell. Congress admits that the bankers OWN them.

    I’m pretty well convinced that this country is living on borrowed time anyway. The Federal Reserve bought over $1 trillion of US Securities this year, so the system is on it’s last legs.

    You may say I’m defeatist, but it’s only accepting reality.

  15. Awake says:

    Let the teabaggers continue with their antics, and building up Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh as their leaders. Let them wave their racial bias signs, their Nazism accusations, their militia paraphernalia, their “Me first” propaganda. Show them on TV… it’s like watching a reunion of inbreds on Jerry Springer… highly entertaining, but nobody with an IQ above 70 would want to belong to that group of idiots.

    All they are doing is pushing the center towards the Democratic Party, and dividing the Republican party itself.

    As a liberal, I am thoroughly enjoying this… I have never felt more comfortable with the direction of the country than now. Watching the party of ‘Dubya’ Bush and ‘Darth’ Cheney implode is a real pleasure.

    Keep having your silly little rallies Teabaggers… your idiocy is really helping the cause of liberalism in America. And we are loving it.

  16. eaglescout1998 says:

    “Dubya” would have been more at home with the Democrats. You can laugh all you want, but I believe he was a closet liberal. Just look at what he has done in office. Medicare expansion, nation building, TARP, No Child Left Behind, and the list goes on.

  17. CountSmackula now knows they're idiots says:

    @ deowll #41 Not Kenny Rogers, but Roger Miller.

  18. Dr Dodd says:


    Ignorance is where you find it and presently it writes under the title of noname.


    Liberals are never satisfied even after winning. Anger as a way of life is a definite sign of no class.

  19. MPL says:

    All these institutions on your list were “rescued” by same type ideology that keeps #16 list alive. It is actually disturbing evidence of government corruption and not as you intended some form of “o private companys are even worse because they go bankrupt” – argument.
    Company that can’t make profit in honest legal way should fail – it is healthy and natural process. Interfering with this simple rule will always come back and bite mercilessly.

  20. mark says:

    Hey Guilherme, nice troll.

  21. noname says:

    # 49 Dr Dodd,

    I bet you wish if only you where a clever dr, keep wishing, it may come true, not.

    Conservatives are never satisfied nor smart even after winning. Anger and always bellicose; it’s their way of life and a definite sign of no class.

    Just look at the tea party!

  22. videot says:

    What a bunch of trailer dwellers. These tools are some of the same sheeple that follow Limbaugh and the like. Had Limbaugh and the sheeple been more supportive of McCain, who is actually a pretty centrist politician, we’d be in a completely different boat.

  23. Dr Dodd says:

    #52-noname-Conservatives are never satisfied nor smart even after winning…Just look at the tea party.

    Ouch! Nice scathing response. Glad to see that 6th grade education is paying off for you.

    Cry as you might the tea parties are proving to be a Brobdingnagian success.

    Oh sorry, huge success.

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    These yellers (and Rep. Joe Wilson) remind me of the famous “Talking Stain” Super Bowl ad.

    A so-called “debate” today would consist of one person trying to make logical points while the other one merely drowns the first out with an air horn.

    Does that make them “Honkies?”

  25. noname says:

    # 54 Dr Dodd,

    Who’s crying?

    I am laughing my ass off at you and your ignorant kind!

  26. qb says:

    “Sixty-eight percent of Americans interviewed in the Sept. 11-13 USA Today/Gallup poll say they oppose what Wilson did, while 21% say they support it.”

    This is a yelling minority at this point, but the enthusiasm is helpful. Looking at it from the outside I can see what the right is against, I still don’t see what the right is for. It’s tough to win elections that way.

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