BALTIMORE It was a slow day for Maryland’s hospitals. But one Baltimore emergency room and an intensive care unit were already maxed out. And the computer monitor tracking the ER and ICU at a medical center in nearby Washington was flashing yellow and red — signaling that they, too, had run out of room. The next car crash victim would have to go elsewhere; the next heart attack patient risked losing precious minutes before getting lifesaving treatment.

As the second wave of H1N1 infections begins in the United States, scenes like this from the command center of the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems have federal, state and local health authorities nationwide scrambling. Even if swine flu remains a mild infection, the pandemic could be the tipping point for an emergency medical system teetering on the edge.

“The worry is, the health-care delivery system could be overwhelmed by people who are sick or think they are sick,” said Kim Elliott of Trust for America’s Health, a nonpartisan think tank and advocacy group.

Pandemic or not, H1N1 virus is going to be a problem for emergency rooms.

  1. Faxon says:

    Oh. Let’s whip up some more hysteria. That’ll help.

  2. hhopper says:

    I wouldn’t classify this as “hysteria.” Planning ahead can avert disaster.

  3. McCullough says:

    I don’t give a rat’s ass if she does have swine flu….I’m do’in her.

    [In your dreams! – ed.]

  4. Troublemaker says:

    This will only be a problem because Americans are the stupidest humans to have ever existed on the planet. A pile of dog shit has a higher IQ than the average American.

    [I wasn’t aware there was a test for the IQ of dog shit. – ed.]

  5. ECA says:

    Numbers arent changing..
    and if this was a REAL problem wouldnt the gov have PERSONS on the street corner Injecting everyone?
    Its been 6 months since it started..

  6. ECA says:

    By the CDC, its only 20%..infection..

  7. WARNING says:

    This topic is a fucking waste of time and attention, please, please, step the site up a notch – eliminate the subject entirely. This is THE last time I read anything on this here or anywhere, or post a response on pig flu, which is what pigs get, not humans. All I can say for those who get sucked in to shooting up pig flu in their veins as some sort of way of protecting themselves from it, is “they are dumb sows” and deserve to be treated like pigs which the government is very good at. I’m with post #5’s comment. ROFL.

  8. AdmFubar says:

    ok so what happened in the southern hemisphere’s flu season? (that would have been this past summer for us here in the northern hemisphere)

    idle prying minds wanna know!

  9. Syrinx says:

    Damn, she’s hot!

  10. two to the head says:

    “the health-care delivery system could be overwhelmed by people who are sick or THINK they are sick”

    The MSM’s hysterical pumping of this topic is causing this bullshit. I hope they all die of swine flu…

  11. Father Tomb says:

    She’d be hotter with non-fake boobs.

  12. Animby says:

    Photo: The proper etiquette is to cover her head with a paper bag.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Looks like ECA nailed it here.

    Looking at the graph he put up, it’s obvious swine flu is on the out.

    That is, until they start injecting everyone with something that is supposed to help.

  14. Syrinx says:

    #12 Father Tomb,

    There are no such things as fake boobs.

  15. Traaxx says:

    It’s just a practice run. They’ve never attempted such a large indoctrination (brainwashing) and at the same time had to produce some actions. So this is the test run, to work out the kinks and give some money to themselves and their little buddies – honest Demoncrats – BS

    Impeach President Hussein and King George Bush, then take them to court for treason and demand the full imposition for their crimes against the people of the United States. They’ve both aided Terrorist and inhibited the ability of the police and military to protect us, both are crimes of High Treason – no different than selling Nuclear Secrets to the USSR, with whom we were not actually at war with in a declared sense.


  16. brian t says:

    Read down the CDC page to the resistance testing: 99.8% of H1N1 samples were resistant to Oseltamivir. So, if you have a stockpile of Tamiflu, now’s the time to sell it off at a profit. When it comes to H1N1, it does Bupkis, folks.

  17. brian t says:

    Correction to #17: that’s about the Seasonal H1N1, but they say it still works against the Pandemic H1N1. So, if you get hit in the autumn, try and find out which one it is before wasting a precious dose …

  18. Glenn E. says:

    The pictured couple probably don’t want to be photographed by amateurs and the gossip rags. NOT because they’re sick with the flu, or think that everyone else there is. The guy looks more like a security man escorting a super model to the next shoot. And some boob snapped a luck shot. Or maybe he’s a movie actor, who just doesn’t like wearing regular swimwear. He prefers knee length trousers and a belt. He can’t really be wearing that to get wet in. But if he’s dragging her around as his trophy wife or hot girlfriend. Why hide their identity? Seems more like a publicity stunt. Since it makes no sense, how you look at it.

  19. Weary Reaper says:

    I don’t know about anyone else but I, for one, am endlessly amazed at the wealth of super-doctors and super-scientists, who have nothing better to do all day long than to hang around this blog and pontificate about H1N1.

    You guys are just amazing people! Really, I mean that sincerely!

    Obviously, if you are better informed about virii than real doctors and you’ve done more accurate research on this particular strain than real scientists, you must all be just about the super-smartest, most incredibly well-informed people in the world.

    Thank you all! I was under the mistaken impression there’s a pandemic in progress but you’ve certainly set my mind to rest. It’s nothing but a conspiracy to poison everyone in the world and nothing bad is actually happening – except there’s a half white President.

    You know, it’s too bad you weren’t around to debunk that bubonic plague thing when it happened. You could have saved a lot of lives back then.

    During this world-wide non-event, perhaps I can catch a short period of well-needed rest for a change.

    I knew the truth was out there. I just didn’t know it was in here.


  20. Animby says:

    #15 Syrinx – There are a lot of “girls” in Bangkok who would argue with you.

  21. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Some of the sisters carry these:

  22. chuck says:

    “the health-care delivery system could be overwhelmed by people who are sick or think they are sick”

    Which is exactly what will happen as a result of the WHO and the government whipping people into a hysteria.

    To anyone who gets the flu (and kind) this year: Please, stay away from hospitals. Get in bed, eat some soup, drink some juice — and get over it!

  23. Scients says:

    Do people even read the info on the CDC site? Good lord. It clearly states that H1N1 influenza is most dangerous to children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with compromised immunity. That’s the same demographic information given for regular influenza.

    The hysteria is misplaced–people seem to think H1N1 is “worse” than the regular flu, but in reality it’s not much stronger. The difference is it’s about 5X more virulent, has a thicker capsule, and extra “goodies” that help it infect (for example, a sticky secretion that helps it adhere to a host membrane more effectively than regular influenza.)

    This issue is about SPREAD, general virulence. Because of the spread of H1N1, more people in the danger categories are dying because more people are being infected in a certain time period.

    In addition to mortality statistics, the US is and should be interested in morbidity of its population. If our entire workforce is sick, our economy suffers. If our health care providers are all sick, we suffer. Sure, that may sound alarmist, but the worst-case scenario would be for this bug to spread so quickly that everyone gets sick and recovers just in time for the next evolved strain to reinfect.

    That is why avian flu is considered much more deadly, because it is both more virulent than normal influenza and mutates much more quickly. If unchecked, this type of bug could just go on forever infecting, reinfecting, etc. until it runs out of hosts.

    This is a real concern.

    [How about that? An intelligent and coherent comment. – ed.]

  24. bobbo, always ready to be edumacated says:

    #20–weary==much better than “No comment.” Well said.

    #21–Animby==I hate it when that happens.

    #24–scient==hysteria? Well I thought we had “regular flu” that kills about 30K in USA each year but that this year we get swine flu on top of, in addition to, regular flu that was going to kill an additional 90K thousand. Contrary to what you post, I have read the swine flu targets the very young and young adults not the older folks above 50 as the regular flu does.

    QUESTION FOR ANYONE: do these death estimates “assume” a general program of vaccination? and closely related==what percentage of those who will die from flu and swine flu will have been vaccinated?

    I assume they do but where the line is between “genuine concern” vs hysteria is not even interesting===whatever, get your freaking vaccination and if not you, your little kiddies.

  25. Scients says:

    bobbo – I mentioned the hysteria was misplaced. Perhaps displaced is the better term. I am not implying we shouldn’t be concerned (or even hysterical in some instances,) but rather that the focus is being placed on severity by the public, when in fact it is virulence that is being emphasized by the PHS.

    In terms of the 2009 “new” strain of H1N1, you are partially correct. This particular strain may more easily infect the under 65 demographic, but it is not more deadly to this demographic on a person-by-person basis.

    The mass spread of this virus into the workforce is the big concern–and yes, because more people would become infected, more will die, although the percentage mortality will be lower overall for the under 65 demographic than the percentage mortality in the elderly/children/immunocompromised demographics.

    Some of the general flu at-risk groups are still included in the vaccination priority schedule first.


    CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended that certain groups of the population receive the 2009 H1N1 vaccine when it first becomes available. These target groups include pregnant women, people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, healthcare and emergency medical services personnel, persons between the ages of 6 months and 24 years old, and people ages of 25 through 64 years of age who are at higher risk for 2009 H1N1 because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems.

    The committee recognized the need to assess supply and demand issues at the local level. The committee further recommended that once the demand for vaccine for these target groups has been met at the local level, programs and providers should begin vaccinating everyone from ages 25 through 64 years. Current studies indicate the risk for infection among persons age 65 or older is less than the risk for younger age groups. Therefore, as vaccine supply and demand for vaccine among younger age groups is being met, programs and providers should offer vaccination to people over the age of 65.

  26. soundwash says:


    here in NYC, i still have not seen anyone on the #2 and #5 subway lines show any indication of being sick or seen anyone wearing masks.

    nor have i overheard any conversions in the markets or in Central Park discussing anything flu/bug related..

    I think the odds are good that if the “estimated 800,000 to 1 million people infected” were even close, i would be seeing some indication of this in my daily travels.


  27. soundwash says:

    Hey, John (JCD)

    you have to scope out this youtube video i just found.., post it and give it a mention in NA..

    Its a great Anti-Vaccine music video called “Don’t Inject Me”

    ‘xcuse the pun, but this vid should go viral..


    (its only a few weeks old)

  28. Animby says:

    #27 soundwash said,”…if
    the “estimated 800,000 to 1 million people infected” were even close, i would be seeing some indication of this in my daily travels.”

    The dirty truth is, there may be that many infected. But 99+% of them will rest a day or two or even a week and then go back to work. The CDC and WHO have got to stop making the H1N1 sound like a damn death sentence!

  29. soundwash says:


    84.6% of all statistics are made up on the spot..your point?

    I’ve been riding the subways and buses for over 30yrs, I *know* the [behaviour] patterns of the subway riders like the back of my hand. when its cold & flu season, you know it.

    [especially] The crowd that remains on the subways up past 96th street cannot afford a day off and will go into work sick 5 days out of 7 until they cant move or are forced to go home. -you can take that statement to the bank. [well, maybe a non-U.S. bank]

    I’m making direct observations across multiple platforms and the city is using easily manipulated, pie in the sky statistics for their “observations”

    When the situation changes, I’ll be the first to say so.

    [ffs, I even know which segments of the subway lines and at what times to ride them catch the Chinese woman that sells printed DVD’s for $4]


  30. Brian says:

    what kind of a douchebag wears khaki shorts with a freakin BELT on the beach with his girlfriend??


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