BALTIMORE (AP) — The nonprofit housing group ACORN has fired two employees at its Baltimore office who were seen on hidden-camera video giving advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman pretending to be a prostitute.

Fox News Channel broadcast excerpts from the video Thursday. Those excerpts showed a man and woman asking about buying a house and how to account on tax forms for the woman’s income. An ACORN employee advises the woman to list her occupation as “performance artist.”

What is amazing to me is that these idiots didn’t even attempt to deceive the “officials”. Good work all around.

  1. Improbus says:

    Neocon wingnuts ho!

  2. qb says:

    #1 Improbus

    Wait for it, wait for it…

  3. Mark T. says:

    If 60 Minutes or 20/20 had done this then it would be called investigative journalism and be up for journalism awards. Only now it is a neocon “set up”. WTF!

    Acorn is a government funded organization (to the tune of $4.1 billion of “stimulus funds”) that is condoning, aiding, and abetting the usurpation of federal tax laws and probably more than a couple of state laws. They deserve the ton of bricks that are about to fall on them.

    Too bad the mainstream news media is not reporting it.

  4. wildcatbn says:

    Kinda late on the news aren’t you they already fired 2 more in Washinton DC for the same thing.

  5. qb says:

    #5 Alfred1 said “And the last time I checked…they still aren’t reporting this ACORN story.”

    Gisele Bündchen is pregnant for Christ’s sakes.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    The BIGGER story is the census bureau has decided to fire them.

  7. chris says:

    It looked like the date stamp on the video said 2005. So the political hitjob part of it is holding the video until now.

    The ACORN people were set up, but they decided to play along so they should be fired. Exposing scumbags in a local office of any organization does not make a genuine national story, which is why FOX is the only one pumping this.

    Everyone ought to read “Confessions of a Sub-prime Lender” which casts the blame net far and wide. Mortgage brokers, originating lenders, investment banks, ratings agencies, appraisers and institutional investors were all responsible for this.

    Funny how FOX isn’t calling for cleaning house at America’s TBTF financial institutions…

  8. Improbus says:

    Is it true what I hear about Glen Beck?

  9. innuendo says:

    He hasn’t denied it…

  10. qb says:

    Improbus and innuendo, where there is that much smoke, there has to be a fire somewhere.

  11. acorn rot says:

    Heck! The Acorn nuts have done and continue to do lots worse than this! 90+% of them, and their leader (Obama), should be serving time!

  12. Scients says:

    Alfred, what are you talking about not covering this story? I saw it Friday morning on CNN (gasp!)

  13. Schedule C says:

    I wonder how many ACORN offices they had to visit until they got some tape they could use and I’d love to see the unedited tapes of just what the undercover activist reporters said to get these responses. I’ll bet the ACRON employees were not working from the playbook and have been justly sacked. ACORN’s smoking gun? Sorry I see only partial evidence of individual employees caught in a carefully planned and orchestrated scheme. Now find this kind of advice in the employee training material and they would have some thing. Go to enough Army recruitment centers and you could eventually edit together some pretty incriminating stuff too. I have great respect for our Army but occasionally an individual recruiter will fall off his/her training.

    Their no Mike Wallace this is more of 20/20 human-interest piece.

  14. chris says:

    Sorry, I feel the need to increase the vitriol of my last post.

    The credit crisis was caused by pervasive criminality at the largest financial institutions around the world.

    In a credit saturated environment the only way to rapidly grow a lending business is to lend to people who should not have credit.

    Complaints of loan fraud number in the high hundreds of thousands per year. That is likely a small fraction of frauds that are noticed, because everyone involved understands that chance of investigation is minimal. In this environment it makes sense to go after the big honkin’ criminals first.

    The executives at, say, Countrywide and WaMu ought to be squirming under national media spotlights. Focusing on a corrupt loan officer at expense of noticing the systemic sewer is entirely disingenuous.

  15. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’m watching Book TV right now about USA Torture Program and how the CIA basically had a minnie revolt among its personnel who thought it was illegal.

    Still, the “bias” of most organizations is to “do as one is told” carry on the company business. Could these Acorn nuts be that goal driven?

    Hard to imagine. I’m for legalizing prosititution and for liberal housing funding but Acorn has it wrong on all counts.

    Amusing. Women too–our best/last gender based hope.

  16. qb says:

    Alfred1, you don’t think Gisele Bündchen is hot?

  17. GF says:

    Hmm, never seen anyone, let alone a woman, not bat an eye when confronted with someone who wants to pimp out 13 year old girls. This is what depravity looks like. I’m waiting for Obama to denounce ASCORN for hiring these scumbags but my guess is that he won’t.

  18. the leader of the agents of apocalypse says:

    Alfred1 you are the MAN keep it up we can get her done

    come back Jesus every things ready.

    silly man

  19. breeai says:

    Ah so that’s what happened to the bad loans fannie mae and freddie mac were promoting. makes sense.

  20. ScotterOtter says:

    I’m appalled that some people treat prostitutes as normal people

  21. Ron Larson says:

    Wow… there are so many problems with this.

    (1) How is this any different than Countrywide? The wide spread sub-prime “Liar Loan” mortgage industry established by Wall Street led to today’s financial meltdown.

    They could have brought this act into any of those sub-prime mortgage brokers and gotten the exact same result.

    (2) Neither “pimp” nor “ho” have any convictions. Wouldn’t it be discriminatory to refuse service based on presumptions?

    (3) It is not the job of a mortgage consultant to enforce criminal laws. That is the job of the vice squads at the police and the DA’s office.

    I’m no fan of Acorn. But this is nothing but a cheap smear job.

  22. ScotterOtter says:

    I’m appalled that some would treat prostitutes as normal people

  23. disgusted says:

    What I see is two people who where trying to help their community turned into political fall guys. My heart goes out to the two workers. Everyone attacking them now, what have you been doing to help … is your job about helping people or is it about profit?

    Go ahead, be smug. Never lift a finger to help, and cheer when people who help the poorest 8 hours a day get turned into political casualties.


  24. jbenson2 says:


    Nice try with your pc spin.

    You are a supporter of the tax-paid workers who are giving advice on how to evade paying taxes and how to set up a child prostitution ring.

    I agree with your username.

  25. Someone who can spot a moron a mile away says:

    #24. Wow, you’re an idiot.

    #22. Yeah, you too….go sit in a corner.

  26. mcosmi says:

    This begs the question, why was FOX the only news org. to run this story,and play the video…and if this, the most OVER THE TOP scenario is taken seriously by acorn employees, it makes you wonder just how many other blatantly bogus things were put right through. Acorn is nothing but a vehicle to hand out taxpayer money to people who dont pay taxes. what a joke, and ONLY IN AMERICA! -disgruntled and overtaxed

  27. disgusted says:

    Ah, that’s right, evading paying taxes is only for the rich republicans.

    You really do believe this is about spin … this is about two real people whose lives were ruined by a guy with a camera and a grudge.

    I suppose since you have the same grudge that’s just fine.

    But of course you’ll be crying to mommy when it’s a grudge you disagree with, and victims you like.

    And yes, I am disgusted by heartless people like you who put politics and privileged ahead of being human.

    Oh, I’m sorry, being human and having compassion are just pc right?

  28. Pharaoh90 says:

    acorn rot said, Obama is the leader of ACORN LOLz

    Not as much as this video. Can you say “unbelievably” stupid?

    And people running for congress except a few would pimp themselves out not somebody else 😉

  29. Harold says:

    First, what’s wrong with prostitution, and don’t they need a place to live too?

    Second, I’ve seen reference to “child prostitution” in the comments … doesn’t exist in the video. I realize the goal some people have in posting is to inflame – but really, going from two adults trying to engage in a victimless trade that should be legal to “oh wont someone please save the children”.

    Show’s what a week case you have.

    I’m rather concerned that going forward some poor homeless working girls aren’t going to get the help they need.

  30. john says:

    Most of the whores I’ve hired make enough money to afford their own places. Acorn doesn’t need to help them if they are any good at what they do.


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