BALTIMORE (AP) — The nonprofit housing group ACORN has fired two employees at its Baltimore office who were seen on hidden-camera video giving advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman pretending to be a prostitute.

Fox News Channel broadcast excerpts from the video Thursday. Those excerpts showed a man and woman asking about buying a house and how to account on tax forms for the woman’s income. An ACORN employee advises the woman to list her occupation as “performance artist.”

What is amazing to me is that these idiots didn’t even attempt to deceive the “officials”. Good work all around.

  1. Somebody says:

    “conscience is that little voice that tells you someone may be watching” – Mark Twain

    It would be good if ACORN and their ilk had a conscience.

  2. Faxon says:

    My head hurts from the bullshit party that is now in charge.

  3. Mark T. says:

    Harold, there are two videos like this out there. Watch both if you want the child prostitution reference.

    I thought it was in both but it may just be in one of them. Now I need to watch both again.

  4. Joe Alien says:

    No one should be surprised at this pathetic, inept, dishonest, immoral display of ACORN employees … of course the producers lied too to get the story.

    When is the next flight to Neptune?

  5. Mark T. says:

    Hey, McCullough, why are the comments turned off on the Charlie Sheen posting?

  6. McCullough says:

    #38. Give it a rest.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Well I guess black inner city types have their own rules.

  8. NeoConned says:

    “performance artists!”

    These Acorn people should be ashamed of themselves! Why didn’t they go for “Corporate Bank Lobbyist” or “Fox Commentator”?

    I mean show some fraking creativity!

  9. Delta Dan says:

    #32- part of the whole ploy was that the prostitute was going to bring up two 15 year olds from el salvador(or ecuador) to work in her house and the acorn people said that they should use them as deductions.

  10. deowll says:

    Yah want to know how people can tell you and your buddies are truly blindly partisan bobo? You and they claim to be for doing good yet when people on your side gets caught twice trying to help someone set up a house of prostitution in public housing using illegal immigrant underage teenage girls you defend them for doing lending their support to the cause.

    You don’t stand for right. You don’t even care about right. If you did you would condemn wrong whenever and where ever you find it. You blindly support your partisans and to bleep with right.

    Based on where you’ve gone so for I’d say you’d support your partisans even if they did even more unspeakable things than support child prostitution.

    Of course it’s kind of hard to get lower than that isn’t it?

    If this isn’t what you want to support you need to change who you are supporting and what you are saying because the message that you do or just don’t care is coming across loud and clear.

  11. Animby says:

    #32 – Harold: In the longer versions of the video, the “applicants” tell the ACORN rep they are bringing in a group of 13-15 year old girls from Ecuador to whore for a year.

    They are advised they can probably only get away with listing two or three of them as dependents.

    While prostitution MAY be a victimless crime (and there are lots of prostitutes that might argue with you) it is still a crime where this video was made.

  12. gooddebate says:


    So your defense point out where they are victims? That makes it ok? What it really does is make it appear that you’re saying that it’s not really wrong. It’s a bad idea to start calling bad actions good.

  13. disgusted says:


    Let me be clearer then, rather than just “appearing”. What ACORN is doing is right, and it is a VERY bad idea to make good things look bad to score political points.

    That’s what this is about. Ruin a few peoples lives because they are on the other side of the political fence from you. Always a good idea, unless of course the other side does it.

    And all the people who aren’t homeless now becouse of ACORN, well that’s just too bad for them. You’ve scored your political points, you have a home, what’s the problem. Ruin that organization, ok I assume you’ll step up and find them homes? Of course not, be honest, you aren’t going to. You wont care about them in the least as you respond to this.

    Oh yes, again I forgot that caring about those less fortunate is just PC nonsense.

  14. Angie says:

    What those particular two people did was wrong, especially once the underage immigrants were mentioned and they didn’t blink an eye.

    But you are right about one thing, all the good work that acorn does is in danger from their carelessness. The people attacking now of course don’t care … how many people has the guy who made this film helped. None of course.

    But those two are responsible, they gave the bad guys ammunition.

  15. JJ says:

    Now THAT’s service! (as in customer service, don’t misunderstand me here 😉

  16. Glenn E. says:

    We have this weird law in Maryland that says it’s illegal to tape someone talking, without their permission. So since one ACORN office was in MD. They jumped on the investigative reporters for their efforts. Nice to have stupid laws, that protect the criminals. And screw anyone trying to get the goods on them. Although I’m sure the FBI can get away with it, anywhere, for any reason. But seeing how they dropped the ball pre-9-11. We shouldn’t hold our breath waiting for them to check on ALL the little bad guys. Just don’t trust any biz, where the law protects them from being found out.

  17. Scum Check says:

    Meet Mr Disgusted. Executive Vice President for Bonus Acquisition, Acorn International.

  18. disgusted says:


    Yes, because everyone who disagrees with you must have a selfish motive. Of course you believe that, because you only know selfish motives.

    It seems incomprehensible to you that someone might actually care, might actually want to put effort into helping others. That’s not possible in your mind, so it must be for selfish reasons.

    What a small, sad world that must be.

  19. bahramks says:

    So those f**ktards who get thousand of dollars per hour to help bakers and corporations steal billions of your money in corrupt deals with the Gov. are fine, but the people who are trying to help others without judging are criminals… what a fucked-up country you have… the bigger your crime the safer you are.

  20. NeoConned says:

    #43 Say what?

    Better get off the blogs and back into the Remedial Reading Class there, Pedro!

  21. Brian says:


    “Alfred1, you don’t think Gisele Bündchen is hot?”

    She is damn good looking but far from top flight in Victoria Secret terms. She was never the top model there.

  22. Animby says:

    54 bahramks said,”people who are trying to help others without judging are criminals…”

    You are off base, my friend. If these people had helped a young prostitute to find housing, three cheers. But, instead, they went on to encourage criminal acts. And, if that is ok in your country, then mine is not the only one fucked up.

  23. deowll says:

    # 47. Acorn may have done many things right but at two locations when they had the chance to do the right thing they didn’t.

    It should be obvious that the tow young people who did the videos using their own resources didn’t check out every location nor were they trying to lour in people by being less than forthright about the misdeeds they planned to commit.

    I think eleven people from the organization also got arrested the same week for voter fraud in Florida. This was by no means the first arrest made for voter fraud.

    The fact that the two were able to find more than one location willing to facilitate their plans combined with the rather numerous cases of voter fraud strongly suggests that if you had the resources and wanted to look you could find a heck of lot of evil.

    The situation with Acorn is kind of like finding a couple of fleas on your dog. You don’t know how many fleas it has but you do know it needs to be treated for fleas.

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    # 59 deowll:
    “The situation with Acorn is kind of like finding a couple of fleas on your dog. You don’t know how many fleas it has but you do know it needs to be treated for fleas.”

    Okay, but the treatment doesn’t need to involve killing the dog.

  25. Animby says:

    # 60 Uncle Patso said, “…the treatment doesn’t need to involve killing the dog.”

    Nope. But if the dog has rabies why cure the fleas? Shoot it. Save everyone a lot of trouble.

  26. Probeee says:

    Third Acorn site outed in NYC. Good grief when is the NY Times, MSNBC, NBC, going to finally give in report on this massively corrupt organization? When are they going to do an audit of Acorn’s books and find out why all those offices looked so dam bare boned.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    So far nobody has been able to get complete unedited tapes from this “source”.

    As with every rightwing smear job, the source is suspect.


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