Abortion is legal and other medical procedures are covered. Why not this?

President Obama said Wednesday night that under his health care reform plan “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.” But legislation making its way through Congress would allow a government-run insurance plan to cover abortions, and that sets the stage for conservatives to launch what is likely to be the next big, cable-ready fight in the health care debate.

The battle is centering on whether health care reform uses taxpayer money to pay for abortions, a practice that is now largely banned. Pro-lifers have been activating their grassroots supporters and liberals have started distributing talking points to Democratic lawmakers in preparation for the showdown.

The issue has been on a slow boil for months. It picked up steam during the rancorous August town halls, but was largely drowned out by arguments over whether the bill creates death panels and cuts seniors’ Medicare benefits. (Quick answers: no and possibly.)

But with Congress back in session and critics in full attack mode, abortion has the potential to explode with a vengeance and become the divisive health care flavor of the week.

  1. MikeN says:

    Before that, they were saying there is no such provision.

  2. MikeN says:

    By the way, I warned you that Clinton wanted Obama to fail. The Arkansas Congressman who was part of the group that cut the deal on health care in July, Mike Ross, he is already backing out of the deal.

  3. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #101–LIEBERTY==sorry to leave you hanging for so long. Nice analogy, it only FAILS right off the block (sic!). We don’t live in legal units called neighborhoods. So, the request to provide day care would be evaluated on your private christians impulses. I would personally tell them all to go fuck off because I got mine and obviously they made the wrong decisions.

    #102–yep–“bad” website. Constitution and the rights there from mean what the Supreme Court says==not what some Founding Father wanted. Here is a clue to irrelevant Constitutional Analysis: start by quoting from the Declaration of Independence.

    Yuk, yuk. What a laugh.

  4. Legally curious says:

    #111 Bobbo “Constitution and the rights there from mean what the Supreme Court says”

    1) On what do you base this?
    2) Do rights come from the constitution? What about places outside the US, do people there have rights? If they do, where do they get them from?

  5. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #112–curious==Its what the SC said in Marbury v Madison? And if you think about it, its really the only way it could be in a nation of laws.

    Or think again and recognize anyone who thinks their “rights” are violated ultimately find themselves in court arguing about what the court cases have held those constitutional provisions mean.

    Its a nice bit of poetry to say that rights come from god, or are natural, but it doesn’t mean a thing when the paper declaring that kept black people in bondage and women as chattel.

    Just more bumper sticker non-think from the easily swayed.

  6. jccalhoun says:

    Bob said,
    way to talk out of your ass. Christian scientists by and large believe in modern medicine just fine, and in many places do the best they can to advance it.

    I was gone for a day so I didn’t get to respond to this but Bob I am not talking about scientists who are Christians. I am talking about Christian Scientists as in people who belong to the church that goes by the name Christian Science.
    Totally different thing. Capitalization makes all the difference.

  7. No longer curious says:

    #113 Bobo said- “Its what the SC said in Marbury v Madison?”

    The supreme court has the power to decide what the constitution means because the supreme court said they do.

    And rights are those things that government allows us to do. Any idea’s that we may have rights outside what is allowed by the government that happens to occupy a given country, is just poetry.

    Thanks for clearing it up.

  8. Named says:

    103 AlfredETerrorist

    The Assyrians were the most warlike of people during that time. And military might was their way of keeping their empire in place. How do you keep a military? More children. Of course a warlike people would do what they could to ensure the numbers keep growing. You need soldiers to terrorize the world (as much as they knew about then)… kinda like you. You want as many babies to brainwash to fulfill your own terrorist fantasies. Psycho…

  9. johan says:

    @91 Alfie: “Babies are innocent”

    Actually Alfie, according to your religion, no one is innocent. Have you forgotten about original sin?


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