The net is all abuzz about the murder of James Pouillon, who was protesting against abortion outside a high school in the small town of Owosso Michigan, near where I live. Those in the anti-abortion camp are already calling him a martyr despite no clear motive for the killing at this time.

Plus there’s the fact that the alleged perpetrator, Harlan J. Drake, is said to have killed another person earlier in the day, Michael L. Fuoss, who has no known ties to any anti-abortion movement. Drake is also said to have wanted to kill a local realtor, James Howe, who once again has no such anti-abortion ties.

I have a friend who works in law enforcement from Owosso, and he claims that Drake suffers from schizophrenia. If that’s true (it has not been reported as of yet) then it would certainly seem that any claim to politicize this attack is highly misguided, especially considering we’re only at the initial stage of any investigation.

Despite the lack of any clear evidence one way or another, please feel free to post your pro and con abortion rants in the comments! Thank you.

Update – Sept. 12, 2009: I finally found some confirmation that Harlan Drake suffers from schizophrenia. The major news outlets have not yet picked up on it yet.

Reports of motives for the killings and attempted killing are now being released. It is said that Drake wanted to kill Pouillon because he did not think children should see the graphic signs Pouillon used in his protests. Drake is said to have wanted to kill realtor Howe because he felt Howe had somehow wronged his mother in a business deal. There is still no reported motive for the killing of Fuoss.

And most interestingly, there is still no evidence that Drake was ever involved in or affiliated with any pro-choice organization or movement.

Update 19:30 EST:

According to the Associated Press Drake may have attempted suicide today by “cutting his arm near the wrist.” The report also states that realtor Howe has “fled his home” and is currently out of the area due to the planned attack on his life.

  1. bobbo, just trying to understand says:

    A nice demonstration of the harm the interwebitudes can do.

    Much like DU, its only the headline a news submission aggregating site adds to what was written that makes the claim. The article, biased as it is, doesn’t even go that far.

    Doesn’t god use crazy people as his tools?

  2. Dallas says:

    I can see how this crime will be overshadowed by the anti-abortion mafia to declare him a martyr.

  3. RBG says:

    No doubt one of those bible-thumping pro-abortion wackos…


  4. bobbo, chickens do come home to roost says:

    Alfie is stunned that hate speech brings violence. Blames everything on Obamagod.

    Too bad tinfoil isn’t lethal.

  5. Lou says:

    Seems like a late abortion.

  6. right says:

    “Obama need to issue an apology to us for the murder of peacefully demonstrating American.”

    Alfred, you’re a self serving, pathetic ass.

  7. joaoPT says:

    Alls fair in Love and War.

  8. Improbus says:

    Will someone please pull the plug on this version of the Matrix? Please, it has gone totally of the rails.

  9. Pharaoh90 says:

    Alfred1 said, some stuff that makes me question what medication he is on.

    Okay so, there is an abortion clinic inside that school? Only anti mind your own damn business people are the proud hunters and murderers.

    I like story alfie posted about the crazy dude getting beat up while the other crazies did nothing. There are more people who are not Obama-phobic than there are kooks to be stirred up to cause trouble.

  10. GrendelKhan says:

    This is local news for me too. Reports are that the first murder was of the owner of where the perp’s father worked. No news yet of reasons for third (failed) victim.

  11. m.c. in l.v. says:


    And for christsakes, someone give Alfie his meds, he’s really off the deep end lately.

  12. username says:

    TAX ALL organized religion. ALL of them. NOW. Today. From now on.

  13. right says:

    “…..there are many of their brethren that have taken the next logical step and are out killing Americans.”

    Like Tiller Alfred?
    You’re still a pathetic, self serving ass.

  14. jescott418 says:

    Just like some of these people feel its OK to kill abortion doctors but not fetuses? I don’t get it?

  15. m.c. in l.v. says:

    You’re right Alfie. ACORN, SEIU, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., they all have you in their crosshairs right now. I think they’re monitoring your every word and thought. They don’t want you to save us with the truth. You’d better lay low and go into hiding for awhile. You know, for your safety. We’ll call you when it’s safe to come out.

  16. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    Aflies gone now?? (((HEY ALFIE!!!!))

    I’m just waiting for the Rupture.

    What would this world look like if we only disagreed about things that didn’t make any difference?

  17. sargasso says:

    I am in favor of giving schizophrenics automatic sidearms and the right to decide, rationally or otherwise, whether to take prescribed medication that is paid for by the state.

  18. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    Now Alfie (((HEY ALFIE!!!)) how can we budding Nazi’s plot behind your back if you won’t leave?

    I’m not saying another word until you tell us you have left. Or gone so far right you can’t come back.

    Fair is fair. You already own the afterlife, we damned must be given some share of this blink of the eye? or have we already died and blogging with your kibbitzing is hell?

    I’m just waiting for the Rupture.

  19. TruthBeKnown says:

    It’s interesting. Alfred1 throws out some points that have been well documented in the news and you A-holes jump ugly with personal attacks against him. Your level of discourse sucks. The liberal thugs have been released and you refuse to admit it.

  20. right says:

    Yes Alfie, please leave and go back to your Hannity blanket.

  21. Floyd says:

    #4: Godwin’s Law is in effect, thread stopped. 45 yard penalty for Alfie.

  22. right says:

    Bobbo, the Rapture would be the best thing to happen to this Earth. Imagine, no more woo hoo!

  23. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #32–truthbeknown==I missed it but then my eyes glaze over as I repress the gag reflex with just thinking about skim reading Alfie ((((sssshhhhiiishhh!!!!))

    Please post 1-2-3 cogent points you think we should seriously consider?

  24. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    I love how one story about Glen Beck stirs so many liberals to come out of the woodwork saying how he is dangerous and should be stopped because somehow he might insight violence.

    Now we are seeing more and more evidence of violence from crazies on the left and what do the commenter say? More hateful unintelligent rants ranging from “He deserved it” to “Down with all Religion”.

    Now, Alfred1 may sound a little crazy at times, but I never thought I would see a story where he posts 12 over-the-top comments and still sounds more sane and civil than everyone posting against him. You guys really have no point other than you are full of hate, do you?
    You guys are just proving Alfred’s points for him.

    I have an admiration for anyone taking a stand for a cause they believe in that they do not stand to benefit from, whether I agree with their cause or not. Can I get someone who supposedly stands for tolerance to agree with these sentiments?

  25. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #37–cranky==not from me. I hate it when people stand up for tolerance in defense of the intolerant. Just a little short sighted.

    I would feel honored if you are referencing any of my posts being the devout evangelical anti-theist as I am.

    Why don’t you climb down from your self serving pedestal of self satisfaction and quote a line and say what you disagree with?

    Or anyone elses.

  26. bac says:

    It would be interesting to know why Alfred1 wastes so much energy trying to show everyone why leftist are just as bad as righties. It is like trying to convince religious nut jobs that their god doesn’t exist.

    This was probably some partially random killing but fundies on both sides will make something of it.

    Poor Alfred1 is cursed with having to prove to everyone what they already know which is fundies are fundies.

  27. waltersobchack says:

    Alfred1 I hate to make ad hominem arguments but you have no logic to argue against.

    A case in point your #4 post, foaming at the mouth you immediately change the topic and jump to conclusions. And once again you bring up Saul Alinsky, how does he fit into any of this?

    Take a look at your own disturbing posts from when Dr. Tiller was shot.

    You sir are irrational and disturbing. I have no problem with opposing viewpoints. But when you use religion, fantasy land, and fabricated leaps of logic you lose me.

  28. Larry Bud says:

    A nutjob killed the dude, nothing more, but anti-abortionists want too look like there being persecuted. Anti-abortionists assassinate doctors, and the anti-abortionists chuckle to each other. And go on TV with a big grin and say how murder is so wrong.

  29. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #37–Cranky==still got nothing huh???

    I’ll check back every once in a while to see if you or any other trippers to the wild side defending Alfie can actually come up with anything other than “hate.” ((so trite!))

  30. dog is my copilot says:

    Alfred you are my favorite troll, you don’t even try to mask it you just go commando and let it all hang out. “Truth F#ck it, make sense, F#ck it, be on topic F#ck it. Come on and get me rational posters I’ll spit up your words and butter my bread with the expectorant.”

    Being a Christen its to bad you will end up in your Hell for all the false witnessing you’ve done. Oh well guess its how you want to use your free will.

    Topic crazy man goes on a shooting spree and starts shooting people who make him mad in your face anti-abortion protester makes him mad and gets killed.

    Alfred careful not making any 2nd amendment vigilantes to mad you need time to repent the rapture already happened you sorry missed the bus get your act together.


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