The net is all abuzz about the murder of James Pouillon, who was protesting against abortion outside a high school in the small town of Owosso Michigan, near where I live. Those in the anti-abortion camp are already calling him a martyr despite no clear motive for the killing at this time.

Plus there’s the fact that the alleged perpetrator, Harlan J. Drake, is said to have killed another person earlier in the day, Michael L. Fuoss, who has no known ties to any anti-abortion movement. Drake is also said to have wanted to kill a local realtor, James Howe, who once again has no such anti-abortion ties.

I have a friend who works in law enforcement from Owosso, and he claims that Drake suffers from schizophrenia. If that’s true (it has not been reported as of yet) then it would certainly seem that any claim to politicize this attack is highly misguided, especially considering we’re only at the initial stage of any investigation.

Despite the lack of any clear evidence one way or another, please feel free to post your pro and con abortion rants in the comments! Thank you.

Update – Sept. 12, 2009: I finally found some confirmation that Harlan Drake suffers from schizophrenia. The major news outlets have not yet picked up on it yet.

Reports of motives for the killings and attempted killing are now being released. It is said that Drake wanted to kill Pouillon because he did not think children should see the graphic signs Pouillon used in his protests. Drake is said to have wanted to kill realtor Howe because he felt Howe had somehow wronged his mother in a business deal. There is still no reported motive for the killing of Fuoss.

And most interestingly, there is still no evidence that Drake was ever involved in or affiliated with any pro-choice organization or movement.

Update 19:30 EST:

According to the Associated Press Drake may have attempted suicide today by “cutting his arm near the wrist.” The report also states that realtor Howe has “fled his home” and is currently out of the area due to the planned attack on his life.

  1. right says:

    Yes, Alfred is a very sorry person. I keep hoping his Rapture will whisk him away into the land of love peace and whatever cranks his wheel.
    Please, please, these nutjobs believe in this Rapture so I totally endorse this happening. Leave our rational world behind.
    Whew…BTW, if he says he does not believe in this Rapture, every single post of his is a lie. Just like his Mother figures Cheney and Bush have proved they lie like the bastards they are.
    Very pathetic.

  2. Tyrant says:

    “The indication is that he had ill will … a grudge against these three individuals,” said Shiawassee County Prosecutor Randy Colbry. “The defendant was offended by the manner of Mr. Pouillon’s message.”

  3. deowll says:

    I believe I can safely say that I’m against murder.

  4. Alfred's Mom says:

    I keep wondering if it is too late to have an abortion.

  5. MikeN says:

    They didn’t need a reason or motive to make a martyr out of Matthew Shepard.

  6. Dallas says:

    #48 just what I needed to hear before bedtime. A fucking scumbag to bring up the crucifixion of a teenage boy to make some irrational point.

  7. dog is my copilot says:

    MikeN oh some what more worthy adversary(nothing like that punching bag alf) did you mean the good folks of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas with the pious Reverend Fred Phelps(will burn next to Alf) at the helm? I don’t think that was martyrdom; I’d call it demonizing.

    If you are referring to the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, I would think that the party that is so up in arms>literally and yelling Nazis every chance they get would welcome a hate crimes law. After all it’s the last thing 1930s Germany would do.

  8. Named says:

    Hey party people… Please, remember this quote from AlfredENewman (Alfred1 to the clinically insane) from a post earlier today:

    “If you think this a small thing…I’m ready to die…do it…You though Islam alone had martyrs…do it…and learn who we really are…”

    He’s a budding domestic terrorist. Watch out. Call your local FBI office and get him on the “list”.

    It’s comment #30 here.

  9. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #48–Gee Mike==that really is particularly nasty minded whether or not you understand what “making a martyr” out of someone means. You really should back it up a notch or two.

    #37–Cranky==still got nothing huh??? Too bad. I was looking forward to seeing how you would twist Alfie’s words around to give them a shot at credibility. Good brain exercise, opportunity to rethink.

    C’mon==give it a try. Back up your comment.

  10. ECA says:

    Im sorry to say this, but you need to keep your head down.

    If you havnt seen the games of the past played out…AND seen what EACH group does, HAS done, WILL do..
    You have no recourse.
    reading from 1 source is really getting to your mind.
    If you cant play BOTH SIDES, you will never see where you stand.
    Following 1 leader, 1 truth, is almost STUPID in this country.
    The only way to SEE ANYTHING, anymore, is to stand back and get a better PICTURE. If you dont, you are to close to the window..And I think you can see the reflection. You cant see the WHOLE WINDOW of what is happening and going on.
    POINT fingers, and say “HE DID IT”. wow, thats EXACTLY how hitler got things together. BLAME anybody ELSE. It dont even need to be true. THEY DID IT..
    OLD adage… CLEAN your house before you complain about OTHERS..

    Give us a list of your heroes and we can look up their sins for you.

    If you want good reading look up what the CIA did to MLK. Its an OPEN paper now. THEY instigated the riots while MLK was marching. PAID off others to START IT.

    In a land of OPEN religion, and beliefs…WE ARE MORE PURITANICAL then the Inquisition.
    You must be PAID to lets us POUND on you. Or you enjoy it. which means you need medical attention. Your rambling would be better suited on the OTHER BOARDS that you get this stuff from. They might give you a gun to keep going.

  11. Awake says:

    We have a nutjob in our town just like the one that was shot, by the name of Ross Foti. He has one of those trucks that are used to carry large pieces of glass, but instead of glass panes, he has several 8×5 foot posters of aborted fetuses displayed. That and a bunch of bible quotes.

    His favorite place to park his truck to spread his message? Across from elementary and middle schools. You would think that he would choose abortion clinics… nooooo… he parks where he can traumatize little kids.

    The images are graphic, very very graphic. And in the name of free speech and the first amendment he delights in having small children horrified by them.

    Parents can’t stop him, so they end up standing in front of the truck with long poles with sheets between them to cover the gruesome posters. Christian parents. Catholic parents. You know it is bad when a Catholic priest performs a citizens arrest after he parked on church school grounds, was warned, and then did it again.

    The guy that was shot yesterday was in front of a school with his gruesome photos… it was just another sicko that enjoyed scaring little children, and maybe God himself got tired of that bullshit and sent someone to take care of it.

  12. Named says:

    53, AlfredETerrorist

    Hey buddy. You’re the nutjob budding terrorist. I’m just letting people know that you are a bonafide threat to the people of the United States. Soon, you’ll strap a bomb on yourself and walk into an abortion clinic and BOOOOOOOM! Or, you’ll take your Second Amendment high powered rifle to the top of a bell tower and BANG BANG BANG at the entrance to the clinics. You are a terrorist. Whatever you wrap around it is called a diversion.

    Alfred1 = Terrorist. Watch out people…

  13. Mick Hamblen says:

    I wonder why James Pouillon wasn’t arrested by local police on loitering charges. The police are partially guilty in his death.

    #56 I agree

  14. qb says:

    I’ll bet you the killer and Pouillon knew each other. Smallish town, both local nut jobs.

    Alfred1 said: “…Christianity has consistently taught, since AD 33”

    Apparently he died in 29 AD. Or at least that’s what said on his drivers license.

  15. MikeN says:

    There was no proof that Shepard was a victim of a “hate crime,” and indeed the evidence suggests he may have just been a victim of some vicious robbers.

  16. Jesusgod says:

    MikeN, are you sitting in Alfred’s lap while you type?

  17. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    HEY ALFIE!!!!!!!

    When I squint my eyes, I can see humor in your posts. It is after all an immense goof to pose as far gone nutbag as you do a la Andy Kauffman. Trouble is, “no one” remains functional if they actually lived as Andy Kauffman, so intelligent people could see the parody. Just one of the many problems with religion is that parodying crazy has no legitimate boundaries when the gold standard is believing in miracles.

    I see you caught in a downward spiral. Your postings here could be a long running joke ((difficult, very difficult to do, but Mary Hand Grenade is pulling it off successfully)) or really you may be as wrapped up in yourself as you display.

    Could you post “This is for Amusement Purposes Only” once a month?” Even as an anti-theist, it would give me some comfort to know WE aren’t providing you the shovel to dig your hole even deeper.

    You crack or you still have a lifeliine. Every 20th posting you say something actually charitable. Turn away from the darkside. As to posing for the performance art indulgence—think about those on the margin who you are impacting.

  18. dog is my copilot says:


    Only because Wyoming had no Hate Crime laws to charge them with not because that’s not what it was.

    The evidence suggests “Hate Crime” read the testimonies and interviews with the perps.

  19. ECA says:

    I would have it declared pornographic, or Look up the codes of Violence in Movies and display for YOUNGER then teens. Sue him all OVer hell, for the display to a MINOR.

    64, Alfie..
    Go to cage match and you can Start your OWN conversations and take this WHOLE thing OFF course.
    Get OFF OBAMA, he hasnt been in charge for 1 year. where BUSH ruled for 8 and caused TONS of trouble. MOST of the problems go back 20+ years, even before NIXON.
    I want you to stand up infront of 100 people. and TRY to get them to see YOUR POINT/idea the way you do. THAT is Obama’s problem. Congress and representatives.

    NUT JOBS need a trigger.
    They tend to be those that listen to 1 SOURCE of IDIOT RHETORIC. and jump on THEIR own ideal of HOW to fix a problem.

    That is a physical threat.
    I think you have a MIND in there someplace, but think you have JUMPED on someones BANDWAGON. You arent OPEN minded(anymore), you ARNT looking at ALL the corners.

    Iv seen Lefts, (making things happen, with own people) to make it look as if the OTHER side did it.
    Iv seen the rights DO IT ALSO.
    Iv seen both sides throw Stones at the OTHER SIDE.
    Christians, as martyrs?? LOOK up the lives of those people. THEN think of what Jesus DID and said.
    He didnt want to be FIRST, he wanted to be a PERSON. treated no better then those WORSE then himself. HE didnt want to stand up and SHOW OFF, or cause controversy..HE DID what was needed, ONLY.
    You are acting MORE JEWISH, and for revenge, then CHRIST asked.
    HE didnt ASKEd to be sacrificed…HE WAS sacrificed..WE, did it to him.

  20. Rich says:

    I’m not surprised this fellow didn’t kill the protestor for his anti-abortion activism. Killing unborn babies is easy- any coward can do it. But killing an adult takes balls, something the abortion advocates don’t have.

  21. aaroncrowe says:

    I know we are going crazy protesting against Abortions; however, have we lost the reason why abortions are being considered???? It’s called “Sex” and most of these are out of marriage…this is what we need to be discussing in order to stop putting the band aid on abortions…then we will see less of them taking place…Please, let’s talk more about Abstinence…

  22. ECA says:

    69, aa..
    Abortion has a USE.
    How many nations NEED to control POPULATION??

    Ours it at a point it REALLY needs to be looked at. HARD.

  23. Mr. Slate says:

    Don’t fall for the anti-abortion smoke screen. This story is all about Gravel Pit owners! The left has always had it out for us. I’ve had Flintsone under surveillance for years now. I just know that SOB has been trying get the Teamsters in here!
    On the bright side did you see that despite years of erratic behavior the guy still had a license to carry concealed weapons? So at least it’s all good on the gun control front.

  24. Named says:

    65, 66 AlfredETerrorist

    You warned us all about your future martyrism. I’m just keeping it up front. You’re scared now because you let the cat out of the bag: you are a terrorist. You know it. You couldn’t stop bragging about it though. You’re now just waiting for the right moment to pull it of in the name of God.

    I think you should go through a security scan every day until you get locked up.

    Oh.. and I’m still here Terrorist.


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