Short video satire about the conspiracy theories related to the birth of U.S. president Obama.

  1. Timuchin says:

    No one has shown up with an unmodified short form birth certificate. That is required by the document to be valid. What has been published by Obama is modified and therefore invalid.

    Find me a copy of the virgin file! Ad hominem attacks don’t refute the lack of a valid short form. It merely indicates a lack of defense by Ratherites.

    Dan Rather was a news reporter who tried to take down a president with a bogus document. As it became obvious it was bogus, he stood behind it anyway. He lost his job because of it.

  2. Dr Dodd says:

    #30-Awake-The Republican party is becoming the “Lunatic Fringe Party”…

    Sounds more like propaganda with a dash of wishful thinking added for good measure.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #31…YOU are NOT the one who needs to be satisfied by proof. Chief Justice John Roberts is the guy, and he is satisfied. There’s really no more to this story then, is there?

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Dr Dodd…many of the recent polls show 20% or fewer identifying themselves as Republicans. Why do you think that’s happening?

  5. ethanol says:

    Smartalix (#23) for the win again. Great to see you hanging out with us today!!!

  6. Awake says:


    So the FACT that both the Hawaii Secretary of State (Democrat) and the Governor of Hawaii (Republican) have asserted more than once that they have seen the original document as published by their state, and that it matches what was been published on the web is irrelevant? They have said that they look the same, that the words are the same, that the seal is legitimate. But I guess that we should concentrate on things like a fuzzy ‘R’ on a multiple generation image as used by Orly Taiz to ‘prove’ that the document is fake, and ignore what it actually says outright and the FACT that the state of Hawaii says it is valid.

    Show me ONE piece of evidence that shows that President Obama was not born in the USA… one item that has not been shown to be hearsay, fake or baseless… I dare you… show me ONE thing. You can’t… and to continue to insist in the same disproven and baseless track like you do can only be called what it is: moronic.

    Ad hominem attacks are perfectly valid when calling a person what they actually are, be it a racist, a sexist or just plain a moron.

  7. Phydeau says:

    Whoops, Reagan was old but not that old. 🙂 1984, of course. And dang HTML formatting…

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    #34-Baggins-polls show 20% or fewer identifying themselves as Republicans…

    The republican party lost its way under George Bush. The moderate Bush forgot who buttered his bread and paid the price with low job approval numbers.

    If you ask people if they identify with the republican party then the numbers will be low. If you ask who identifies with conservatism then the numbers will go through the roof.

    To receive an accurate reading you have to ask the right question.

  9. Thinker says:

    Oh shoot, New York State won’t give me my original birth certificate, only a notarized copy. Am I a natural born citizen?? Some one please tell me?? (Heck, the new copy looks nothing like the original (copy) now that all PHI/SSN/HIPAA stuff has been scrubed.)

  10. Cursor_ says:

    I have used their evil voodoo magic to look into the future… Hey!

    And Obama remains president despite what the birthers say.


  11. Brian says:

    geez, y’all are idiots.

  12. Benjamin says:

    Republics have four different plans written up and any one of them is better then Obamacare.

    We need tort reform, and if the cost of health insurance was tax deductible it might save people even more money. Also people should be able to buy health care across state lines. Currently, a health insurance company has to have a presence in the state to sell health insurance. Eliminating that would ake the compete across state lines.

    Republicans have plans. They just don’t involve government intrusiveness.

  13. canucklehead says:

    Even if the birth certificate is legit, I have yet to see any evidence that the babies were not switched at birth.

    Why won’t Obama produce the evidence to prove that he was not on a SST flown from Kenya to Hawaii when he was only hours old? And why won’t he produce any evidence that he was not secretly switched shortly after birth with the real American baby?

    Of course, if he was 100% white, this wouldn’t matter.

  14. canucklehead says:

    One other thing, why does America have this crazy law?

    Has the Austrian guy ruined California? okay, bad example.

    the governor of Michigan was born in Canada. Should that disqualify her?

  15. deowll says:

    I would say there is something about his birth that bugs him or he’d give out the information. I’ve wondered if his parents weren’t legally married or some such.

    What ever it is I don’t care. It wasn’t his fault.

  16. waltersobchack says:

    Thats a great video. I hope they give a hat tip to South Park for inspiration.

    I agree its a silly law that you need to be born here to be president. If you can get elected you should be the president. May the campaign with the most money, corporate backing and influence win!

  17. noname says:

    If you want to know what STUPID, ah, I really meant birthers believe then look no further then previous DU postings.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    1) YES! That’s EXACTLY how it happened!

    2) The PDF is not the official document. It’s a PDF of the document! Nothing about the PDF can in any way affect the validity of the actual document!

    3) The birthers are crazy — President Obama was actually born on Utopia Planitia on Mars in the year 3788 and transported back in time by the Martian Pixies that will rule the galaxy in THE FUTURE!

  19. Guyver says:

    Just out of curiosity, has this been validated / invalidated yet?:

  20. Timuchin says:

    No birth certificate in a virgin file has been offered by any of these detractors, even though it would be easy for anyone else to silence the critics by coming up with one. The monkeyed PDF file is not valid according to the verbage on the front of it.

    If Obama’s popularity goes below 20%, the Hawaiian original certificate will come out of the vault and be looked at anyway.

  21. 888 says:

    bunch of dumb americans arguing over their dumb issues, lol

    Obama can’t really prove he was born AMerican since any documents can be faked so well no one can’t tell them from real, and “Bithers” can’t prove he is not American either.

    His half-Blackness (or half-Whiteness) was elected. End of story.
    Just hope (or pray) he will do good job as el presidente of US, because no country, not even US, can take 12 years of bad government in a row…

  22. smartalix says:

    It’s just the trailer trash/racist/sour grapes politician axis of idiots.

  23. Tom McMahon says:

    For a better understanding of the issue than what you’ll find here, read Suborned in the USA: The birth-certificate controversy is about Obama’s honesty, not where he was born by Andrew McCarthy.


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