Short video satire about the conspiracy theories related to the birth of U.S. president Obama.

  1. Faxon says:


  2. smartalix says:

    Sweet video, puts the issue into perspective.

    The GOP had better turn away from the trailer trash moron fanatics or they will become a regional party known for being racist idiots.

  3. The Wrong Guy says:

    #1: Exactly! Since the birther’s argument is so obviously BS, how can so many people stupidly fall for what is obviously a political prank pulled by the Republicans?

  4. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Well, I for one an very interested in Faxon telling us why he falls for it. Its rare to get a birther who can type.

  5. chuck says:

    Well, the bit about the evil liberal media was accurate,

  6. be thinkin says:

    My question for the birthers is, “So what if your right?” If Obama can’t serve, Biden becomes president. Is that their goal?

    There is nothing forbidding anyone, even the ineligible, from running and being elected. They just can’t take the office (“eligible to the Office of President” to be exact). Be it health reasons or Constitutional disqualification, if Obama is out, Biden would be in. Do they think McCain would get it handed to him?

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #6, and if Biden is no good, then, IIRC, Pelosi. Ouch, that scares me, too.

    smartalix…the Republicans are already a regional party, red states are equivalent to the Bible belt. This is what happens when you let the evangelical Christians stick their nose in your tent…

  8. jccalhoun says:

    McCain was born in Panama. If McCain was elected how many of the birthers would be arguing McCain wasn’t really eligible to be president?

  9. Timuchin says:

    Do a hexedit on the birth certificate PDF file. The file says it was modified. The document says it is invalid if modified. Thus no valid certificate has been given. The leftists are having to desperately resort to ridicule what they can’t dispute. Truth take the hindmost.

  10. Animby says:

    I KNEW IT!
    I KNEW IT all along.
    Not only was Obama born in Africa but all Kenyans are poorly animated, too!

  11. Dennis says:

    Thank ou for explaining it. I needed a good Guffaw this morning.

  12. Awake says:

    The short form certificate is the only evidence needed, since it the document that is officially provided by the state of Hawaii upon request by authorized entities. It has been certified as true by both the Secretary of State and Governor of Hawaii. And if the official state document can not be trusted… do you expect any self-respecting birther conspiracy nut to trust the personally provided version?

    “Do a Hexedit” <<— that is a totally retarded and ignorant statement. Of course there are going to be differences between web based versions… they get recompressed over and over every time the image gets resized, and the tool used to resize adds it's own 'signature'. DUH!

    Innocent until proven guilty… the official evidence shows that Obama was born on US soil, making him an American citizen… how about the birthers give us one single piece of evidence otherwise that has ANY credibility and that isn't shown to be pure bullshit within a day of their great discovery?

  13. Thinker says:

    #9 Dude, my 1 week old baby could tear through that argument. You know given how bad/contentious/you name it that ‘W’ was, I would think just about anyone could have run against McCain, especially since McCains campaign was so badly run.

    Come back with something more than a strawman argument.

    I didn’t vote for him, but I don’t think for one moment that his presidency is anything other than legit.

  14. Benjamin says:

    I appreciate the subtitles for those who don’t have speakers. It was good for a few laughs. Sounds like something Trey Parker would write.

    Rush said to not get involved with the Birthers, so I do not believe any of this Birther stuff. Besides, wouldn’t Nancy Pelosi be President if Obama was declared ineligible. Energy is best put to arguing against Obama’s policies, not the issues of his birth.

  15. Timuchin says:

    The short form was modified by Photo Shop. It says so in the file. That voids any verification of the original document.

    The file can be compressed and uncompressed without changing the file.

  16. Glass Half Full says:


    The Republicans have become the “tin foil hate” crazies! Anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-reality. They’d be JUST funny and cute if they weren’t so violent. (sigh)

  17. Glass Half Full says:

    (or with spelling) “tin foil hat”

  18. Awake says:

    Timuchin, you really need calling out on this one, because you are obviously utterly ignorant about anything technical.

    If you open a document in Photoshop, make no changes, resize it and save it, several things will ALWAYS happen:
    a) The file will change size.
    b) Compression artifacts will be added because JPEG compression is lossy.
    c) Contrast will change, sharp edges will become fuzzy, diagonal lines will become more jagged, relative sharpness (accuity) may increase, and many other changes will take place.
    d) The tool used to perform the resizing will add it’s own signature.

    You remind me of this moron lady for which I had to provide photographs one time. She wanted images that were 5 inches by 7 inches by 300 dpi… which is 1500 x 2100 pixels. I provided her exactly that. But she rejected them because she could not see the full picture on her 1024 x 768 screen all at the same time… it was too big. No matter how I tried to explain that you can not open a file fullsize and display 1500 pixels if you only have 1200 pixels, she kept rejecting the files because she wanted 5x7x300 that she could see the whole picture on her screen. She was a moron, and I dropped her as a client… you are a moron, or maybe just clueless and uneducated and repeat things as true when you have no clue what you are talking about.

  19. Todd Peterson says:

    No reason to mock “birthers”. Still no evidence has been shown proving that he is born in the US. Also, the first law Obama signed was the one banning the publication of a presidents birth certificate. I am sure that was just a coincidence…

    You have just been awarded the famous BRDDA!

  20. Be thinkin says:

    #19 you’re nuts.

  21. Phydeau says:

    #14 Rush said to not get involved with the Birthers, so I do not believe any of this Birther stuff.

    Uh, Benjamin, if you want to be taken seriously here, you really shouldn’t reveal how slavishly you follow His Rushness… just sayin’.

  22. Phydeau says:

    #19 Argumentum Ad Nauseum fallacy. Keep repeating a lie long enough and it will be true.

  23. smartalix says:


    *BEEP* wrong answer, Todd. There is every reason to mock the birthers. I just wish one would have the balls to say that stupid shit in front of me so I can do it to their face.

    Stupid mouth-breathing racist idiots. I meant every word, and you people deserve to be called such. You unamerican racist f*cktards need to get the f*ck out of my coutnry.

  24. bobbo, one piece of crap is like all the others says:

    #19–Birther Idiot==Defined: someone posting BS that is easily disproved. Living in a world of their own, they have no concept of reality.

    Reality: the first law Obama signed into law after becoming president was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

    Maybe Obama did as you said later, but given your credibility is ZERO– who cares?

  25. Awake says:

    Todd, you are a moron that deserves mocking.

    a) The official document as provided by the State of Hawaii has been published. That is all that is needed. Hawaii has declared unequivocally and provided the necessary documentation to show that Obama was born in the USA.

    b) All presidents sign the same document on their first day, amongst a whole lot of other ‘formality’ documents. Have you actually read it, or are you just repeating mindless talking points? The document you mention states that the President of the United States reserves the right to restrict access to documents and other information as deemed necessary for the security of the country, and that he intends to assert that right. Bush signed exactly the same document. So did Clinton, Reagan, etc. In no place in that document does it mention any of his birth records. Read the darn document before you go spreading misinformation!

    You are clearly worthy of mockery.

  26. Benjamin says:

    # 21 Phydeau said, on September 10th, 2009 at 8:42 am

    “‘#14 Rush said to not get involved with the Birthers, so I do not believe any of this Birther stuff.’

    Uh, Benjamin, if you want to be taken seriously here, you really shouldn’t reveal how slavishly you follow His Rushness… just sayin’.”

    I said that part, partly in jest. I work during Rush, so never hear him.

    As conservatives (and I am serious here), we really do need to put our energy into fighting Obama’s plans, not on the location of his Holy Nativity.

  27. bobbo, one piece of crap is like all the others says:

    #26–Benji==”fighting Obama’s plans.”

    Yea, verily.

    Why don’t you “work on” providing your own repuglican solutions, or don’t you have any?

  28. Dr Dodd says:

    Yes, the illusive birth certificate. You could say there is a lot being made of the bow when the danger is inside the package.

    Still, the Birthers do have their uses. The fact that they successfully irritate the lefties makes them worthy of appreciation.

  29. smartalix says:


    Too bad you don’t have any real arguments, huh? If the “package” was so toxic you’d be able to make more intelligent criticisms.

  30. Awake says:

    28 Dr Dodd –

    >> Still, the Birthers do have their uses. The fact that they successfully irritate the lefties makes them worthy of appreciation.

    Be careful what you wish for… I am sure that that the majority of ‘centrists’ that are looking at what is quickly becoming the image of the right wing and saying “I want nothing to do with those crazy people.”

    The Republican party is becoming the “Lunatic Fringe Party”… even far right wing sites like “Little Green Footballs” ( is wondering if being a Republican is a sane choice anymore.


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