Politics Daily 9/9/09:

A quick tour of the Web turns up hundreds of socialist-inspired images of Barack Obama– Obama as Che Guevara on “Che Obama Socialist” t-shirts; Obama as a radical Marxist at Obama4Socialism.net. Even the Investor’s Business Daily penned a series of editorials on the Obama agenda called, “The Audacity of Socialism.”

So if the United States has elected a socialist president, the socialists must be pretty excited, right? Claiming just a single U.S. Senator (Vermonter Bernie Sanders) and exactly zero members of the House of Representatives as their own, putting a socialist in the White House would represent the greatest achievement of any socialist alive today.

But there’s just one problem. The socialists won’t claim Obama as their own. They won’t even call him a socialist.

Frank Llewellyn, the National Director of the Democratic Socialists of America, the country’s largest socialist organization, said Obama is most definitely not one of them. “He’s not any kind of socialist at all,” Llewellyn told me this week. He called the president “a market guy,” which is hardly a compliment coming from a man with serious reservations about market capitalism. “He’s not challenging the power of the corporations,” Llewellyn added.

  1. Hugh Ripper says:

    #86 Somebody

    The article you linked (http://mises.org/story/1937)is by George Reisman, you foolish man, on the Ludwig von Mises Institute website, not Ludwig von Mises himself.

    I take this as evidence that you don’t even really read your own links. Your’re not related to Paddy-O by any chance? This was his modus operandi until he mysteriously disappeared.

  2. Somebody says:

    #89 Hugh Ripper said

    “The article you linked (http://mises.org/story/1937)is by George Reisman, you foolish man, on the Ludwig von Mises Institute website, not Ludwig von Mises himself.”

    And you have nothing to say about von Mises’s ideas as reported by the von Mises Institute web site? Nothing to say about the substance of the issue? But again raise a pointless quibble?

    How unexpected.

  3. Somebody says:

    The link for Mises’s text is here:


    I presume that you will be mystified to discover that, George Reisman’s account of von Mises’s ideas has some weird, undefinable correlation with the text.

    But again, don’t bother to read it yourself, I’m sure a genius of your magnitude will positively dwarf von Mises’s in your mind.

  4. Somebody says:

    You should particularly avoid page 178.

  5. Somebody says:

    # 95 Uncle Patso said, on September 12th, 2009 at 5:07 am

    “Sorry, didn’t mean to upset you”

    GAAAA! Yes, that did sting. I usually spell-check my longer posts because the troll ratio is so high here.

    And on top of that, I specifically looked up “voilà” to make sure I had the right word and pasted it into the post. But I often suffer from hyper-correction and I guess that’s what happened here. Some piece of spell-checking logic didn’t like the word I meant to use and gave me a better one. I didn’t realize how badly it got mangled.

    The greater pity is that even though the intended word was totally obvious from the context, it allowed those who wished to avoid the point I was making to latch on to that trivial error rather than to admit that the force of my logic was all-conquering. Of course, I say that with all due modesty.

    So, the loss of what could have been an all-too-rare learning moment here is lamented. And that was what really frustrated me. I’ll just have to content myself that you might remember the deal about the grave accent.

    But I admit, that was one giant troll-food cake so I guess I should have just said: BON APPÉTIT!


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