Update from the Apple Event, Windows Mobile’s Woes, Google’s Bigotry Problem, and more…

Today’s Guests:

  1. hhopper says:

    Notice that John says that he NEVER says “boom” and in the next sentence, he says, “Boom.”


  2. deowll says:

    Good show.

  3. Personality says:

    Don’t have Sam Levin on again please. He is nothing but an Apple fan boy. I almost thought he was being paid by Apple to do CrankyGeeks.

  4. fender says:

    Yes; leave the fan-boys at home.
    and win mobile is a custom phone ,If your a true geek you will love this phone. the problem is they add their custom search engine and apps from carriers and makers which makes it buggy, but you can remove all that and add your own.


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