I was reading a CNN poll someone sent me via Twitter suggesting that Obama’s health care reform speech Wednesday night favor his health care plans — a 14-point gain among speech-watchers. Here’s the last paragraph:

The sample of speech-watchers in this poll was 45 percent Democratic and 18 percent Republican. Our best estimate of the number of Democrats in the voting age population as a whole indicates that the sample is about 8-10 points more Democratic than the population as a whole.

Disclosure: I don’t particularly support or oppose Obama’s health care plan, but it is clear that the US media is a joke and pro-Obama.

  1. MikeN says:

    Yea the media is supposed to be a government watchdog. The only media I still know that holds to that idea is WorldNetDaily, and that site is a bit wacko.

    The problem I think started when you had people going into journalism because they ‘wanted to change the world.’ Which means you want to change it TO something, and you then start supporting governments that say the same.

    Also having professional schools of journalism probably doesn’t help. It used to be just a beat job like a cop. Now, they are teaching it as some sort of elite position.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Former Alex…I think Frank IS right.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    These days most news polls are design to influence thought instead of reflect it. Looks like even CNN felt Obama’s speech blew chunks so were forced to create a poll as a way to spin it in a positive light.

  4. Common_Sense says:

    #11 Awake pretty well nailed it.

    Anyone who criticizes this as biased, a bad sample, cheer-leading, or whatever — either didn’t bother to read the article which clearly identified the bias or doesn’t care that the article disclosed the inherent bias and offered explanations for it.

    Only critique I have is that they could have given broken out numbers for self described democrats, republicans, and independents, but even that is problematic because all we have is self-descriptions. It might be out of fashion to claim yourself as a republican these days if you’re not a social conservative, since that’s the core of the party now, and not the fiscal conservatives who used to hold that position.

  5. chudez says:

    First off, I am not an American so I dont know if my next statement is true: Am I wrong or is the DEM to GOP ratio in the survey about the same as the DEM to GOP ratio in Congress?

    If it is, then that means the survey pretty much matched the population of the audience.

  6. soundwash says:

    Some of you people really crack me up.

    Guilherme is one of the best editors JCD has brought on board in a long time. As he is from Brazil, he has been spared for the most part, of having his brain soaked in the fluoridated machinations of U.S. flavoured, subliminal media manipulation and dogma.

    Nor has had a lifetime of our brand of left-right ignorology (that would be the “Ology of Ignorance”) beaten into him to pollute his ability to see the true reality staring him in the face.

    His posts and comments are plain and simple common sense observations that are quite common amongst those who are from another country. -this is especially true of those who are from non-western cultures.

    Commonsense as some may [not] know, was bred out of the majority of our populous many decades ago and replaced with a virulent, backwards ideology, as is evident in many here.

    He provides a much needed counter-balance and outside perspective to this blog as is evident by the laughable remarks many of you make against him.

    Sadly, as many “foreigners” have noted in the past, this type of immature arrogance is uniquely American.


  7. eaglescout1998 says:

    #19. I think you are confusing Fox News with Fox Broadcasting. It is true that the Fox Network decided not to preempt “So You Think You Can Dance.” However, Obama’s address to Congress was carried by the Fox News Channel, as well as Fox Business.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, lay off the dope, will ya? Wilson’s political career is over. He embarrassed his constituents, his party, his peers, and his president.

    No surprise, Olbermann is talking about you as well in this rant:

  9. MikeN says:

    >Wilson’s political career is over. He embarrassed his constituents, his party, his peers, and his president.

    Why, because he lied in the New York Times about his trip to Niger?

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    MikeN….because he exposed his abject stupidity to the entire country, which is a reflection of the stupidity floating through the right wing of the R party these days. Or maybe that’s always been there, hidden behind the reasonable voices that used to be in charge.

    That, and his D opponent has acquired over $700,000 in donations since the speech.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Miken, plus there’s plenty of stuff like this that his opponent can exploit.

  12. Dr Dodd says:

    The “shout” expresses the same frustration many feel toward this Pinocchio as he pretends to run the country.

    No apology required.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    DrDodd, I can understand frustration at incompetent presidents, we just finished possibly the most astounding case of presidential incompetence this year. But shouldn’t guys like Joe Wilson be frustrated about things that actually exist?

    Or maybe they should be frustrated that their governance sucked so bad that they lost control of the entire federal government.

    You blame Obama for that?

  14. Dr Dodd says:

    #46=Baggins-You blame Obama for that?

    I blame 99% of those in government for the problems we are experiencing. They are a bunch of arrogant control freaks that insist on having a say in every aspect of our lives.

    Everything they touch is made worse yet the promises keep flowing and the sheeple keep believing.

    The sooner we learn it’s the government that is the enemy and not individual republicans and democrats the sooner we will see the way our of the coming 1984 nightmare.

  15. Dallas says:

    From a broad range of news sources…

    Shameless Joe Wilson turned a joint session of Congress into a brainless town hall meeting, a Mission Accomplished photo-op, and a cynical 9-11-based justification for the death of civil liberties delivered in one very tight ball of that signature GOP swill: one part cynicism, one part fear, and two parts pie-eyed dogma. And all the man did was shout.

  16. Guyver says:

    Proof of Bias?: http://tinyurl.com/nxru4j

  17. Guyver says:

    Bush booed by Democrats in 2005: http://tinyurl.com/l55f9x

  18. Box says:

    The fact that journalists are more likely to support a liberal government is not a joke, it is inevitable. As university educated middle class they are simply more likely to vote that way. The media are a social group who are always likely to have similar views, and more educated people are statistically likely to vote for the democrats. You must also remember that (remembering this crude generalization) democrats are also more likely to read more and try a greater range of sources. Thus you get lots of smaller businesses serving them rather than one big corporation which everyone goes to (like fox). Thus more reporters will be for left wing publications than right wing ones, even if there is a more equal spread among the audience.

    Also remember that the democrats have more support at the moment.

  19. MikeN says:

    >and more educated people are statistically likely to vote for the democrats.

    Depends on the level of education. Democrats get the votes of people with the most education and the least education, but in between, with more education you are more likely to vote Republican. Same with income.


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