Isn’t this an organization that we spend millions of dollars supporting?

In a radical report, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has said the system of currencies and capital rules which binds the world economy is not working properly, and was largely responsible for the financial and economic crises.

It added that the present system, under which the dollar acts as the world’s reserve currency , should be subject to a wholesale reconsideration.

  1. tsnyder says:

    It’s the top story on DrudgeReport. How does that qualify as “not being reported”?

  2. ECA says:

    Its correct,
    we are ALWAYS trying to screw the other nations..Esp now. With contracts and LOWERING the value of the USA dollar.. SCREW with a TWIST.

  3. bobbo, not an economist says:

    Makes about as much sense as saying the UN should control global warming or protect human rights?

    Who, what, when, where, how?

    Shoulds and coulds.

    We will only have one world currency when we have one world government. Something to hope for, but ain’t gonna happen–ever I don’t think.

    Humans are just too fractious, self centered, greedy, easily splintered and so forth.

    No, Nation States is the Default program with boom, busts, inflation and deflation regulating the relationships.

    Like Global Warming, the UN should learn to live with the inevitable.

  4. LDA says:

    Infowars is reporting it.

  5. Unimatrix0 says:

    And once again, the U.N. can go suck a rats ass. Seriously, why do we fund this anti-American organization to the tune of billions of dollars every year. Time to cut the U.N. loose from America’s (tax payers) purse strings.

  6. Uncle Don says:

    Does non-American money look greenish?

    If it’s not green it just won’t seem like money.

  7. Benjamin says:

    Actually, if every country went on a gold standard then we would have what in effect is a global currency. A dollar is worth 0.00100704935 troy ounces of gold today.

    The UN is a corrupt organization. Unless the UN money is gold, I will not trust it.

  8. Be thinkin' says:

    The UN wants a lot of things.

    Throw this on the pile and move on.

  9. KMFIX says:

    It’s not getting more press because it doesn’t involve having 8 children at once.

  10. Benjamin says:

    A global currency is one step closer to having a world government. If the UN were to take over, say goodbye to the Constitution, your guns, your rights, and your freedoms. Blue helmeted mercenaries would be deployed to conquer us.

  11. filosofixit says:

    #5 US funding UN? Seriously? The US has over a 1000 billion dollars in debt to the UN. Where I come from (Norway) we don’t call that funding.

    BTW – We are the 5. biggest contributor to the UN… oh and we are less 5 million people here 🙂

  12. Troublemaker says:

    tsnyder said, on September 8th, 2009 at 12:08 pm

    It’s the top story on DrudgeReport. How does that qualify as “not being reported”?


    LDA said, on September 8th, 2009 at 12:17 pm

    Infowars is reporting it.

    Neither one of those are legitimate news sources.

  13. bobbo, not an economist says:

    The UN is exactly what the USA wants it to be. We control other states to the degree the UN can control anything through subunits like trade, banking, health, etc but are large enough on our own not to be subject to the same bargained for relationships.

    If the USA wasn’t getting enough out of the UN to justify it, would we still be paying for it?

  14. LDA says:

    # 10 Benjamin

    The UN is a tool not the master.

    P.S. The US government is doing a pretty good job of destroying the Constitution all by itself.

  15. Troublemaker says:

    Hmmm… almost as if all the conspiracy theorists, that believe in a global movement towards a one world government are right.

  16. LDA says:

    # 13 Troublemaker

    “Neither one of those are legitimate news sources”

    Guilherme Cherman – “I can’t believe this is going on and no one’s reporting on it.”

    Who said legitimate? Who decides (it appears to be accurate)?

  17. Jägermeister says:

    Nothing new. Several nations have been looking to replace the US dollar as the currency of choice when doing business… among them, China… your favorite commie friend and trading partner… eh, exporter.

  18. bobbo, not an economist says:

    # 11 filosofixit===at least as of 2007, none of the Nordic States even made the list.

    See Table 3 on page 17. USA leads the Pack, then Japan, then Germany and UK. Yep, not even close.

  19. Benjamin says:

    I am for making gold coins the world currency. That way no one can print funny money. If would stop counterfeiters it would cost as much to make a counterfeit as use an actual coin since the value is by both weight and metal.

  20. filosofixit says:

    @ pedro

    I agree that UN does some weird stuff from time to time, but weird shit happens in “democracies” 🙂

    What crap has the UN done lately to upset you?

  21. Somebody says:

    Dear Editor;

    Check this out:

  22. bobbo, not an economist says:

    #20–benji==you do recognize that the gold standard is but a step up from a simple barter and trade system?

    Does it make sense to you that a here to fore dirt poor country with no resources, technology, or modern world skills should become rich because they dig something up out of the ground? Does that make sense to you?

    Better to have wealth based on the number of cows you have. Food–real intrinsic value.

  23. GigG says:

    The Gold standard is no longer doable. Not enough gold.

  24. 1 says:

    One currency sounds great, but why stop there? Let’s make one computer operating system, one car maker, one retailer, one style of pants, one hamburger choice, one network (FOX) and one world government run by Pelosi. Got any problems with that? If so, why?

  25. Dr Dodd says:

    As we race to create a world no one except the political class would want to live, it makes perfect sense the powers that be would have us gravitate toward a single currency.

    From there it’s a simple act to do away with paper currency in favor of ones and zeros.

    That’s when real fun begins.

  26. filosofixit says:

    So you disagree that Cuba has done a great humanitarian effort in Latin-america and africa? Castro has done som bad stuff, but atleast he invade other countries with doctors and medicine instead of corrupt mercenaries, killing innocent people to keep american gas-prices low.

  27. filosofixit says:

    @ pedro

    So you disagree that Cuba has done a great humanitarian effort in Latin-america and africa? Castro has done som bad stuff, but atleast he invade other countries with doctors and medicine instead of corrupt mercenaries, killing innocent people to keep american gas-prices low.

  28. bill says:

    Paper money? Dr. Dodd is correct!!!
    Digital $$$$$ or 11100011100111001110011111101111
    for a loaf o’ bread..

    Maybe the new iPod will enable you to digitally buy and sell stuff…

    You know, it makes a lot of sense to me…

  29. Carcarius says:

    RON PAUL 2012
    If we are not too late…

  30. Carcarius says:

    #24 – quantity of gold is irrelevant. All precious metals would be incorporated into the standard. Silver has always been there. A scarce quantity is a perfect standard. Gold is still viable.


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