Jailed financier Bernie Madoff gets $13,800 tax rebate | guardian.co.uk WTF? And why does Ruth Madoff have anything?

The disgraced financier Bernie Madoff has received a $13,800 (£8,500) tax rebate, angering clients who lost billions in the biggest Ponzi scheme in Wall Street history.

The jailed fraudster was sent the money after overpaying the property taxes on his waterfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, which his wife still owns despite other assets being seized by investigators who unravelled his $65bn investment scam.

The rebate cheque was issued last month and made payable to Ruth and Bernard Madoff. Ruth Madoff sent the cheque back to the tax office asking that it be reissued with her husband’s name removed.

Via Kerry Lutz.

  1. Unimatrix0 says:

    Only thing he should be getting is a dick in the ass….just like he did to so many people.

  2. sargasso says:

    Is there an update on his “terminal illness”? Just wondering if he’ll be in Verbier at Christmas.

  3. MoparPower says:

    Good for him, he’s had a bad year.

  4. Greed-E says:

    I don’t get the logic about a guy deserving a dick up his ass for screwing filthy rich ass holes when all of them are filthy because they participate in schemes which obsessively screw people up the ass who don’t have a pot to piss in. The wealthy are always screwing the poor ass holes, thus making all of their money dirty. California is doing it by doubling fees for registration on a car, which slams the poor while the rich just feel a tickle, so they can fix their dirty greedy messes they keep making because they keep fucking the public. The losers of the Bernie game all got what they deserved, to be fucked by their own dirty greed. I feel sorry for none of them one bit. They all expect free money to roll into their bank accounts, well that comes from those people they fuck up the ass. Please, I beg of all you media whores, stop fucking us with this constant barrage of dirt on this ass hole.

  5. Named says:

    Texas and Floriduh are the two states where you get to keep your primary residence during bankruptcy proceedings… even multi-million dollar homes are safe from harm.

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #1 – This should buy him a few cases of butt lube.

  7. bobbo, money corrupts everything says:

    “And why does Ruth Madoff have anything?” /// Exactly===not even a close issue. Proceeds from an illegal activity can be immediately seized==bankruptcy laws have nothing to do with it. Must be that bias power has about money? Same corrupting influence throughout American “Culture.”

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    So what you are saying is that Ruth Madoff can have nothing?

    Until she is found guilty of something other than being stupid enough to be married to this cretin she is still a US citizen and allowed to keep some of her own property. Now if it is proven that it acquired by way of the swindle then it gets seized. Until then too bad.

    Don’t think I have any love for this asshole, I don’t. I hope he lives a long life and get visited frequently some bull queer like the ones from The Shawshank Redemtion or Dallas from this blog, whichever is worse.

  9. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Now Mr Diesel–if I steal your 1957 Ford Pickemup Truck and give it to my wife, and you catch me, she is not allowed to keep any part of that truck, not even the hubcaps.

    Same with money. “SHE” has no money except that which Bernie stole and gave to her. The math is simple enough to see.

  10. god says:

    And no one here even comprehends the difference between a rebate and a refund.

    Why expect relevant commentary?

  11. bobbo, we think with words says:

    #11–god==what would be the key difference?

  12. Mr Diesel says:

    Bobbo, It’s a Chevy but I won’t quibble about you not knowing older trucks.

    Of course she wouldn’t be able to keep any of the money or goods IF it can be proved that Bernie gave it to her AND it was from an illegal activity. What some people may or may not know is that not everything done by a crook is illegal. A thief may be working at burger King serving fries and could easily give all that money to his wife to support her tens of thousands of dollars a day spending habits and it would be perfectly legal for her to keep it all.

    But that’s a shitload of fries………..

  13. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Now Deisel==you know that money is fungible and all property was bought with “community property.” Arguably,
    she made a few 10’s of thousands while Bernie made a few million. Compared to Billions in fraud. Nothing wrong at all in the Feds being a bit heavy handed here.

    Intelligent people arguing even while admitting they are wrong is all too prevalent on this blog.

    Try to be a better role model, show pecker how to do it.

  14. Mr Diesel says:

    When wouldn’t the Feds be heavy handed?

    Once again, her biggest mistake was being married to this idiot. We are not talking about her keeping much of what she had either. Almost everything is gone and she has had a severe shock to her system and lifestyle just like all the other people he screwed.

    $13k? Hell she could probably sell a pair of shoes and get more.

  15. bobbo, we think with words says:

    The feds have NOT BEEN heavy handed at every stage of the Madoff case. Heavy handed should at least include putting the Misses out on the street with a garbage bag to cloth her===or anything she bought before she got married but I’m guessing all that was thrown away immediately.

    C’mon Deisel, you can do the math: a few million compared to some 50 Billion? Unless non tainted funds can be proven, in a court AFTER SEIZURE, every single last item of property and money should be seized from the mrs and the boys.

    Amusing you confuse your own circumstances and sense of justice with that of a crook. Why are you so muddle minded?

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    I’m this way from reading too many of your posts. Good grief, I would have thought that was obvious.

  17. Grandpa says:

    Stop your complaining! This is American free enterprise. Taxes are sometimes paid by the rich, when they get caught.

  18. ECA says:

    Forces the question..
    Of ill gotten gains..
    IF his home was paid for, by those monies…IS IT STILL HIS.

  19. billabong says:

    Please no more Madoff news until you can report”Madoff Gets Raped”.

  20. Poppa Boner says:

    That picture shows how big Bernie’s asshole will be in a couple months.

  21. Mr Diesel says:

    #19 ECA

    No, they take the house if the fruits of his illegal enterprise were used to purchase it.

  22. ECA says:

    And the TAX rebate/refund..Whatever??


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