I don’t have to comment — watch the entire video — it gets worse and worse.
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never tell a liberal that he is running out of other peoples money.
i>algore said, on September 8th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
never tell a liberal that he is running out of other peoples money.
Never tell a wealthy conservative that he needs to pay his fair share of taxes to help run the country that helped him get rich.
I wonder if I can stop my Chapter 7. I am so rich and did not even know. Nice use of the F word Fortney!
#2, its a good thing then, people like you get to decide what a persons “fair share” is. Iagine how horrible, and unfortunately simple it would be if everyone just paid a fixed percentage, no deductions.
Of course, doing that doesn’t increase a politicians power, or help in vote buying.
This is simple, and it is the basis of western finance. If you owe a bank $5k dollars then you have a problem. If you owe a bank $5m dollars then the bank has a problem.
Thankyou for clearly posting the the copyright on that article, it saved me having to read it;)
Govt./management has no understanding of reality. Ive worked in the private sector, municipal, state, and federal government. The higher it goes the dumber they get.
#3 Yah know I think if somebody screamed fire you’d still find something completely inane and off topic to say.
Anybody that thinks a nation is richer because it is deep in dept is insane.
#5 paying a fixed percentage point in taxes hurts the poor people the most. if you make 10$ or 100$, bread and butter cost the same.
#2, how did the country help him?
By providing this wonderful platform to build wealth on.
And protecting his a$$ while he did it.
1) Put a fork in this guy, he is done.
2) Alfred1
Here is another “World” news site… notice the similarity in its name to the one that you use as a source? It’s because they are both parodies of real news… there were plenty of gullible dummies that believed in the one that I list below, just as there are plenty of gullible people that believe in your source…. heck… there are people (you?) that even use “The Onion” as a reference, since they don’t know any better!
Alfred1 = massive fail!
What year is this from?
Looks kinda like its from the days when guys like Dick Cheney were championing the Reagan view that deficits don’t matter.
What ever happened to all of those right wing ‘deficits don’t matter’ guys anyway? They seem to have all disappeared like a fart in the wind now that Obama is president. All of a sudden deficits matter more to the republicans now that the money is going to spent on social programs like health care instead of bullshit wars and tax breaks for the top 1%.
Deficits didn’t seem to matter under Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2. Clinton handed Bush 2 a budget surplus which vanished, like a fart in the wind, once Bush 2 became president.
Regardless Peter Stark is a douchebag.
What a freakin hack journalist. He’s not there to ask intelligent questions but to get a rise out of the Congressman. Give me a break.
#1 and #2 for the win.
“Liberals” love to spend other people’s money; “conservatives” love to benefit from the system that made them wealthy but not to pay into it.
(True liberals are about personal freedom and true conservatives are about personal freedom from government but we don’t have those any more … hence the quotes.)
Banks lend money to a business, with justifiable reasons (successful Business plan, credit rating, …) because the more capital investments a successful business makes, such as opening more stores; the more money and wealth a business creates of which a portion is used to pay off the original loan.
That is what Pete Stark is trying to explain, poorly.
However; it’s the “within reason part” that the reporter and public is having a hard time understanding.
Is the USA creating more wealth with it’s deficits or is it burning cash the way dot coms did?
Pete Stark, CFI – Certified F$%@ing Idiot
Truly unbelievable. This explains why Pete Stark never received a an elementary school diploma.
Only in California could he be elected.
He looks pretty intelligent, but he’s so full of himself (FOS) that he thinks he knows womething, when he actually knows nothing.
It is a classic red flag when someone trots out “Do you have a degree in XYZ?” That’s the moment when you know they have just run out of hot air.
And when that doesn’t work, then next move is “Get the Fxxx out of here!”
Does Pete Stark have a PhD in economics? Oh, an MBA. Mostly, he’s just another 30+ year professional politician in a body the founders considered to be a non-professional organization with congressmen serving one or two terms and then going home.
You’re stupid. We’re done here. Get the fuck out.
Apparently none of you commenters, NOT ONE, understands the fractional reserve system.
Watch and Learn
Alfie. Thank you for wandering off topic. Oh, and next time, try reading the article you link to. No court has ruled the Kenyan Birth Certificate genuine. The article merely tells how a career crook has sworn a document he obtained illegally is genuine.
@#23 “…didn’t have time to read it…” — What a dick. You didn’t have time to read it, but you DID have time to waste everyone else’s by posting it here. Sometimes I thing they *should* require a license to use the internet.
Unbelievable … arrogance of another dimension, swearing and steaming like a teenager. Voting in morons like like that, you almost deserve what is coming to you. Brace for impact all of us… because this is going to be a hard lading!
Probably why California is in such great financial shape. They are a extremely wealthy state by Senator Milton Freakin Friedman’s definition.
ArianeB is correct. So long as you feel that FRB is a good way of running things, then more debt is a good thing as it allows the banks to create more money out of nothing.
But in the REAL world, this is a bad situation that is getting worse. When the rest of the world stops lending money to the USA, you guys are toast. In a non-FRB based system, this would/could not happen.
It is “Democratic” Congressman Pete Stark from California’s 13th District. Somehow you left that out of the lead.
I wish I Lived in California just so I could vote this guy out of office.
#30 Please move here so you can. Politicians have created enough wealth for us.
I think the key words used are :The more we owe, the richer we are” simply because of what I was taught in my ‘check / credit counseling course’ during the military service. The instructor said “Why write a $20.00 check you KNOW is going to bounce and cost you $75.00 to clear up? If you know the check is going to bounce, WRITE IT BIG. That way, the fee’s and fines you pay leverage out the amount you made from the check”
Meaning, for those of less understanding, you write a $20.00 check with $50.00 in fees when it bounce, it is not a good return on your investment (250% interest) whereas if you write a check for $1000.00 with $50.00 in fees, it is a better return (.02 % interest). I think this is the Government method, and they think it works.
Whoa! Rep. Stark, what a prick!
Term limits now.