
Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the fears of those in charge of health and safety.

New advice published in Scouting, the official in-house magazine, says neither Scouts nor their parents should bring penknives to camp except in “specific” situations. Scouts have traditionally been taught how to use knives correctly, using them on camping trips to cut firewood or carve tools. At one point Scouts were allowed to carry a sheath knife on their belt as part of their uniform although this is no longer the case. In recent years the Scout Association guidance has been that parents should carry knives to camps or meetings.

Dave Budd, a knife-maker who runs courses training Scouts about the safe use of blades, wrote that the growing problem of knife crime meant action had to be taken.

“Sadly, there is now confusion about when a Scout is allowed to carry a knife,” he wrote. “The series of high-profile fatal stabbings [has] highlighted a growing knife culture in the UK. “I think it is safest to assume that knives of any sort should not be carried by anybody to a Scout meeting or camp, unless there is likely to be a specific need for one. In that case, they should be kept by the Scout leaders and handed out as required.”

Leave it to the Brits to suck all the fun out of being a boy. I’ve been thinking lately, when we are done with this war on terror…we need to invade England.

  1. Thomas says:

    Proof? I would bet that the number ES that end up in jail is a smaller percentage than that of society in general. Currently, in the US, 2.4% of the population has been incarcerated and there have been over 2 million ES. That makes for 48000 ES that have been incarcerated since 1912. I bet the actual number is lower than that.

  2. Animby says:

    #30 – Olo – That list is NOT complete! Unless I’ve had my qualification recalled. Oh, my!

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Animby, edit the page and add yourself. 😉

  4. Glenn E. says:

    I stopped carrying anything even vaguely knife like. Just in case some law officer want to make a case out of what I have on my person. Even some small eye glass repair tools, could be claimed as “burglar tools”. I don’t know what they’ll do if someone come out with a cellphone and pocket knife combo.

    BTW, they better keep all those A-Team and McGiver DVDs off the shelf. They teach you how to make weapons from off the shelf, household items. Even a turkey baster could be deadly.

  5. ECA says:

    Pocket knife vs…
    LEATHERMAN?? no contest
    GUN?? no contest..
    A REAL knife?? NO contest..
    Someone BIGGER THEN YOU?? no contest..

    In all cases…RUN AWAY

  6. Marge Ligas says:

    Thanks. Been working as an electrician for a little while now so this is useful.


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