1. The0ne says:

    It’s not that Marc is just petting him, he’s touching the squirrel in “odd” ways. Even seen how petting is done? That’s not petting. What Marc is doing is disturbing to some extent. I’m no sicko but I’ve raise many many pets for over 30 years now and this is just sick to see. Sure you can argue that “petting” is different to some people, and that’s fine. However, you like it I guess 😮

  2. Marc Perkel says:

    You don’t pet a squirrel like you do a cat. It’s a different beast. They like being rolled up.

  3. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Interesting to actually see perkel. I’d like to see videos of all the regulars here introducing themselves, pets optional.

    Or has that been done in the forum already?

  4. Bob says:

    Dang Marc, all that heavy breathing. That little critter get you all hot and bothered?


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