
Well, it’s almost certainly not a signal that Apple is opening the door to emulators of all sorts on the iPhone, but the newly (and finally) approved Commodore 64 emulator is still a fairly notable first for the platform — representing not only the first officially-available emulator, but perhaps the first app that actually runs code (even if it is a couple of decades old).

Does anyone really want to play 20 year old games?

  1. Luc says:

    Finally, good games on the iPhone.

  2. paul says:

    20 year old games? Space Invaders! THE reason I bought an Atari. 🙂

    Well, and Tetris and Pacman would be cool, too.

  3. AdmFubar says:

    is there an apple II emulator? idle prying minds wanna know…

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    They approve it because the games have no tits.

    [What about Leisure Suit Larry? – ed.]

  5. Pharaoh90 says:

    Crank comment: Where’s the Intelevision II emulator at?

  6. Why stop there? Let’s have an Eniac emulator too, so we can all remember the (painful) glory days of punch cards and machine language.

  7. DDub says:

    “Say you want to play a video game where your character can die of dysentery. Well … there’s an app for that.”

  8. Watson says:

    I would readily play any of the Bard’s Tale series.
    If only that didn’t necessitate reading the xth word in the yth paragraph from the user manual, or even worse, the dreaded rune wheel.

    Back in the day, software companies were at least imaginative in their methods of copy protection.

  9. JimD says:

    Wow! “Breathtaking Technology” emerges from the REALITY DISTORTION FIELD !!!

    P.S. Eniac never had punch cards, it had Wired Plug Boards for it’s programs and only stored DATA and results in Memory !

  10. Greg Allen says:

    >> Does anyone really want to play 20 year old games?

    I do, especially for just killing a little time while waiting for the bus something.

  11. C0mdrData says:

    I just can’t wait to program in BASIC again:

    10 x=1
    20 x=x+1
    30 Print x
    40 GOTO 20

    What Fun!!!

  12. Father Tomb says:

    The lack or an on-the-fly programmable spreadsheet, Matlab, or even BASIC programming environment relegates the Iphone to the status of a toy.

    But His Greatness has spoken, thou shall not program thine own apps.

    I wish Google would speed things along with their Linux-based Android.

  13. ArianeB says:

    When I tried to buy the c64 app, it says “App is no longer available”

  14. Postman says:

    Here get this instead, you will be happier with the games it plays….


    Comes in at about 1.5 months of the lowest iPhone rent you will ever pay.

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    #6 Pedro

    The only thing worse than a lameass Apple fanboi is a lameass Microsoft fanboi 😉

    Actually Linux fanboi’s can be irritating as well, but half the time I cant understand what they’re on about!

  16. Jonny H says:


  17. chewy says:

    10 PRINT “this app is awesome”
    20 GOTO 10

  18. chewy says:

    10 PRINT “this app is awesome”
    20 GOTO 10

    ps. I really did buy it and It’s quite a cool app.

  19. technology4u says:

    Good news, fans of classic gaming. According to AppleInsider, the previously-rejected Commodor 64 emulator app for the iPhone has now been approved. The application, made by developer Manomio, was initially rejected because it did not fall in line with Apple’s SDK. Visit http://www.i4u.com/article26777.html for more info.

  20. Uncle Patso says:

    So when you save games (I assume you’ll be able to save games), do you have to remember to append “,8,1” ?

    How long until the Commodore AMIGA emulator?

  21. Cursor_ says:

    I guess this is Apple’s desperate attempt at saying “Hey! We’re a gaming thingy too! Just like the DS and PSP!”

    Yeah right.

    Where’s the Vectrex emulator? I wanna play some Blitz!


  22. endigo says:

    I will hold out until they are allowed to add BASIC. Then I can program my own awesome iPhone games.

  23. Iowa Boy says:


    Sorry, Apple is run by d**ks. They do not allow any programming language emulators. The company (Manomio) and submitted this app had it pulled when Apple found they basic interpreter was still there, but hidden even. So they re-submitted the app WITHOUT the basic interpreter.

    Yes, that’s how f**ked up Apple is…not only is BASIC on a C64 of no threat to them, in the least, they STILL wouldn’t allow even BASIC on a C64 as ‘competition’. Apple sucks. Open up all ready!

    P.S. I LOVE LOVE the iPhone as an example of brilliant industrial design. Same with the original iPods. But I’ll never own one since it’s SO just a trendy “must have” accessory now. I avoided the Members Only jackets and BOSE stereos of the 80s and I’ll happily avoid this little trendy “must have” as well.

  24. pecker says:

    # 28 Don’t worry Iowa Boy. Apple failed in the 80’s because they were more closed than IBM/DOS. They will fail again soon for the same reasons – history always repeats itself.

  25. GigG says:

    And now it is gone…

    “It was a glorious few moments for retro gamers when Manomio’s C64 emulator was finally approved by Apple and released to the eager, nostalgic iPhone public. Then, calamity! It was gone again. Apparently some wily users figured out how to access the Commodore 64 BASIC system that was originally packaged with the emulator — something that Apple wasn’t too happy with, given the nature of the interpreter’s code. By setting the keyboard to ‘always on’, launching a game and restarting BASIC, players got into the ’empty shell’ of their C64 emulator.”

  26. BobHand says:

    I just took my mom back by letting her play Yoshi’s Cookie and Dr. Mario on my NES emulator. She says she feels 15 years younger.

    I was visiting my younger cousins, and I had my Nintendo 64 with Donkey Kong 64. That cartridge has the arcade Donkey Kong on it. I hadn’t gotten past the second stage when my cousins, brought up with a PS2, say “This is boring, let’s play ‘Bust-A-Move’ on the PS2.” So disappointing.

    Another anecdote: I walk into a Gamestop and a kid is playing the Wii remake of ‘Punch-Out!’ I make a comment, “They oughta put Mike Tyson back in this game, see how he looks.” The kid, oblivious to the throwback [‘Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!’ for the NES], says that Fight Night Round 4 has Mike Tyson, and you can even have him fight Muhammed Ali. I almost told him to get me his parents because they weren’t raising him right.

  27. Vic 20 says:


  28. Good post, but have you thought about Apple Approves Officially-licensed Commodore 64 Emulator for iPhone before?


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