Larry, Moe and Curly

Airline terror trial: The bomb plot to kill 10,000 people – Telegraph — These three slackjaws, look too stupid to plot much of anything. This entire story is quite interesting and has a lot of PR earmarks.

The al-Qaeda cell plotted to cause mass murder by detonating home-made liquid explosives on board at least seven passenger flights bound for the US and Canada. The plot had the potential to be three times as deadly as the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

The convictions followed Britain’s largest counter-terrorism operation and two criminal trials which, in total, cost an estimated £60million.

All three men convicted on Monday had been found guilty at an earlier trial last year of conspiracy to murder, but prosecutors said it was vital to secure a conviction on another charge of conspiring to blow up the aircraft in order to prove that the threat to air traffic was genuine.

Their arrests in 2006 resulted in immediate worldwide restrictions on passengers carrying liquids in their hand luggage. A ban on containers larger than 100ml is still in place.

  1. Schorschi says:

    So, these are the guys because of whom I have to walk with an empty plastic bottle through security and fill it up at a water fountain. Thank you very much.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    And they wonder why the countries where those people come from don’t have all the best airports!

  3. Larry Bud says:

    Hopefully the UK will let them all go soon, for “humanitarian reasons”.

  4. This is becoming ridiculous. It’s a steady parade of confused-looking dolts who, we are told, masterminded a major attack, with ever-increasing numbers of projected dead.

    And of course this new revelation, like all that came before, is to be used to increase the government’s totalitarian control and the public’s loss of liberties.

    No doubt all of it, from the selection of the patsies to the police state laws, orchestrated by fascist elements in the government. There was never going to be an attack. Just patsies and a police state.

  5. hypedthreat says:

    It helps that a retired British Army expert considers the whole plot as a hyped threat.

    “The idea that these people could sit in the plane toilet and simply mix together these normal household fluids to create a high explosive capable of blowing up the entire aircraft is untenable,” said Lt. Col. (ret.) Wylde, who was trained as an ammunition technical officer responsible for terrorist bomb disposal at the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in Sandhurst.

  6. McCullough says:

    #6. I concur. The numbers don’t add up. Just another claim of victory to keep the funding/fear alive.

  7. Juanito says:

    I hereby give the one in the middle the nickname Kerfluffles.

  8. sargasso says:

    A relative carried as hand luggage a gassed up 16″ chain saw on an internal flight in New Zealand.

  9. Robart says:

    Why don’t we let the TSA profile guys with white t-shirts? It would so much more efficient than all the other bs.

  10. chris says:

    Those guys look pretty dumb. But if governments are going to lock up people for something, shouldn’t it be attempted murder?

  11. Santa Maria says:

    H1B visas…… hmmph

  12. ECA says:

    Iv always wondered WHAt cost so much for a trail?
    Judge is paid for.
    cops are paid for.
    Jailers are paid for.
    The COURT is paid for..

    If they werent doing this, they would STILL be working. and already PAID.
    Lawyers arent PAID by the PEOPLE, they are paid by the persons charged or by the court for an Appointed Lawyer, and it ISNT that much.
    Jurors dont get paid much either.
    Unless the court brought in SPECIAL PEOPLE, $60million worth…WHERE IS THE COST.

  13. Alfred666 says:

    These fuckers look guilty.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    £60 million is OUTRAGEOUS!

    That’s the cost of almost SIX HOURS in Iraq!

    It was brilliant of the American conservatives to mock conventional police work in the war on terror.

    War is so much better.

  15. Rance Bleester says:

    Half the people commenting on this ridiculous fabrication are just as stupid as the three patsies the fed setup.
    Every one of these fed setup “tear” (dubyah speak) convictions are farcial show trials a’la Stalinist Russia designed to scare the morons (you know who you are!), jack up the militay\police state budgets and further clawback constitutional rights.
    Below are just 2 links but all of these(7-8?) absurdly expensive show trials have been setups.
    Wise up, saps.

    nwo report

    seven dipshits

  16. Really? says:

    Come on! This is the best they could come up with? The guy on the right looks like he has down syndrome.

    Please take my freedoms for these patsies. Just tell me when the next inside job is going to be so I can set the DVR and record the spin.

  17. noname says:

    # 7 hypedthreat,

    Come on, don’t piss on people intense desire to hate.

    Facts, smacks; Americans don’t care what truth is, it’s the story and the movie that counts.

    Americans think of you as that guy in the theater constantly pointing out the movie contradictions and inconsistencies. American’s hate that and they hate truth.

  18. MikeN says:

    Of course they look dumb. So are the killers in prisons. Don’t tell me you get your view of the world from Hollywood movies with well dressed well spoken criminals.

  19. Animby says:

    # 11 Robart said,”Why don’t we let the TSA profile guys with white t-shirts?”

    Ouch! I wear white t-shirts, sometimes. What are you trying to do to me?

    Besides, TSA doesn’t profile. Everyone knows that. If you were smart enough to profile effectively, you’d never get into the TSA.

    Ooooh, shiny badges…

  20. Buzz says:

    Come ON John! Don’t you have access to Photoshop? These are white t-shirts, not middle gray t-shirts! Geez.

    Oh, you got the shot from Cheney? And he had been keeping it with him on the dark side?

    Well okay, then.

  21. Grimbo says:

    Hmmm… I wonder if this would have been quite so funny if they’d have pulled it off?

    Britains “police state” keeping the world safe as usual.

  22. Jim says:

    Just in time for the anniversary of 9/11. There’re trying to keep this terrorism BS alive and it’s wearing thin.

  23. pecker says:

    I’m trying to find any news source other than the original AP release that this Telegraph story was lifted from. Did this trial actually take place or take place like described?

  24. fred says:

    #24, pecker

    Try this for size:
    “Dick Cheney ‘put airline bomb plot case in jeopardy with arrest order of Rashid Rauf'”

  25. Uncle Patso says:

    I’ve never understood people who believe that the best way to win over other people’s hearts and minds is TO KILL THEM!

  26. Animby says:

    Uncle Patso: Worked with the injuns.

  27. killer duck says:

    Where’s Dexter when you need him?

  28. Lee Stevens says:

    On top of that a Scottish mucky muck just released an announcement that the release of the Lockerbe bomber , was very much a well discussed prisoner exchange for the billion dollar deal for oil with BP . So Blair and McAsskill are quite clearly in your face liars.The problem was that Gadafi broke the agreement by celebrating his return. Now there are problems with the Libyans supply of the IRA that killed quite a few Brits, Ah oil the balm that soothes all wounds.I think Blair can say adios to his run for European President.

  29. LDA says:

    I don’t but it. When confronted with the choice between conspiracy and incompetence, I will go with incompetence every time.

  30. kjackman says:

    Yeah, these terrorist wannabes are all a bunch of laughable, incompetent losers… until a few of them manage to slip through and pull something off.

    Then they don’t seem so stupid, now, do they.

    I’m thinking of 19 people on planes with boxcutters.

    We have to foil their plots every time. They only have to succeed once. So make fun of them if you want, but don’t let that give you a false sense of security.


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