Think about it. Science can measure the afterglow of the Big Bang. We can determine details about subatomic particles. Yet with all our scientific methods we can find no evidence that God exists. Something as huge as God should be easily detectable. After all, he created everything and is answering prayers and doing miracles which should be something science could easily find.
So that means either he doesn’t exist – or he’s using his super powers to cover his tracks to hide from science so that science can’t detect him. And if he is all powerful he could do that. But, what does that mean if God is hiding? It means that God doesn’t want to be found. It means that God doesn’t want you to believe in God.
So what do we call someone who doesn’t want people to believe in God? We call them Atheists. Therefore – if God exists – God is an Atheist.
What do you think?
You guys think too much about religion. Why can’t you just write it off and put it out of mind if you don’t buy into it?
That is the obtainable universe. For example, as we observe it, the universe is as a practical matter getting smaller, and losing energy due to cosmological expansion (which is accelerating!) Because of that expansion, the amount of energy and matter in our local bubble (lets call it the Hubble Sphere) is in recession.
If were were to count all the protons in this Hubble Sphere, and apply a number to it, we would notice two things. First that number is finite, and second that number is decreasing.
That means two thing, first there are limits to how far you can see (if you are only capable of traveling in three dimensions!) but more importantly, that number approaches zero faster than the estimated age of the halflife of protons. In fact, that will happen before the end of the stelerifous age… Something like the next 20 billion years.
Thus, you have just discovered big rip theory.
I am not sure what this has to do with Perkels topic, but I am sure he will approve…
Oh yeah, no one has any clue (no really, none at all) about the force that is driving the big rip and it is all so contrary to everyones basic intuition on how things should work that the whole cosmological community is currently ignoring big rip theory. It is reminiscent of black holes before x-ray astronomy. That is the observation and result is so insulting to current thinking (the idea that the universe will rip its self apart at the sub atomic level and leave no information behind) that…
Well that and Lyman-alpha blobs. They are another thing that don’t make a lick of sense to current scientific thinking…
More importantly, neither of those imply any sort of edge of the universe…
I am willing to bet money that eventually some new scientific experiment will blow the standard model apart, and all of that holographic nonsense and quantum wave collapse stuff will make perfect sense… Until they find the next limit of understanding.
It’s pretty simple the way I see it: The most logical explanation, if you believe in God, is that he’s outside of the universe.
God made the universe and so why should he be restricted by it? Why should time and space contain God?
The computer manufacturer that makes a computer is not inside his creation, he’s not restricted by it, etc.
It’s no wonder science can’t find direct evidence for God’s existence: Science can only examine things which we can see, hear, test, demonstrate, etc. In other words, things inside the universe.
It’s not that God doesn’t want to be found, it’s easy enough to see evidence of his creation all throughout nature. He also left us his book, our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) 😉
Holy shit man, we can barely see this universe, most of this universe is outside of this universe. Yet we have managed to infer that dark energy, dark matter, negative energy, mirror matter and it is not a question of “do other dimensions exist?” The question is “What kind of dimensions exist and how many?”
We can see those unobservable forces and dimensions effect on this universe. Shit, we have just about excluded all the other possibilities for dark matter and are left with “it is in parallel dimensions outside this universe.” Not there yet, but we are getting there.
Fuck that unknowable shit. We will eventually find that alien space fucker, put a cap in his head, lay a pipe in his ass, and mine that SOB for oil.
What are you some kind of surrender monkey???
#33 – Just, “wow”.
ok the first thing I’m going to say is God said “he who who sees me and believes in me is bless but he who bleieves in me but can’t see shall be saved” so the whole point as far as he told us is that we will be blessed even greater by having faith and beileving in something we can’t see… WHO rights something like this without doing any real research I mean come on I don’t read the bible everyday but I know that much what a waste of eletricity making this article was
There’s a lot science can’t explain. Most of the time nobody has a clue why a certain drug does what it does. We just gulp it down and hope there isn’t some strange side effect we haven’t discovered yet. And you think if Scienece hasn’t found God, must mean there’s no God? What about this sudden case of diarrea I’m having? Explain that!
As has already been stated, aetheists do not want other people to believe there is no god. They simply do not see the need for a god. It is not a matter of belief. Generally we “believe” only if we cannot find evidence using the currently accepted principals of proof and still “believe” the hypothesis.
The concept that god is an aetheist is circular. Since by the definition I have offered there is no need for a god then there is no god etc.
Unfortunately all concepts of god involve infinite regression i.e. if there is a god where did he come from etc. Science is our way of understanding what is around us. The principals we use to establish the best hypothesis are based on being able to falsify any premise. If we can find one example that the premise is false it is probably false. And so it goes with a god. This is the foundation for a good understanding of our universe and existence. Once we drift away from these principals we are lost and will never understand why we are what we are.
The most basic question I know is “Why is there something rather than nothing”. Once we have a handle on the answer we will be closer to understanding ourselves instead of wandering in ignorance making up stories to fit what we want to believe.
Republicans are proof there is no God.
I haven’t said that at all. I have merely illustrated that we have found no evidence of him/it yet, and the moment that we do, he/it is relegated to mere god status, and as an American I will respond violently to any terrorist threats he/it may make at that time.
Jesus f’ing Christ, the dude, f’ing killed me before I was born. I had immortality before that, the SOB has to pay.
Or that he/it has a British sense of humor.
If one believes in Creationism, then who created God? If one believes in evolution, then God had to evolve and there are other gods, so why are we obsessed with the middle man god; and not praying to the gods who created him/her/it?
[341-270 B.C.] Epicurus – Greek philosopher
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
I’ve said it before: IF there is a god, and IF that god is all powerful, and IF that god gives a whit about us worshipping it. all he’s gotta do is show up in the sky all over the world simultaneously and tell us: Hey you f*ckers, I wrote that damned bible for you, now do what it says or you’re gonna bite the big one! If you have any more questions, ask AlfieOne. He’ll be my voice on earth until he pisses me off. Which probably won’t be long. Oh, and hey: Quit praying to win the lottery, jackasses.
Muse means to think
Add an A,
Amuse means NOT to think
gnostic means to know, knowledge
Add and A
Agnostic means ignorant(ignoramus)
now we come to Theist.. you get the Idea!
If someone is born without a sense of smell, how do you describe the scent of a rose to them? How do you prove that smell exists beyond a shadow of a doubt? Same goes for a blind person. Imagine that the majority of scientists have no sense of smell….will they not have to take the experience of smelling something on faith?
God is hopefully more than a static thing we can observe under a microscope or detect with a sattelite dish. If a scientist with impure motives is looking for God, should they be able to find Him?
Hey Dvorak, what’s up with letting this dumbass Perkel post useless shit on your blog. Sorry John, you’re losing points here.
Not that I believe in God, but in the logic of my Catholic upbringing, God does not provide proof of its own existence because then belief would be a matter of knowledge, not faith. Why it prefers things this way is never explained, but then again (should one happen to believe in God) God works in mysterious ways.
Or, as the nuns used to sanguinely explain every time a question of faith or logic came up during Catechism class, “It’s a mystery.”
By the way I also love the idiot logic expressed above that nobody believes in God more than an atheist. I guess nobody owns a dictionary any more…
I can’t believe there are so many believers posting on here. Which God exists? Is it the Christian God?, or all the Roman or Greek Gods?, the Aztec Gods?, the Egyptian Gods? No doubt it’s the same God that will fight on both sides in a war.
Sorry but there is no God.
Thanks for clearing up the “proof” of My existence. We’ll talk again in a few years when you least expect it.
One more thing,
You a-theists sound fat but I still believe in you.
That is all,
I think evidence for God is all around us. People have been brain-washed to think that all of this beautiful design in the world, including trees, the beautiful sky, animals, the periodic table of elements, the golden ratio, and most of all humans, can evolve on it’s own and function in an amazing “circle of life” fashion. Look at the symmetrical appearance of humans and animals, the constant laws of the universe, the complete absurdity of the dumbfounding intricacies of one singular cell in the human body. The more we discover about the universe the more we should realize that this stuff can’t just happen. If it’s designed, then there is a designer. Simple as that.
i agree.. where should i send my money to support this cause?!?
Atheists are nothing more than fundamentalists repackaged in an anti-deity formula.
I can neither prove nor disprove a god.
But wheat is a very tantalising clue of possible existence. Yet not conclusive.
Not seeking i find everything i need.
All is one and one is all, that’s god Y’all!!
Peace and Love my brothers and sisters of the DU!
nice ass
Photo is a fake. God does not have a mustache.
I could go on and on about this, but here’s the jist of it…
He’s not using “Super Powers” to cover his tracks. If God exists, and can make things like the entire universe, his mind is beyond anything we can imagine. I don’t think our brains are even capable of understanding the science behind it. We’re just not mentally capable of understanding how the universe works in it’s entirety, and stating that he doesn’t want us to find him is ignorant. It’s like a computer program understanding why it exists, and how the computer works that is running it. It’s beyond the limits of its capabilities. Not magic.
What amazes me is the confidence atheist have that there is no incomprehensible God when in the past 50 years science has discovered there are a billion galaxies not one, and all the universe originated from a single point. Imagine an ant trying to decide if humans exist. As humans that is our current incomprehensible situation.
If you want to find out if God exists do an experiment and pray.