![]() Not sure about you but 666 comes to mind! |
Christian Creationism Exhibit at Tulsa Zoo a Top Priority for Mayoral Candidate – FOXNews.com — Yes, with war, swine flu, economic meltdown all in play, this idiotic exhibit is TOP priority. What is wrong with this woman?
A mayoral candidate in Tulsa, Okla., is reportedly putting a Christian creationism exhibit in the Tulsa Zoo among her top priorities, along with addressing crime and budget issues. Republican Anna Falling says the people of Tulsa must recognize that God needs to be honored in the city, Tusla World reported. “If we can’t come to the foundation of faith in this community, those other answers will never come,” she told the paper. As part of that effort, Falling has resurrected a failed push for an exhibit at the Tulsa Zoo that would tell the Genesis story of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, originally proposed by Christian activist Dan Hicks in 2005
Funny how I guessed she was a Republican before actually reading the post.
At least she’s not a complete loser like Kathy Taylor but she’s got the crazy eyes for sure (and that kerchief conceals an adam’s apple?).
No doubt some of you may prefer Paul Tay or Accountability Burns. but it’s Chris Medlock FTW!
Isn’t that a young Livia Soprano?
Cool she is sporting the Daphne look. Scooby Scooby Doo!
What was it someone said about clinging to guns and faith?
Is that Ann Coulter’s Little sister?
Creationism is bad for scientific America and the beneficiaries of science in America (everyone).
#1 Agree. Thinking the same thing.
Could be the thing around her neck with that phony smile/frown look. I’m pretty sure that’s it.
What do you wake up every morning and do a google search for wacco Christian stories? Ok we get it you hate Christians. Why not start a separate blog and really have a hate party.
Has anyone else ever wondered why FOX News so actively supports utterly insane people who run for public office?
Just curious.
There are assholes and motivated assholes. The first are annoying. The second are dangerous.
Maybe you should watch “Expelled” or swing by the Creation Museum in Kentucky once before you assume that Creationism is idiotic. Just give it one shot.
Maybe you should watch “Expelled” or swing by the Creation Museum in Kentucky once before you assume that Creationism is idiotic. Just give it one shot.
You might want to read http://expelledexposed.com/
#16: Alfie–Religion is really pathetic, because you and your fellow followers have been gypped for centuries by your religions. The Golden Rule is OK. What’s not OK is its corollary: “He who has the gold makes the rules.” Deep down, all religion is about money, and has been for a long time. See the “prosperity gospel” and money grubbing preachers and other clerics.
Religion’s certainly not about being decent to your fellow man, which is what Jesus had in mind. It’s also not about denying reality (also known as creationism).
Ms Falling looks like a psycho, by the way.
It’s not possible to have a useful conversation with someone whose thought processes are based on internally generated fantasies
Without a commonly perceived reality, literally nothing is defined and if nothing is defined, there is no common point of reference.
That’s why this phoney troll scheme, pretending to be a devout Christian, is so purposely irritating.
The battle is endless because by design, no two opponents ever actually come into contact with each other.
I just wonder if these dirty tricks, designed to produce more page clicks, actually work in the long run.
Surely people get tired of the endless nonsense and just wander away?
Perhaps that’s why we have so many brand new visitors, who don’t speak English very well, pitching in every now and then, just enough to keep this nonsense active?
Their reaction to Christianity is because of its power…they feel it.
If God were nothing, as they claim, or Christ nothing, then they would treat it as they do Hiduism, Buddism, etc…they would ignore it.
It isn’t Christianity as a whole that many people have issues with. It is the radical ultraconservative minority of Christians who feel the need to shove their doctrine down the throats of everyone including the majority of Christians who have no issues with science.
If the radical untraconservative minority of Christians were as uninfluential as Hindus and Buddhists in this country are it would be easy to ignore them. However, when someone keeps trying to force feed you something you don’t want you can’t just ignore them because they will never stop. If you ignore them they will then claim that they are both simultaneously an oppressed minority whose rights are unfairly being trampled on as well as being the majority because they claim they are speaking for all the people who ignore them.
Thank you #22
Another example of why America is doomed. Sometimes you wonder how the Left could be in power when so many of their leaders are so whacked out – then you realize the Right has crackpots that are just as bad. We still have “balance” and it’s just the normal pendulum swing.
#21 Alfred1
Sorry, I don’t feel like being conned today. Go con yourself.
We are not in power…you statists are…Fox News has a special over the weekend
So your refutation of my assertion that radical ultraconservative christians claim they are both a minority and a majority is by citing the network that likes to claim to be putting forth a viewpoint that is a minority in mass media while also bragging that they are the most popular cable news network? And then you claim you are “the squeak of a church mouse on busy freeway” but there are “billions who today believe in Him.”
Schools teach evolution as though its fact…when it isn’t.
Evolution and unchristian philosophy
Evolution is not unchristian. Nearly a billion Roman Catholics (or nearly half the world’s Christians) agree with me on that.
Christianity is attacked because it a valid and sound explanation for all things, unlike other religions, and everyone knows it.
Occam’s razor says that isn’t the most likely explanation…
“Religion’s certainly not about being decent to your fellow man, which is what Jesus had in mind.”
Correct. Religion is all too often just about using an ancient fictional book written when they believed the world was flat and the earth revolved around the sun to find quotes which give the authority of an imaginary god to your own prejudices, thereby “justifying” the maltreatment (to include the killing) of people you don’t like.
This woman doesn’t know how to take a portrait. Fake smiles just involve cheek muscles. Sincerely smiles involve a bit of orbicularis tension as well resulting in a slight squint to the eyes. In this image, the lids are relaxed.
That’s the reason some smiles don’t appeal as well as other pics of the same person.
Kleinfelter’s Syndrome, again. Ms Coulter, your brother is here…
Alfie, on the other hand, suffers from an even more rare condition known as Village Idiot Syndrome.
# 15 jccalhoun
The clip on the linked site has a (not so) subliminal message (about 1:30 in, “judge rules…”). Maybe just bad editing but I am not so sure.
Whenever we get these stories here, I tell my friends to read them so they can see how off the wall, batcrap crazy some of the posters are.
They are critical thinkers and live in reality so we have fun going through the pearls of craziness espoused by some religious nutjobs.
“Oh my IQ, where art thou? Why have you forsaken me?”
“basically” all the same. And its not a question of IQ. Its all emotions and life experiences and always a mix of everything.
For those contesting the rationality of Young Earthers, it really is an opportunity to look deeply within yourself. What whacko ideas are you burdened with?
Here’s one to wrestle with: If we engage our opponents with facts, over time, they will come around. I’d say that approach works about what 20% of the time, or am I being too optimistic?
#35–HEY ALFIE!!!!!!!!===I think you touch on an interesting issue. Its my belief, because I’m too lazy to put the evidence together, that the country, the majority of citizens, are actually middle–by definition. That middle is liberal by any definition and even “far liberal” as the wingnuts perceive it.
What you stumble upon though is that the voting majority of people are voting in PRESIDENTIAL elections to the right–ie, against their own interests.
Yes, the majority of those voting seem to be swayed by the wingnut con job. An interesting phenomenon that gets repeated all too often.
If the poor and uneducated, the unemployed and under employed, and those not totally alienated by the system, got out and voted the elections would show “the country” to be far further left than what is evidenced now.
Voting dynamics. Its a trip.
so no one watches the media except for those that do? again, trying to have it both ways. either it is watched by lots of people or it isn’t.
Left is a relative term. If you are all the way over on the right side of something then everything is left of you because there’s no farther right you can go. The only thing that mainstream media is to the left of is Fox news.
How is it that I’m the statist when Alfred1 is the one who supports the state putting up a creationist exhibit? Sounds like something a statist would support. Wouldn’t it be better for a private citizen to open a creationist exhibit on private property?
Is crazy just saying
I can go into the world and prove evolution happens.
I like to believe god setup the world with evolution.
The seven day thing is a story
God been all powerful would not need time to make every thing in the first place.
Think about it
Nor would god need to rest…….
I think this picture was her in her airline waitress uniform.
#14 said:
“…it all came about by accident!”
#17 said:
“…is really stupid.”
#23 said:
Christianity is attacked because it a valid and sound explanation for all things, unlike other religions, and everyone knows it.