1. noname says:

    One lucky guy.

  2. bobbo, you can smell the eggs a layin says:

    If you click on the pic, it is already labeled “Jabba Guy.” Pretty Good.

  3. Weary Reaper says:

    Jabba has lost some weight.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    Oh man, this sure was worth the 500 bucks !

  5. JFStan says:

    Who knew the Rancor Keeper was such a stud.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    All this and I’m still flying Solo tonight.

  7. jbusch7 says:

    The luckiest man in the world…

  8. Floyd says:

    Jabba likes Solo just where he is.

  9. RSweeney says:

    Why is it that almost all these girls look better than Princess honeybuns, but she is the one on the screen?

  10. Beltane says:

    Sadly, more than 3 or 4 of these women think they look hot in this picture.

    Lighting and makeup are your friends.

  11. hhopper says:

    The Man
    The Legend

  12. ECA says:

    I made all these girls happy.
    I got a sex change.

  13. pecker says:

    Dave never regretted his career move from auto-mechanic to bellydance instructor.

  14. bobbo, perhaps needing a therapist says:

    Ever notice how you can really love a woman and not stand her friends? I noticed that in fact I relate to women quite strongly when one on one but get them in a group and I have no interest. I’d make a bad Alpha Male.

    Caption: Count the number of pussies in this picture and don’t forget the one under the arrow.

  15. Uncle Don says:

    Attempts to makeover contestant pointed to in picture failed when she refused to shave her beard.

  16. Buzz says:

    “Just before the Legend got busy, the Man was taken out with an arrow shaped pulse from the OLS (Orbiting Laser Station).”

  17. amodedoma says:

    The worlds most succesful belly dancing instructor and the class of ’69.

  18. webstershamm says:


  19. amodedoma says:

    #19 OK – I’ll bite, what the hell does UNIC stand for…?

  20. paddler says:

    Eunuchs Administrator

  21. Chriswsm says:

    The man is not interesting the legend however is the brunette directly below him and she is interesting.

    And why is she a legend?

  22. Daroon says:

    Where’s Jabba?

  23. ECA says:

    20th anniversary of the Sex change club.

  24. Hugh Ripper says:

    The winner of the ‘choose how you would like to die’ competition.

  25. bobbie Mcgee says:

    Marty ingels on steroids?

  26. alphanumeric says:

    My, thats one fancy bastard.

  27. rubbish says:

    Short Legged Mac Daddy

  28. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    He has a big lunch muscle and hasn’t seen his dick in 12-15 years.

  29. Swampper says:

    22 girls, one putz.


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