I don’t quite like him, but it looks like Glenn Beck got the last laugh.

Van Jones, President Barack Obama’s adviser on “green jobs,” resigned his post overnight, after a series of controversial comments came to light triggering withering attacks from conservatives.

  1. Barovelli says:

    That’s one. How many more are in powerful positions?

    Keep up the good work Beck

  2. Ranger007 says:

    #30 The Warden said “I hope Byrd pushes this and has Obama GET RID OF ALL OF THESE RADICALS he has unlawfully brought around him”

    #1 Obama is a Democrat

    #2 Byrd is another Democrat

    #3 Byrd will do nothing that could cost him (or his party) anything.

    Not that a Republican in the same situation would.

    Term limits – term limits – term limits

  3. Toxic Asshead says:

    #39 – What if Byrd (rightly) sees that Obama’s lunacy threatens to take down the entire Democrat party?

    Meanwhile the media continues to sit around in a circle jerk and feed us puff pieces about celebrity nonsense. Hell, this blog has more real news than the networks, NYT, etc. give us. America is in huge danger here.

  4. Ranger007 says:

    #40 Toxic Asshead said “What if Byrd (rightly) sees that Obama’s lunacy threatens to take down the entire Democrat party?”

    When Slick Willy got himself caught in a wringer I sort of expected some (not all) Democrats (including Byrd) to step up to the plate (not that I wanted President Algore). But, they closed ranks and now he is a hero – a rich one, at that. So, do I expect that Byrd might do the right thing? Not really. He is a party man, pure and simple.

    But, false hope is better than no hope at all.

    term limits – term limits – term limits

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    37 what do you mean next president? its pbama for life man, game over.

  6. derspankster says:

    Slightly OT but how can any rational human being listen to Glenn Beck. He’s the phoney’s phoney. I will say this, he can make himself cry on cue (or is it some kind of tech trick, I don’t know)

    Van Jones? Who cares, he’s gone.

  7. deowll says:

    The thing that took Jones out is freedom of speech. Jones used his freedom of speech to say what he said and he did what he did and when somebody (Beck) used their freedom of speech to and went to the trouble of making people aware of what Jones had said and done was Jones was out leaving the question of why he’d ever been in unanswered.

    The problem isn’t with Beck. He did his job even if he is a nut case. The question is as others noted what happened to the rest of people that claim to be reporters and in fact act like an arm of the Radical side of the Democrat party.

    If you want to know what’s going on you have to watch Beck and Fox even if you don’t agree with them because the rest of these people won’t report the news. They filter the news and give you their edited version of it.

    To few people own to many media outlets.

  8. derspankster says:

    “If you want to know what’s going on you have to watch Beck and Fox even if you don’t agree with them because the rest of these people won’t report the news. They filter the news and give you their edited version of it.”

    deowll, I truly feel sorry for you. While I agree with you that the cable “news” outlets are biased to one view point or another, it’s absolutely ludicrous to exempt Fox (the worst offender) from that category.

    What ever happened to independant thought?

  9. Toxic Asshead says:

    #44 – Exactly. Beck and Hannity and others are over the top at times and difficult to sit through. I don;t agree with all their views and I doubt there are that many in 100% agreement.

    The point though, is these people have research staffs that dig into this stuff and find facts. You can discount their viewpoint and simply listen to the facts and decide for yourself what they mean.

    If you only deal with the MSM, you would believe there are no controversies at all. How many people on this blog even just said they never heard of Van Jones? How many had never heard of Jerehmia Wright? Integrity no longer has a place in the MSM.

  10. Somebody says:

    Wow! Why wasn’t he the candidate?


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