I don’t quite like him, but it looks like Glenn Beck got the last laugh.

Van Jones, President Barack Obama’s adviser on “green jobs,” resigned his post overnight, after a series of controversial comments came to light triggering withering attacks from conservatives.

  1. bobbo, our society does need socialist changes says:

    but going full commie is a bit far. Not as far left as Beck is right, but still too far.

    I know Beck enjoys saying he is not a righty, just a clown with common sense. Not too common, not too much sense.

    How long before Beck resigns as well for the same reasons?

  2. pecker says:

    Just listening to the direct quotes he sounded quite reasonable to me. Alot of people have radical views when they are at University but mellow when they get older. Oh well. I would have preferred to see Rahm Immanuel go instead of this guy. Can he be next please.

  3. Animby says:

    Rahm can’t leave? Who would be president then?

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    In fact, to be really insensitive about it, Van Jones is a watermelon. Green on the outside, red on the inside.

  5. Faxon says:

    Sheesh. Hell in a hand basket. This country is fucked.

  6. jescott418 says:

    Why so many extreme left and rights? Where are the moderates on both sides who compromised? Jones had obviously some extreme views and with Obama already having trouble with mending fences and getting things done. He did not need Jones.

  7. algore says:

    Obama surrounds himself with people like him. This is why his ass will be a one term president. Far left progressive politics will never be supported at the national level. Think otherwise? Tell me why Cynthia McKinney only got a few percentage points. Pelosi only has to get the vote from the cornholers in SF. THe president has to get a majority from across the country. It was the independents that put Obama in the white house. It appears he has lost the independents.

  8. Pmitchell says:

    Looks like Beck got the last laugh

    the Left wing libs get a few advertisers he gets the green czar looks like a great trade to me keep up the good work Beck

  9. bobbo, our society does need socialist changes says:

    #8–Pedro==I do recall Obama saying some pretty pro-illegal immigration things. Funny how the “far left” and “far right” both want illegal immigration. The left for social justice and the right for slave wages.

    I guess the path to hell can be paved with BAD intentions too.

  10. MikeN says:

    Anyone think Van Jones is really reformed, or will he go back to saying the same things again when he is out of the White House?

    He went from saying that 9/11 was the US fault for its military industrial oil complex, and the chickens coming home to roost, to saying that it was an inside job by the military industrial oil complex.

  11. MikeN says:

    What did the White House have to say about Van Jones’ views and statements?

    Only thing I can find is Gibbs “doesn’t endorse but thanks him for his service.”

  12. RSweeney says:

    One need only look at the total absence of coverage of avowed Communist, racist, and truther Jones in the mainstream media up to this week to understand just what trouble American politics are in.

    We might as well have Pravda and Izvestia as the NY Times, DC Post and ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN and the rest of the “thrill up my leg” media.

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    Who the hell vetted this dumbass in the first place? Oh wait, the Senate doesn’t get to vet them because all the Czars fall outside the Constitution. I’d guess about 20-25 of the Czars wouldn’t stand up under the scrutiny and maybe 5 or so couldn’t get a parking pass for a tour of the Whitehouse.

    Hopey-Changey for a better tomorrow.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    #8, So Obama decided to take out a commie when he was exposed. I don’t know what’s worse, thinking he didn’t know before and hired someone he didn’t have idea of who he was or booting him after his feelings were exposed. Hmmmm.

    If he didn’t know beforehand, he’s incompetent. As we all know he isn’t incompetent, he obviously knew. Case closed. We’ve got a communist for a president.

    #9, Where are the moderates on both sides who compromised?

    When you compromise with evil, evil wins.

  15. Wolves in designer clothing says:

    If Czars don’t fall within the constitution, then we don’t have to listen to or do anything they say now do we? Bravo to Beck, Dvorak, and commenters here.

  16. Ranger007 says:

    #16 said “We might as well have Pravda and Izvestia as the NY Times, DC Post and ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN and the rest of the “thrill up my leg” media.”

    It certainly appears that way.

  17. Thomas says:

    Please. The far left could care less about social justice. They want illegal immigration for bodies to vote.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    I love it when people call Obama “far-left.” They have no idea how far to the right you have to be to make Obama seem radically leftist. Listen to Democracy Now for a week and you will hear just how far from the “far-left” Obama is. The difference between Obama’s policies and any of the other presidents of the last 29 years is minimal. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…

  19. Bill says:

    Mr. Obama, you are not inspiring us anymore. Day after day of incompetence is wearing us all out. Why didn’t the geniuses at NYT, CNN, MSNBC see this coming and warn us? They always had our back with Bush and Cheney. Now they can’t follow a very important story that affects all Americans(Amerikans?). So sad.

  20. bobbo, we think with words says:

    #22–Thomas==I agree but about half their spokesmen would throw in the idea of “being fair” to those who do jobs American’s wouldn’t do.

    #23–Pedro==Illegal immigration and excess immigration leads to social instability and neither side recognized, claimed, or spoke to that issue.

    #24–Jc==I agree completely and that is demonstrated by Obama being pushed by his left wing base AND why the rightwing nutbags are just that.

    #25–Bill==”They always had our back with Bush and Cheney.” /// Huh? One of the few American Institutions failing to do their jobs as consistently as our government is the MEDIA. Constant fail. They toady to those in power instead of taking them on.

  21. I have to question Van Jones’s intelligence. Besides being a Truther, the guy decides he is a Communist in 1992 — right after Communism collapsed all around the world. That tells me the guy is an idiot or he doesn’t read newspapers.

  22. Buzz says:

    …he has been replaced by the Rev. Jerimiah Wright, now viewed by many as more moderate.

  23. The Warden says:

    Interesting how many of you have no clue as to what Herr Obama is doing. Why does he have so many Czars “advising” him? Because these people have no oversight. They weren’t confirmed. WV Democrat Senator has warned Obama that what he is doing is unconstitutional. I hope Byrd pushes this and has Obama GET RID OF ALL OF THESE RADICALS he has unlawfully brought around him.

  24. Jason says:

    The guy is a self avowed communist? What else is needed to be known? He should NEVER been in there. And for those that still think he should not be in there? HE IS A COMMUNIST!!!!!!!

    And next on the hit list will be the REAL crazies that are “CZARS”. The ones that espouse population control via the water supply and the forcing of a 1 child policy. As well as the maniacs that also believe strongly and have been caught on tape or in interviews stating flatly that they believe that medical efforts should be directed to those that would benefit the whole of society if they are saved. (Translated: All useless eaters are to die.) This was a cornerstone tenet of the Nazi policies regarding mass killings. People are always up in arms about the Nazis and the Jews. Well, guess what, out of 11 million people killed by the Nazi concentration camp system, only 6 million were Jews.

    And for those that are totally unaware, the Nazis were secretly killing “useless eaters” WAY before they started killing Jews. They would lie and say that they were being taken to a special hospital only to be killed with carbon monoxide.

    Don’t think it can happen here? Well it will if there are wackjob radicals like this allowed into the inner sanctum of the Obama administration.

    Goebbels was recruited from a chicken farm…

  25. jbenson2 says:

    Fox is laughing all the way to the bank with the mega-ratings Beck is pulling in.

    CNN is scratching their head, wondering what happened.

  26. jbenson2 says:

    “How did Van Jones get so close to the President?

    There are only two possible answers.

    1. The FBI failed miserably during its vetting process.
    2. The President knew how radical Van Jones really was.

    Answer #1 puts the President in danger.
    Answer #2 puts America in danger.

  27. MikeN says:

    So what did the New York Times have to say about Van Jones? So far all I see are AP and Reuters articles about his resignation, and one AP story on Friday. If you get your news from the print version of the Times, what did you actually learn?

  28. Timuchin says:

    How will Obama get revenge for losing one of his comrades? Close Fox and Drudge?

  29. Abdul LeRoy Washington, III says:

    Obama, Reid, Pelosi and all the crooks they brought with them should ALL go! The sooner the better!

  30. bac says:

    Little Bush wins with the most Czars so far. Obama has 32 czar position filled while Little Bush ha 36. In third place, you have FDR with 10 czar positions. Fourth place goes to Clinton with 7 czars and fifth place goes to Truman with 6 czars.

    The next person to be president should be ready to appoint at least 40 czar positions in order to be Supreme Ruler.

    Wouldn’t it be interesting that after all these years of pushing democracy on all other countries, USA finally becomes a dictatorship.


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