Rep. Mike Pence, the no. 3 Republican in the House, is calling on Obama green jobs czar Van Jones to resign.

This sort of thing would usually be laughed off by Democrats — a conservative Republican telling a Democratic appointee to quit.

But the Obama team isn’t exactly jumping to back Jones today in wake of revelations that in the past he signed on to one of the “truther” groups that claimed 9/11 was an inside job. Oh, and he called Republicans a**holes in a video earlier this year before he was appointed.

Asked about Jones’ affiliations with the 9/11 group at the daily briefing, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs would only say: “It’s not something that the president agrees with.” And then Gibbs referred other questions to a statement Thursday by the Council on Environmental Quality in which Jones said he never backed any of these 9/11 conspiracy groups.

A little misguided maybe… but racist? Sorry, I don’t hear it. Howeve, the accusation that “only the white kids do mass murderer” brings up at least two incidents that I can think of… the DC Killings and Va. Tech.

  1. Animby says:

    #17: Kalstein? Is that you?

  2. noname says:

    # 37 Animby,


  3. robin1943 says:

    This guy resigned. You won’t hear it on CNN, MSNBC or most of the main street media, but it will eventually trickle down to the Obama supporters.

  4. pecker says:

    If more white kids are on antidepressant SSRIs I would expect them to have more homicidal psychotic episodes.
    Just google ‘columbine luvox’.
    If you don’t believe what you find, Merk even list ‘Homicidal ideation’ as a side effect of Venlafaxine/Effexor.

  5. Jason says:

    Hugh Ripper:

    Grow some balls and research it yourself next time. Closing your eyes does not mean the sun stopped shining. But as was pointed out, FNC brought his crap to light and now he is out of the White house.

  6. Weary Reaper says:

    #32 bobbo

    #31–Weary==when you are called out for expressing yourself inartfully, its best not to repeat it.

    Different strokes for different folks, bobbo.

    Now I thought you were getting ready to make a subtle point when you said “That’s not free speech, that’s expensive speech.”==but you didn’t.

    Appreciation of true subtlety is a lost art.

    “Free Speech” basically means speech free from prior restraint or censorship BY THE GOVERNMENT.

    Sez who? There are no such restrictions in my world view. Do you now define your entire world, only according to stupid partisan politics in the USA?

    If so, I’m disappointed.

    Just as an example, do Corporations not check Google or Facebook or Myspace or any of those other ridiculous social networking sites to check on your ‘free speech’?

    Now, what remains interesting is how intelligent posters are nonetheless reticent to admit when they get something wrong===just the opposite mechanism they used to get smart in the first place.


    Like so much in life, it all depends on your perspective.

    I must say, I’m more than slightly amused every time you apologize for being misunderstood by a cretin. Instant forgiveness is one of your more endearing character quirks.


  7. Toxic Asshead says:

    When the communist movement collapsed, the hard-core had to land somewhere. The ecotartd green movement is where the majority ended up. “Green” is the ultimate command and control philosophy: “Thou shalt not do xxxx because it’s not green”. You can control someone’s entire existence.

    The MSM won’t out these people because they want to be part of the elite who are on the receiving end of the power structure. Thank god for the interwebtubes and other alternative methods of exposing these assholes. For now, at least there’s still some scrutiny, even if it’s not coming from the 4th estate.

  8. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #43–weary==thanks for your detailed response and the directness of it. YOU are wrong. Words do have meaning. Sometimes ambiguous and subject to interpretation, sometimes pretty black or white. You have chosen to get ambiguous in an area that is clear.

    Now, its ambiguous that on something so clear, you would choose to make it ambiguous. Are you being contrary or are you just this misinformed?

    In questions of ambiguity, unless I know the person quite well, I go with the most direct meaning of the words used. I don’t know you much at all, so I must take your words at face value meaning you don’t understand AT ALL what free speech means.

    You can start with the First Amendment, and end after you have read a few Supreme Court Cases explaining the concepts involved. But always easiest to start with the google:

    I would give further detail, but I’m not convinced yet you aren’t having a bit of it on.

    I do believe people should be happy and recognize the benefits to themselves whenever they “learn” something. I grab those opportunities when I can, even if a quibble or two could be made. But, yes, I have agreed with others to end the stupidity or as a piece of irony. Not that often, but sometimes. And you noticed that. Hopefully, using that keen insight, you will notice I’m being seriously unambiguous now?

  9. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    #43–weary==By way of example: you say “Just as an example, do Corporations not check Google or Facebook or Myspace or any of those other ridiculous social networking sites to check on your ‘free speech’?” ///

    Issues of “Free Speech” as a constitutional/legal issue are NOT RAISED AT ALL. Corporations, individual proprietorships, owners of private property, hosts at a party can restrict speech any way they want to and they can punish it any way they want to absent a few limited hard to enforce situations.

    If we were arguing this in a public bar, I could not “require” you to agree with me using pig latin. But if we were in my house, or in the back yard, I could ask you to leave if you refused to say that you agreed with me in pig latin. And refusing to dance as I commanded, I could ask you to leave, and failing that, call the police to arrest you for trespass.

    Its not a free speech issue. Can it be expensive? Yes, absolutely.

  10. algore says:

    obama just dropped him like a bad habit. Jones who?

  11. Weary Reaper says:

    #45 bobbo
    #46 bobbo

    I do admire your persistence.

    How can I make this clear to you? In regards to free speech, I have no interest in the United States Constitution and no interest in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This is not a constitutional/legal issue. I’m sorry to say, in this particular instance, you’re wearing blinders.

    True, it has to do with humans living in the United States but the words “free” and “speech” were not introduced to the English language by some relatively new legal document in a single, rather insular and sometimes backwards country.

    The words and concepts are not defined by those documents and they never were defined by those documents.

    No-one else in the world (and there are just a couple of other people in the world) could care less about the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment. This may come as a surprise but most of the people in the world have never even heard of those documents, yet they can still carry on an intelligent conversation about free speech.

  12. bobbo, words have meaning says:


  13. Weary Reaper says:

    #50 bobbo


  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    #43 Jason

    As much as I’d like to spend time researching your assertion that this guy is ‘far left’, I really couldn’t be bothered. As you still haven’t provide a link where he has advocated nationalisation of all industry and abolition of private property, I still consider your statement as ridiculous.


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