Rep. Mike Pence, the no. 3 Republican in the House, is calling on Obama green jobs czar Van Jones to resign.

This sort of thing would usually be laughed off by Democrats — a conservative Republican telling a Democratic appointee to quit.

But the Obama team isn’t exactly jumping to back Jones today in wake of revelations that in the past he signed on to one of the “truther” groups that claimed 9/11 was an inside job. Oh, and he called Republicans a**holes in a video earlier this year before he was appointed.

Asked about Jones’ affiliations with the 9/11 group at the daily briefing, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs would only say: “It’s not something that the president agrees with.” And then Gibbs referred other questions to a statement Thursday by the Council on Environmental Quality in which Jones said he never backed any of these 9/11 conspiracy groups.

A little misguided maybe… but racist? Sorry, I don’t hear it. Howeve, the accusation that “only the white kids do mass murderer” brings up at least two incidents that I can think of… the DC Killings and Va. Tech.

  1. SparkyOne says:

    I have a red-green color blindness thing but this guy still looks black to me, not green.

  2. The Pirate says:

    So we have a self-involved, uneducated hack in a newly made up position working for the White House. Oh, and he’ll lie if cornered.

    What else is new.

  3. Weary Reaper says:

    I guess there’s no longer any such thing as ‘free speech’ in the U.S.A. because anything you might say can and will come back to bite your ass, many years down the road.

    That’s not free speech, that’s expensive speech.

    Obviously, the only safe course of action is to never say anything about anything to anyone — not ever!

    Then you’ll be safe.

    It worked like a charm in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, the Communist Soviet Union, Franco’s Spain etcetera.

    I don’t see any reason it won’t work in the United States, too.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Normally I’d be all over this, but not this time.

    He is showing compassion toward white kids and wants to do something about it, and uses shooting up schools as an example of white pain.

    So what? I would consider someone showing compassion to anyone – white, black, red, yellow, whatever – as a good thing.

    And after watching other videos portending his communist ideas, etc. I have gotten to like him better because it’s apparent he’s not in it just for the money but really does want to do something good. Unlike most of the other politico’s out there.

  5. noname says:

    McCullough, Some of your postings have been a troll’s version of I hate Obama.

    Ok, I get it, the video is supposed to discredit Van Jones rather then further your claims he is “Being a Racist and a 9-11 Truther”

    What he says in the video is what many think tanks and academics have been finding.

  6. McCullough says:

    #8.I’m not a cheerleader for either party..if that’s what you are looking for, by all means avoid my postings.

  7. Bob says:

    #6, I hate to disagree with you, but free speech only limits the government. Put another way, it protects the individual from repercussions from the government. However, just because you have free speech does not make you immune from the consequences.

    If you say something blatantly stupid, then I am free to call you an idiot, and your employer if free to fire you for being an idiot. What cannot happen, is that the government cannot put you in jail, seize your property, or take away your life for such comment.

    Just because you have free speech does not mean free from consequences.

  8. Pmitchell says:

    If a republican had uttered only one the phrases this loon is accused of we would have had wall to wall pres coverage and a congressional independent council to investigate him but since he is a good liberal not a word in the msm and congress is looking the other way as usual

  9. Rist says:

    That guy is a racist and an ass hole.

  10. noname says:

    # 9 McCullough,

    #8.I’m not a cheerleader for either party.

    Neither am I, as I have thrown “stones” at both parties.

    It’s disturbing how often you don’t make cogent arguments supporting your inflammatory statements.

    That seems to be the style today, rhetoric over substance.

    That makes you no better then Obama, who has so far, pushed rhetoric over substance.

  11. Weary Reaper says:

    #10 Bob

    “Just because you have free speech does not mean free from consequences.”

    Wow! Really? Thanks for the tip.

  12. McCullough says:

    #13. noname- at least I put a NAME to my comments. *wink*

  13. noname says:

    # 16 McCullough,

    Let me help, I am in the phone book.

  14. McCullough says:

    #17. OK that was pretty funny.

  15. bobbo, yes its a real gaff says:

    Defined as caught telling the truth. As the Repugs have been winnowed down to their nutbag base, isn’t the only true statement we should all be able to agree on is that they truly are all assholes?

    But Obama still wants to off bi-partisanship. The guy will get fired not for being a truther but for telling the truth.

    Its politics. You aren’t loyal if you don’t spout the party line, and right now its “We are working together.”

    Kinda a laugh.

  16. Ron Larson says:

    Didn’t Chris Rock do a comedy routine about white serial killers? Something to the effect about how there are no black serial killers/cannibals like Jeffery Dailmer. Therefore only whites are only capable of such monstrosities.

  17. Buzz says:

    I think this gentleman suffers from a disease that has affected 100% of everybody in the world: partial perspective. I can agree with several of his points, disagree with others.

    For instance, my own personal attitude about Republican-ism in general is that it is overly fueled by a need to punish any uncomfortable issue into compliance with the party line. My personal shorthand for this is Republican = punitive as an adjective.

    The notion that there are absolutes in the affairs of humans is elusive. The notion that there are better practical ways to steer through the human condition is more accurate, but subject to soooo many variables.

    The NGS TV show on the 911 events should show the truthers two important things: 1. What science can say, given a level playing field, and 2. How truthers are reactionary against any evidence they have pre-decided.

    It begs the question: What would Van Jones say after viewing the NGS show? It’s one thing to be a skeptic and another to be an inflexible, paranoid conspiracy theorist.

  18. Dr. Dodd says:

    The Obama Administration refuses to say how communist Van Jones was hired as the Green Jobs Czar and who recommended him. They also refuse to say who knew about his communist background.

    For not saying anything the Obama Administration sure says a lot.

  19. Somebody says:

    #13 noname said

    “# 9 McCullough,

    #8.I’m not a cheerleader for either party.

    Neither am I, as I have thrown “stones” at both parties.”

    O Rly?! Have you ever read any of your posts?

  20. jopa says:

    Mmmmm…. I don’t understand what is racist in what this man said in the video… what he said is true – there are white kids out there suffering from apathy and neglect and they sometimes lash out by going on killing sprees. He called to embrace them before they reach such a desperate condition and provide with positive, embracing male leadership. I have no doubt that if they get this kind of support, the vast majority of them will not reach a state in which they go and butcher their fellow students.

    This is the only video I saw of this man talking and I never heard of him before so I can’t refer to any other things he might have said. But in this video, he is spot on.

    Anyone care to explain?

  21. MikeN says:

    The media is making school shootings the centerpiece so it doesn’t look too bad for Obama when they can him. They can say all the criticism was about race, and ignore his talking about Uncle Sam being terrorists, or the 9/11 was an inside job.

  22. Faxon says:

    Ok. So the chickens are coming home to roost. We have three and a half more years of this dick as president. I am going to enjoy watching his downfall.

  23. deowll says:

    You may need to listen to more than one video but this guy hates whites, and capitalism. He definitely wants to redistribute the wealth and he isn’t all that shy about saying whose wealth he wants to redistribute or who is supposed to get the spoils.

  24. Bob says:

    #15, no need to get pissy. You made a statement that by this person facing the consequences of of his speech that we this country somehow do not have free speech. I was simply pointing out your incorrect interpretation of free speech.

  25. Weary Reaper says:

    #30 Bob

    No, really, I appreciate the tip.

    Free speech is protected by government.

    Free speech is not tolerated by you or by private enterprise. THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!

    Got it!


  26. bobbo, its fun to get pissy says:

    #31–Weary==when you are called out for expressing yourself inartfully, its best not to repeat it.

    The government does not protect free speech as this post demonstrates. Simply, the GOVERNMENT cannot punish speech within certain perameters.

    Now I thought you were getting ready to make a subtle point when you said “That’s not free speech, that’s expensive speech.”==but you didn’t.

    “Free Speech” basically means speech free from prior restraint or censorship BY THE GOVERNMENT.

    You know this better than most. Now, what remains interesting is how intelligent posters are nonetheless reticent to admit when they get something wrong===just the opposite mechanism they used to get smart in the first place.


  27. MikeN says:

    This guy is just a typical liberal.

  28. Jason says:

    Van Jones is a total nutbar. He is so far left he makes our Jack Layton look like a card carrying conservative.

    If this posting and blog have any issue it is that there is little to no real research into what it is that they are posting about. There is a TON of Van Jones videos available that are HIM in HIS own words going on in an extremely FAR left, communist, anti-capitalist, anti-white way. Post THOSE and try to give the man a pass.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    #17 Nonane
    Ha! I’m a gonna change my name to Joe Noname by deed poll next opportunity.

    What’s racist about what he says in the video? There’s no hate, no vilification. Why is it that you cant discuss race any more without some yokel labelling it racist?

    To a large extent he’s right, even in his annoying and patronising tone, that young white males are ignored by society and require some understanding and compassion.

    #34 Have any links of him calling for nationalisation of all industry and abolition of private property? Far left my ass. Mao and Stalin are rolling over in their grave.

  30. cheapdaddy says:

    The bits of speeches I’ve heard from Van Jones show him to be an uber progressive.
    Apparently Green is the new Red.
    Obama said you can tell who he is by the people he surrounds himself with. They all range from liberal to way way out there on the progressive fringe. Certainly not a Centrist.
    The speech is one thing, it’s the policies I really worry about.


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