This is Rep. Baron Hill from Indiana. “And you’re not going to tell me how to run my Congressional office. Now, the reason why I don’t allow filming is that usually the films that are done end up on YouTube in a compromising position.”

  1. Baron Hill (D) says:

    How dare you let me make a fool of myself online!

  2. Rider says:


  3. RTaylor says:

    At least the SOB was right about the YOUTUBE bit.

  4. Awake says:

    “I am your Congressman, and I will not allow you to tell me how to run MY district. I make the rules, not you the people that elected me.”

    Stick a fork in this guy… he is done.

  5. ECA says:

    #4 YEP..

    And we elected this person, and MANY more like him. They DONT WANT a record of what has been said, so that you can HOLD them to it.

    an honest person has less to conceal..

  6. jeroen says:

    done and done :p

  7. deowll says:

    He should have said this is our town hall meeting and of course you can record what is said if he wanted to keep his job.

    He was right about the youtube but then that’s why he has to watch his mouth.

  8. David says:

    And here I thought Democrats were all for transparency. I might have to rethink that Democrats are all for ethics, too. My worldview is coming crashing down!

  9. Rabble Rouser says:

    This guy is a blue dog Dem. In other words, he’s a Democrat in name only.
    There will probably be a primary for his seat in 2010.

  10. suckit says:

    This is the thing about Progressive Democrats. I am more than happy and willing to tell this douche to shut the fuck up and work for the people or get the fuck out. You will never hear a Republican say that or vote against a Republican no matter how bat shit insane they are, (bachman, mccain, mcconnell, cantor, grassley, graham, etc).

  11. Mr Diesel says:

    McCain a Republican? You have got to be kidding me. Except for the R behind his name he was more likely to blowing Ted Kennedy as doing something for the Republicans. RINO

    But I do appreciate his service in the Navy.

  12. Indiana-resident says:

    I cant wait for the 2010 campaign ads here in Indy… between this gem and the self proclaimed “Rush Limbaugh of Indiana” that is our 6th district rep, Mike Pence, there are gonna be some classic ads!

  13. lanternut says:

    My name is John C Dvorak and your not going to tell me how to run my blog…

    Hill will have a nice new career trying to sell used cars if the people of Indiana have any sense at all.

  14. Troublemaker says:

    What an arrogant prick.

  15. lens42 says:

    Despite Rep. Hill’s best efforts, there is more truth exposed in this 1 minute video than in hours of political coverage on major networks.

  16. moondawg says:

    What an arrogant douche. I’d consider moving into his district just to vote him out.

    It’s amazing how quickly these pricks forget who put them in office.

  17. Cliff says:

    And you wounder why your personal liberty’s are disappearing, Because we elect these arrogant idiots to protect them. Fat chance, See you at election time!!!

  18. jccalhoun says:

    I voted for Hill last time he ran. Sadly, he is much better than the radical corporate loving Republican who had the job before him. The lesser of two evils I guess. I don’t recognize where this was filmed but it was probably a highschool or something. So is it even legal for him to prevent filming of activities that take place on publicly owned property?

  19. RSweeney says:

    Is Baron his name or does he think it’s his title?

  20. Buzz says:

    Exqueeze me, Congressman Asowle, this is OUR town hall meeting!

  21. Timuchin says:

    He did a bad job of picking his audience.


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