I think I can whip up a name generating program to create ‘buddies’ who are personal friends of mine and cash in!

Are you totally reprehensible and feeling lonely? Or maybe you’re just a struggling business looking for some instant online companionship? The firm Usocial has the answer for you — buy Facebook friends and fans.

For a piddling 7.6 cents per friend, Usocial will deliver 5000 new buddies to your Facebook account. That’s $654.30 worth of lovin’ from people you’ll never meet and who aren’t concerned whether you live or die.

If having Facebook fans is more up your alley, you can buy 10,000 of those for 8.5 cents a pop, which comes to a meaty $1167.30. How’s that for a Facebook status update? Thumbs up?

Usocial claims that each Facebook friend is worth $1 to your business in return revenue. The idea is that Usocial creates a Friends List of potential customer to market to via Facebook updates and mail. With Facebook friends like that, who needs spam?

  1. AdmFubar says:

    wow why just get spam for free when you can pay for it!

    the spammers have won!

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Now imagine this, instead of throngs of Chinese guys trying to sell you WarCraft stuff, they now setup worthless facebook profiles for your consumption.

    Remember, Communist China is more Capitalist than America.

  3. Hitos says:

    God. You have to feel sorry for any people that feels the need of using this service.
    And I thought I had no life.

  4. MrMiGu says:

    Why not just use facebooks advertising service, where you can pay per click/display, instead of paying to get a list of people who will remove you once they get sick of your spam

  5. Dallas says:

    I’m delighted to see social media software allow people living in the suburbs to have friends.

  6. hhopper says:

    This is sicker than the “no-feeling” cows.

  7. Mr Diesel says:

    I know people who have an account on Buttface as I like to call it and I just don’t see the fascination with it. Why spend hours conversing with someone online when you don’t want to be around them in real life.


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