(Click to embiggen.)

I built a new squirrel house for my pet squirrel Ganesha. I was at Lowes and bought 2 hanging flower baskets, mounted the top one upside down and wired it to the bottom one. Inside is lined with paper towels and a towel. I cut a hole in the top so he can crawl in and out. He’s big enough to jump to the tree and back.

Squirrels normally live in hollowed out trees. This is a hollowed out tree simulator. It was also cheap and easy to build.

This is an inside view lifting up the towel that he likes to sleep under. You can see more pictures of Ganesha here.

He’s a happy little squirrel.

  1. The0ne says:

    I eat him, no problem.

  2. wbskeet37 says:

    We have a line about squirrels. “Country rats with fuzzy tails…”

  3. bobbo, on the line between city and country says:

    Used to have squirrels everywhere here. Now there are none. Combination of neighbor feeding all the stray cats and a hawk that set up residency in the eucalyptus trees.

    Too bad all gods creatures can’t get along with one another.

    Keep him safe.

  4. qb says:

    You should call Ganesha’s home Kailash.

  5. Marc Perkel says:

    “You should call Ganesha’s home Kailash.”

    Great idea!

  6. F.Cisco says:

    as Carmen says …. ‘sweet’

    thanks for sharing pictures – nice built home

  7. addicted2tv says:

    Squirrel’s are rats with good PR but they taste good if prepared properly.

  8. A person who can feel pleasure says:

    I like this a lot, it makes me feel good. I hope alfred1 and Theone die in accidents this weekend.

  9. neven says:

    This was great stuff. Nice to see something uplifting.

  10. Thomas says:

    Quite possibly the funniest thing you have ever said. 😀

  11. noname says:

    # 1 Alfred1,

    You made a good funny!

    Like # 11 Thomas I am surprised and impressed.

    Maybe, you are not a strange Martian Alien Species after all. 🙂

  12. SparkyOne says:

    What kind of interest rate did you guys get?

  13. The0ne says:

    Sarcasm aside, my brother in law is eating squirrel meat right now. He swears that they taste good but I’ll pass 🙂

    But dog meat! Yum *vomits*

  14. sirfelix says:

    Ok, you are going to heaven. Now back to real news.

  15. Mr Diesel says:

    Good job Marc.

    Don’t know about going to heaven but at least when you die the squirrels might not eat your nuts.

    Have a good holiday.

  16. chuck says:

    “Care for some gopher?”
    — (O Brother, where are thou?)

  17. Higghawker says:

    Very Nice! I love the pic of him peeking out of his window into the WILD!!! Clever house!!

  18. amodedoma says:

    Mr. Perkel,

    You obviously have WAY too much time on your hands! Hey but what the hell, great job on the squirrel house. You should probrably patent the idea.

  19. Mark Derail says:

    Marc, sheesh, proof that Win > Lin.

    PowerToys, install :
    HTML Slide Show Wizard

    This wizard helps you create an HTML slide show of your digital pictures, ready to place on your Web site.

    However, your pet > my pets !

  20. Mark Derail says:

    #11 I second that !

  21. Jägermeister says:

    Nice photos and videos, Marc. Keep ’em coming! 🙂

  22. Uh Huh says:

    You need to check that little fucker for rabies.

  23. qb says:

    Mark #6

    It’s all yours. Just don’t come home one night like Shiva or you’ll be looking for an elephant head.

  24. deowll says:

    Have fun.

  25. pfkad says:

    Jeez! The squirrel is like a Malawi kid to Marc’s Madonna.


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