DISCLAIMER: The following is from preacher James David Manning, who apparently does not like Obama and never did. This video was done long before the election, so he is no newcomer to this position. This guy was highlighted on today’s No Agenda and he kept using this term “long-legged Mack Daddy” in reference to Obama. Here he defines in great detail the term and it has nothing to do with Obama having long legs. I run it because it does have some interesting cultural relevance.

This sort of thing will increase as time goes by. Some will find this perspective offensive (and tedious).

  1. canucklehead says:

    #23 Sam

    There are lies, damned lies, and then their are statistics.

    Here’s one for you from the same site

    White males, aged 18-24 commit murder at seven times the rate of Black females, aged 25+.

    So Sam better keep your children away from 20 yr old White Males.

  2. canucklehead says:

    James David Manning is a raving lunatic who sold his “virtue” a long time ago.

  3. noname says:

    # 20 Mr delusional himself pedro,

    Yeah it’s a hoot to see you calling someone delusional.

    Your ever over blown delusions of grandeur really make a few of us on D.U. laugh.

    Don’t ever change, we need the entertainment!

  4. Awake says:

    Both Pedro and Alfred1 like it… wow… what a surprise… but since they are both people of “great virtue”, they would agree with the lunatic fringe ‘preacher’.

    The preacher in question has a doctorate that he granted to himself from the unaccredited university that he founded and runs within his church (the ATLAH Theological Seminary). A con man through and through. He spent about three and a half years in prison in New York and Florida for burglary, robbery, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges before his release in 1978.

    To paraphrase Alfred1, I find his point of view disgusting, full of lies, deceitful…and culturally ridiculous.

  5. Awake says:


    Actually, that ‘preacher’ is one of the most racist black activists out there. He want’s no white involvement in the lives of blacks whatsoever. In his words, Obama is polluted and unworthy of any respect because him mother was white. This aholes’ church is in Harlem, where he calls on a boycott of all businesses in Harlem by the black residents, because he wants the businesses to fail and start over under 100% black ownership.

    This so called ‘man of god’ hates Obama for many reasons, none of which are his politics… he hates him because he is half white (“not black enough” to use your words) and not racist enough for his standards, since Obama is willing to include whites in his government, which makes him a sellout in the eyes of this so called minister.

    Pedro… you have some potential… if you were to only educate yourself a little before you open your mouth.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s amazing that of all the commentators here, I think I may be the only one who listened all the way through. The last 2 minutes were absolutely jaw dropping!

    I don’t agree. This guy strikes me as the Reverend Wright of the Right.

  7. deowll says:

    Not exactly tactful but I think the message was clear.

    I think Obama did convince a lot of Americans he was something he wasn’t in any shape way or fashion; a moderate.

  8. Wm Strunk says:

    The words “there”, “their”, and “they’re” are all different for a reason. Learn the difference. The plural of American is Americans, not American’s. Oh and Sam 23, when next you look in a mirror, observe the racist staring back at you.
    And BTW, Obama disappoints me too, but less so than any president since Kennedy.

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This tells me a lot more about James David Manning than it does about Obama. I wonder how long Manning prayed to the good Lord to give him guidance before making this inspiring video message. I just wish he would have at least remembered to say something nice about McCain, instead of constantly concentrating on how evil Obama is, but I guess that’s politics for you.

    Now that the election’s over, maybe it’ll take another Hurricane Katrina killing many innocent people to wake America up to the divine vengeance that we invite when we “go rogue” by not electing God’s choice for president.

  10. jason n. says:

    obama pimps white women AND black women

  11. Probeee says:

    Where do you find these people? You must work at it very hard. But why?

    Suggest you concentrate on Obama’s preachers like Van Jones. They are the ones with power and they intend to change our world. Dare you post their sermons on this site.

  12. dgh1973 says:

    I have no idea what he just said.

    @Probeee – we have this great fallacy in our country known as freedom of speech – to NOT look at dissenting opinions for consideration (or in this case, comic relief) is to be shill for one point of view or another.

    Anyone who reads/listens to Dvorak knows that he works very hard to find these people for one reason – to drag folks like you out from under your rock so you can “grouse” about what he’s just said or written. He’s a long-legged mac daddy, playing you for the hits your bring to his site, sucka.

  13. sid317 says:

    How comes this preacher knows so much about pimping ?

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #49 wrote “How comes this preacher knows so much about pimping?”

    lol, maybe it’s because he has a lot of experience pimping out the Savior to fill his weekly offering plate 😉

  15. Glenn E. says:

    I’m definately out of touch with the current slang. When did “Mack Daddy” replace “Uncle Tom”?

  16. SparkyOne says:

    # 6 John C Dvorak

    Is Eldridge the missing third “brother” that Wally and the Beav made reference to?

  17. ww says:

    God bless you, Rev. Manning! You tell it like it is!


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