art.stephens Mr. Cranky

(CNN) — A Georgia man allegedly slapped a toddler at a Walmart store because she wouldn’t stop crying, authorities said. Roger Stephens, 61, was arrested Monday and charged with first-degree cruelty to children. An incident report obtained from police in Gwinnett County indicated Stephens did not know the 2-year-old girl he stands accused of hitting.

The confrontation happened shortly before noon at the Walmart in Stone Mountain, a suburb of Atlanta. According to the arresting officer, the child’s mother said her daughter was crying as they walked down one of the aisles. The mother said a stranger later identified as Stephens approached them and said, “If you don’t shut the baby up, I will shut her up for you.” A few moments later, while the mother and the crying child were in another aisle, Stephens allegedly grabbed the girl and slapped her across the face. Police said he hit her four or five times. “See, I told you I would shut her up,” the suspect allegedly told the mother.

This type of behavior is to be avoided, no matter how tempting it is.

  1. d says:

    Thank Firefox for Ad-block.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    This guy’s gonna get strung up.

    First, a psychological evaluation, then the whole court thing, then a couple months in county, a record, probation, just because he lost his cool.

    I wonder if he is already a psycho who got let out too early?

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    It’s a shame he didn’t think to relieve the stress by walking over and trying out the new Madden 2010 or better still a boxing game… any boxing game.

  4. SparkyOne says:

    would have been better to slap the mother

  5. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #4 – The mother sounds fat.

  6. Buzz says:

    Been there almost done that
    While in a Lowe’s hardware store, three unruly loud brats were screaming as they ran after each other, knocking over displays and throwing stuff at each other.  I went over to the idiot of a mother and asked if her children could possibly use their ‘indoor voice’. 
    You would have thought I had kicked her but after a few minutes the noise level dropped to the point other shoppers were thanking me. 

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    #5 Slapping children shuts em up? This is new to me. Normally it makes em scream with renewed vigour.

  8. clancys_daddy says:

    Hugh apparently you didn’t grow up during that time when “parents” said you wanna cry i will give you something to cry about. I have to say it usually shut me up pretty quick.

  9. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #7 – You’re not hitting them hard enough.

  10. Skippy says:

    I’m only surprised this hasn’t happened before. So many kids are undisciplined brats, and usually it’s the parents to blame. My own cousin and her husband have 2 little shits, who run the household, demand (and get) everything they want, and have no social skills whatsoever. The parents give them almost no discipline or rules/boundaries, and as a result I hate being around them.

    My cousin is a smart person, but a really, really bad parent.

  11. I had some jackass come up and hit my child in the head as he was walking by. My son was seated in the cart and not making a damn sound. Luckly I was talking to a walmart employee when it happend because I alway carry a knife and was ready to use it.

  12. Max Bell says:

    Yup, that’s just what we need; a return to old-fashioned values.

    Like hitting 2 year old kids.

    Or maybe reading the damned article.

  13. Kanjy says:

    #12—You were talking to a Walmart employee, so maybe you didn’t see that your son might have been making faces or just staring at the man.

  14. Larry says:

    Wal*Mart…Biggest losers…Always!
    I’m sure the argument could be made that everyone in the store should be slapped.

  15. Larry Bud says:

    Everybody knows you’re not supposed to hit a kid to make them stop crying! You’re supposed to shake them vigorously till they stop crying!

  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #11 – Lets hope it is you.

  17. Kanjy hes only 2 and he was in my sight, right in front of me. And it still don’t give a person the excuse to touch someones kid. It could end up costing a person there life. I am the type to end you without needing a explanation for what you did.

  18. Faxon says:

    #19 “I am the type to end you…”
    Let’s just hope you live in a cage somewhere.

  19. Greensaab says:

    John shops at walmart in atlanta? 😉

  20. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Wow. Nice mugshot. This guy really could make a running for the head crank.

    The Wal-Mart near me could really use a mystery shopper like this guy. I do know which is worse – the parents who stand in the middle of the main aisle and are wider than their shopping carts, but won’t move for anyone – or the kids they let run around the store screaming and cutting off everyone.

    I guess it is not a good thing slapping other peoples’ kids, but it can’t be all bad for our society having a few guys out there like this.

  21. JimR says:

    If you squint, he looks like Harrison Ford… Indiana Jones.

  22. Troublemaker says:

    Probably and ex cop.

  23. Did I just read the comments too fast or has no one come to the conclusion that the proper response, in this instance, would have been to slap the mother?

  24. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is a man badly in need of psychiatric evaluation. Some sort of inner rage seems to have boiled up, and he didn’t have the ability to reign it in within the boundaries of socially accepted norms. I’d hate to get in a fender bender with him.

  25. Faxon Oh yes it such a bad thing to defend you family with deadly force. Id hate to be you in a survival situation.

  26. Crank Is Wack says:

    That crank looks just like the unkempt John Dvorak on withdrawal from Just for Men.

  27. Special Ed says:

  28. Awake says:


    I guess that the behavior of these people is also meets with your seal of approval since they use the bible as justification:
    ( )
    Yet another member of the pious set proves the far-right judgmental conservative set is populated with a boatload of deviants. In a Virginia Beach Circuit Courtroom in separate hearings, Stephen Lee McPherson, 40, and Melina Ann McPherson, 37 pled guity of taking indecent liberties with a minor — not one incident, mind you, but several between 1996 and 2000 involving three sisters. It occurred while the McPhersons were house parents at Hope Haven Children’s Home. It makes you sick. Read on…

    This was some sick stuff, and they used bible passages to justify it all:

    Court records show Stephen McPherson repeatedly molested two of the sisters under his supervision and manipulated them by citing Bible verses that he said justified the abuse. Melina McPherson engaged in sexual acts with the third sister, cited Bible verses to justify her actions and told the victim that “they had a special relationship,” according to court records.

  29. Buzz says:

    The caption should read:

    The Other Mr. Cranky.


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