A “pandemic response bill” currently making its way through the Massachusetts state legislature would allow authorities to forcefully quarantine citizens in the event of a health emergency, compel health providers to vaccinate citizens, authorize forceful entry into private dwellings and destruction of citizen property and impose fines on citizens for noncompliance.

If citizens refuse to comply with isolation or quarantine orders in the event of a health emergency, they may be imprisoned for up to 30 days and fined $1,000 per day that the violation continues.

This is on the bill: “An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined.”

It hasn’t been approved by the House, but I imagine it will be inserted in another bill and passed that way.

  1. Dallas says:

    A great bill.

    If my neighbor has Bubonic plague, Dick rot disease or other conservative ailments and refuses treatment, I want our friendly taser trott’n police to get in there pronto.

  2. Dr Dodd says:


    What! No tasers for the AIDS crowd?

    I see the Rahm statement of, “never waste a good crisis” is still in play.

  3. Marc says:

    So what?

    They’re just protecting us from ourselves.

  4. Steve S says:

    This will be a really good thing to have for those numerous viruses that turn people into brain-eating zombies. You will all be thankful to have this tool in place to help combat the hordes of the undead that could start showing up on your doorstep any day now.
    I think about this a lot.

  5. Thomas says:

    Isn’t that why we have shopping malls: to contain the zombies? ;->

  6. McCullough says:

    #1. Dallas …I think your joking…I hope you are joking. You ARE joking right?

  7. Breetai says:

    Welcome to the Public Option….

  8. ScotterOtter says:

    I’m shocked to learn that the gov doesn’t already have the right to quarantine the unable or unwilling.

  9. Dallas says:

    #2 Yes, but it depends.

    If God decides to up the ante to kill off the gays by making AIDS a airborne transmitted pathogen, I would support breaking in and tasing the AIDS infested “crowd”.

  10. J says:

    I wonder why Guilherme Cherman doesn’t want to post a link to the article? Could it be the original source of it is the Wold Net Daily? Not what I would call a credible source.

  11. ECA says:

    I like this…
    So, Everyone gets the shot EXCEPT me…
    And IF’ I catch it, they want me quarantined..so I dont spread it?? Even tho ALL the rest had the shot??

    Logic really escapes me..

  12. Dallas says:

    #6 I only add sarcasm but I’m not joking.

    You can do what you want in your home but if those action affect others (like disease) bring on the tasers.

  13. ECA says:

    Or is it..
    1. the shot doesnt WORK
    2. the shot doesnt take Affect for a few days AFTER the shot..
    3. The shot is STUPID and only a way to insert tracking materials into your system??

  14. J says:

    This report is a complete distortion of the bill.

  15. J says:


  16. hhopper says:

    It’s an anti-Typhoid Mary bill.

  17. Alex says:

    Seriously, it’s incredibly bad form to quote something and not provide the source. In fact, it’s called copyright infringement, since technically we don’t even know its a quote. At the very least provide a source, if not a link.

  18. bill says:

    This is like that movie, right?
    Zombie somethings from LA?

    or was it San Francisco?
    I don’t remember much after the cops arrived!

  19. Dallas says:

    #10 Pedro, quit hitting on me.
    I already have a long term partner and you are probably not my type anyway.

  20. ECA says:


    Looking at the maps..
    Its very entertaining that IT STARTED in Mexico..
    Spread to central USA, Spread to the heavy population areas, SPREAD to other nations..
    And by the time we get the serum/shot/whatever IT will be over 1/2 over..

    Also look at Mexico. They have almost 1/2 as many as the WHOLE USA. Being sparsely populated in that area and HOPEFULLY a Quarantine setup AFTER it was discovered.. It should NOT have spread. But Data from Mexico is ??????? LACKING.

    so a RURAL area is where we THINK IT STARTED??
    And now its hitting most of the world??
    What happened to any type of containment??
    Or was it TO BIG/RICH to contain?
    Most of those coming BACK from Mexico, in THAT area, COULD have been HELD as a contagious disease..
    We could of Stopped Flights to that area for a TIME, and Contained that area for 30 days..FOR little or nothing.. Wouldnt that have SOLVED the problem??

  21. Tim Yates says:

    “If citizens refuse to comply with isolation or quarantine orders in the event of a health emergency, they may be imprisoned for up to 30 days and fined $1,000 per day that the violation continues.”

    You at least get a choice. You can stay at your home or Prison.

    Here’s the link http://thebirdflupandemic.com/archives/1000-per-day-fine-and-30-days-in-jail-for-refusing-the-swine-flu-vaccine-in-massachusetts

    … and the YouTube video http://youtube.com/watch?v=2_oD55WvDmM

  22. BigBoyBC says:

    What if the goobermint decided to shut-down the internet to prevent the spread of computer viruses? It’s in our best interest? Right?

  23. domc says:

    Good..better for humanity.

  24. Benjamin says:

    Just curious. What are the gun laws in Massachusetts? Have they disarmed the citizens who might not take kindly to having their homes broken into by warrantless thugs?

  25. Angus says:

    So, maybe being gay, republican, or redneck could now be a health issue worthy of suspension of rights?

  26. Angus says:

    and, BTW, is just a frickin’ FLU! The panic is insane.

  27. bobbo, very bad protocol says:

    HEY GUILHERME===very bad form to post without a link. Pure crap in fact. You must have been looking at something when you got the idea to post? At least tell us you can’t provide the link because it was from Portuguese TV or your neighbor from over the fence.

    Then we will be able to comment you shouldn’t post unless you have a link.

    No standards at all for our editors. You should be vaccinated!

  28. ECA says:

    dear BOBO,
    Look at the first line and the COLOR RED..its linked.
    Unless you are talking about another post..

  29. ECA says:

    Since you idiots havnt figured something out…

    1. 2 months ago an infection was discovered.
    2. infection rate SEEMS to be less then we are told, or the affects ARNT as bad as they THINK.
    75000 incidents in 2 months?? Even with Average spread with airlines and Schools, it should be 10 times this.
    3. you really want to TRY and out guess a NEW virulent strain??
    4. as I asy with CURRENT games…IM NOT A BETA TESTER..

  30. Alex says:

    #29, ECA said:
    “dear BOBO,
    Look at the first line and the COLOR RED..its linked.
    Unless you are talking about another post..”

    Actually, it had not been linked when Bobbo wrote his comment.

    It’s also bad form not to add an edit tag to explain the error, but as the original error was fixed, I’ll let it slide. Now, off to RTFA.


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