
Ben and Jerry’s has changed the name of one of its best-selling ice creams to Hubby Hubby, in celebration of the legalisation of gay marriage in its home state of Vermont.

The flavour formerly known as Chubby Hubby will be sold under the playful new name for the length of September.

Ben and Jerry’s has developed a reputation for social activism – and smart publicity stunts – since being founded by two former hippies in Burlington, Vermont in 1978. The firm has striven to retain its freethinking reputation despite its 2000 sale to food giant Unilever, and earlier this year marked Barack Obama’s election as US president by renaming one of its nutty ice cream flavours “Yes Pecan”.

The state of Vermont’s decision to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples, which came into force on Tuesday, was deemed suitable grounds for another celebration.

“At the core of Ben & Jerry’s values, we believe that social justice can and should be something that every human being is entitled to,” said Walt Freese, chief executive of Ben & Jerry’s.

Har! This is rich! Of course, not that there’s anything wrong with that!

  1. a slack-jawed yokel says:

    #31 Boycotting gay ice-cream. Now I’ve seen everything. Whatever happened to the ‘land of the free’?

  2. Loupe Garou says:

    #28 Wretched Gnu
    “How dare people be allowed to live their lives as they please?”

    Isn’t it the truth, like not supporting the “Gay” lifestyle?

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    Who give a rats patootie?

    I thought Chubby Hubby was a crappy flavor anyway. Ben & Jerry’s has always been a bit “left” of center anyway. Doesn’t stop me from buying a pint now and then…

    What’s really crazy is Ben & Jerry no longer own the company, it’s owned by Unilever.

    Which means they sold out, man. Just like burning man, dude… Like Totally, you know..

  4. Faxon says:

    Or the guy in Antioch, he was just wanting to be free, too.

  5. Faxon says:

    #20. Funny fudgepacker.

  6. Awesome! This will cause the wing-nut tea-bagging GOP birthers heads to explode!

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Not that I’m for devoting an ice cream flavor to the acceptance of an alternative sexual lifestyle union. But rather than altering the name of an existing flavor. Ben and Jerry should have created a new one. Bananas and nuts, comes to mind. Or the first double fruit ice cream, for fruity couples.

  8. TheCommodore says:

    I think bananas and walnuts would make a better combination. There are certain things that just don’t go well in ice cream; anything that gets too hard when cold; like chocolate chips or peanuts. Walnuts should lack the density, even when cold, to get stuck between your teeth or cause micro-fissures when you bit too hard. Then there’s the fat and calories.

    Gay sex sounds less dangerous all of a sudden.

  9. schooldaze says:

    Does it taste like dick or ass?

  10. Dallas says:

    I found the gay sex /slander jokes here to be rather stale.

    I’m surmising the demographics at Dvorak is much older than I had thought.

  11. ramuno says:

    I am not sure if you outraged folks are mad that they would are celebrating the same sex law or that they did it in a gross backhanded way.

    Their crude choice of using fudge packed rods is as bad as using fried chicken or watermelon to celebrate the president and other racially insenitive marketing.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    #41 ramuno

    I agree it does seem to be very un-PC, but the gay guy I showed it to found it hilarious.

  13. Getting to maters that mater is something we seem to be able to get down to humbly; I would like to share this with you. This from my life experience is a true connection to the ties of races through our own sex laws which have been built on misconceptions and myth.

    The Supreme Court just ruled on sex offender laws where some factions of our government think by some inert reasoning that sex offender should be quarantined like some virus steaming from draconian/Islamic law sex offenders should be executed. I have seen for myself, video taken in another country where a sex offender is placed on a pole much like the Catholics use to use a pyramid shaped object and have them sit on it and spin, the pole travels through the body looking for the throat but if not found its ok cause the sharpened end of the pole will come out somewhere. The heritage of the act is in its self a throwback to troglodyte’s who are so obsessed with sex they can find that the way to deal with the issue is as revolutionary, as war, and two wrongs don’t make a right but has in fact called up deep rooted issues of people who have had to put up with this kind of “hierarchy” of historic hysteria far to long. A word taken from hysterectomy, hysteria is tied to castration used to make animals less threatening right? Good old Monty Hall. Well no wonder it’s wrong, right?

    Anyway we are supposed to be the most advanced nation and we still have a death penalty when the rest of the world except for nations we are still warring with, {think!} While other nations went home our weapons dealers and torture lovers delighting in support for the death of people they don’t know or want to simply because they don’t know how to get money with out taking it from someone by force, is that supposed to includes mutilations? In my humble opinion that alone are terrorist activities as much as severed hands, ears, heads, or making a case with nothing more than an obsession justified by lies.

    The truth about the sex offender registry will come out soon enough. When it does, People will see how the use of the registry was created, and by exactly who and why and the devastation it has created and the worthlessness of the use of it. It’s origin in the Crow laws that brought disgrace to our nation allowing thieves and murderous societal bigots who have trashed any shot at making good of a program in its design to make money destroying our nation and its people. We can not play god and we can not survive using this behavior model because we are compounding the problem.

    It’s a ruse designed by people who are getting rich off the castration/hysterectomy/health care/physic care of people through sex laws that have gone wild. What about the people who are being used by the Medicare programs that requires these mutilations for both men and woman after they take their means of support? Can’t you see? You have created the model and it is worthless! Why don’t you just indiscriminately kill people you don’t know that’s statically the next sex offender because over 90% of all new offences are people not on the sex offender registry and the numbers are increasing not decreasing so as a behavior model the chumps put together is really screwed up and they were told before they tried it. So what is the use of such laws as the sex offender registry other than to terrorize people? With the murder of so many sex offenders and the continued disregard for life by the use of the registry it’s just a mater of time before the federal government will be held liable for the deaths through federal court.

    In a nation where a statement may have a double or triple meaning and our entire linage can be traced through mud, guts, and beer it’s nice once in a while to get the picture of what is meant instead of what some thinks someone may have implied. So it is from the trenches to the hill. Remember the game where someone says something in someone’s ear then passes it the same way to the next; the person advocating such destructive laws are the ones who need to be section 8 by simple brake down of the issue not sex offenders. Best regards


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