
Ben and Jerry’s has changed the name of one of its best-selling ice creams to Hubby Hubby, in celebration of the legalisation of gay marriage in its home state of Vermont.

The flavour formerly known as Chubby Hubby will be sold under the playful new name for the length of September.

Ben and Jerry’s has developed a reputation for social activism – and smart publicity stunts – since being founded by two former hippies in Burlington, Vermont in 1978. The firm has striven to retain its freethinking reputation despite its 2000 sale to food giant Unilever, and earlier this year marked Barack Obama’s election as US president by renaming one of its nutty ice cream flavours “Yes Pecan”.

The state of Vermont’s decision to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples, which came into force on Tuesday, was deemed suitable grounds for another celebration.

“At the core of Ben & Jerry’s values, we believe that social justice can and should be something that every human being is entitled to,” said Walt Freese, chief executive of Ben & Jerry’s.

Har! This is rich! Of course, not that there’s anything wrong with that!

  1. nolimit662 says:

    What is this world coming to? What’s next? Lesbian cherry?

  2. Cursor_ says:

    What no ice cream for lesbians????

    I am shocked!

    If they don’t rename Cherry Garcia into Cherry B. Toklas I will send them a letter!


  3. ScotterOtter says:

    #1 & #2…they already have a lesbian flavor, it’s called Phish Food. ba dum bump

  4. ScotterOtter says:

    They already have a lesbian flavor, it’s called Phish Food. ba dum bump

  5. maryland157 says:

    I posted about this one my blog, I’m not that big of a ben & jerry’s customer to begin with so me boycotting (until they change the name back) them won’t effect me that much.

  6. Dallas says:

    That’s awesome if only to piss off the holier than thou crowd 🙂

    On a sour note, Vermont is now next on the hurricane destination list.

  7. Angus says:

    The name is just….dumb. They missed a chance a new PERMENANT flavor and name, and could’ve donated a portion to AIDS research. Instead, they pull the old “wear jeans to class on a friday to support GLBT rights” thing.

  8. Robart says:

    #1 “What is this world coming to? What’s next? Lesbian cherry?”

    For the lesbians they are changing Banana Split to Lickity Split.

  9. Radiotube says:

    Oh, no… it’s got fudge covered pretzels… what are they trying to say?

  10. pukeing says:

    We are disgusted. That is the last time any of us buy ben and jerry’s. We are from the VT border,and bought Ben and JErrys out of respect to our vermont neighbors. Not any more.
    Even the packaging for the new hubby hubby is distasteful. oh yeah they never paid royalites for using cherry garcia either. Id hate to be dave mathews, willie nelson or Phish right now.

    Guess its Hagen dazs from now on.

  11. Faxon says:

    Good to know. No more of that crap for me.

  12. Howard Beale says:

    # 2
    Cursor_ said,
    on September 2nd, 2009 at 11:31 am
    What no ice cream for lesbians????

    It’s Ben and Jerry’s not Jen & Sherry’s

    Kudos to Vermont and Ben and Jerry’s

  13. Faxon says:

    How about “Fudge-Packer” Chocolate?

  14. Robart says:

    #8 “Oh, no… it’s got fudge covered pretzels… what are they trying to say?”

    At least they didn’t say in the description that it was fudge packed. (Ok I’m not proud of that one.)

  15. Robart says:

    Dang, Faxon was quicker on that one.

  16. Benjamin says:

    This is disgusting: fudge coated pretzels filled with peanut butter mixed into vanilla malt ice cream. I don’t want things I have to chew in my ice cream. I am definitely boycotting this flavor.

    BTW, what is with the two leprechauns at the bottom of the rainbow holding what looks like loose gold. Everyone knows leprechauns wear green and carry their gold in pots. 🙂

  17. Floyd says:

    Pukeing–that one man “boycott” means more Ben and Jerry’s for the rest of us!

  18. bobbo, as a sophisticated gourmet says:

    Fudge anything comes close to the mark but gay’s already have their national food ID–Corn Dogs. I’m afraid ice cream will remain lesbian territory as both are so licking good.

    I agree Ben & Jerry shouldn’t go around just changing the name on the container to fit the cause of the month. A set product with percent of profits to aids or whatever sounds socially responsible. Good on them.

    I never buy ice cream, I make my own: Frozen Ego.

  19. McRowan says:

    Credit goes to Ben & Jerry’s for having the guts to do what they feel is right. Regardless of your stance on gay marriage, you have to respect them for going against popular opinion and taking a stance.

  20. Jeff says:

    I am beginning to think that both Benjamin and Faxon are both bi-curious or something. They almost seem to have a fetish with gay hate or something. Usually those most likely to condemn homosexuality seem to be gay themselves. I think they have a word for it. Yes… it’s denial.

  21. The more things change says:

    LOL cute!

    I’m sure the American Nazi Party, KKK and the Republicans are spinning up for official protests and boycotts, but I think it’s cute!

  22. gquaglia says:

    I expect sales of this “special” product to be down in the month of Sept. There are still far too many people who don’t care for this “in your face” gay activism.

  23. Brian says:

    nice symbolism. (pretzel) rods covered in chocolate.
    if that doesn’t make you want to hurl just thinking about it….

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    Do they yet have an ice cream for the Religious Right and Loony Left?

  25. Benjamin says:

    #19 Jeff said, “I am beginning to think that both Benjamin and Faxon are both bi-curious or something. They almost seem to have a fetish with gay hate or something. Usually those most likely to condemn homosexuality seem to be gay themselves. I think they have a word for it. Yes… it’s denial.”

    No, I just have a problem with chocolate coated pretzels filled with peanut butter in my ice cream. I don’t like ice cream I have to chew. I did not say anything about gay other than making fun of the art work on the carton. I am boycotting this flavor due to the flavor, not the message. (I wouldn’t buy it even if it was Chubby Rush Limbaugh flavor.)

    If it was just plain vanilla, or mint chocolate chip that they renamed then I would not boycott it if it was cheaper than the other brands of ice cream.

  26. Dr Dodd says:

    #18-McRowan-you have to respect them for going against popular opinion and taking a stance.

    No you don’t. Much better to mock and ridicule creepy lifestyles. Besides with activism as radical as Ben and Jerry’s would you trust the secret ingredients?

  27. bobbo, as a sophisticated gourmet said, says:

    “Mint” anything is so gay==or old woman. Is there a difference except for the butt chaps?

  28. Wretched Gnu says:

    How dare people be allowed to live their lives as they please?

    How dare Ben & Jerry support such freedom?

    Boycott now!

  29. CZen says:

    What the XO of Ben and Jerry’s isn’t named Ben or Jerry. LETS BOYCOT THEM.

    /sarc off. This sounds like a ploy to get the LGBT crowd to buy more Ice cream. Or a way to get rid of horrible Ice cream.

  30. chuck says:

    As long as it’s packed full of nuts and fudge.


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