Some folks (e.g., The Concord Coalition) are saying the 10-year deficit could be $14 trillion or more. If the deficit is anything even close to $10 trillion over the next decade, this puts us in largely uncharted waters, since it would represent the biggest deficit, in both nominal terms and relative to GDP since World War II. Deficits could range from 6-10% of GDP annually, far out of the range of anything we’ve seen in the post-war period.
So I began asking myself some tough questions, especially since I’ve been saying that the economy can grow 3-4% a year in spite of the ugly fiscal policy environment staring us in the face. Just how easily are these deficits going to be financed? Could they effectively absorb all or most of the savings of the private sector, leaving the economy with little or no private-sector investment? Could this be the real “crowding-out” of private borrowers that became a fashionable concern during the Reagan years but in the end proved overblown? How can the economy grow if the government—a chronically inefficient spender and investor—is commandeering nearly all the economy’s savings? Annual deficits on the order of 10% of the GDP are reminiscent of Japan in recent decades, and haven’t they led to a moribund economy and a crippled stock market?
But these trillion-dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see are being driven primarily by a big increase in government spending. So that leaves us with the worst of all worlds, doesn’t it? How can one be optimistic in the face of this impending disaster?
Credit card companies cut credit limits all the time. Hint hint.
TAX ALL religion. ALL of it. ALL of it. Now. Today.
#28 Where did you get the 80% from. 2008 was closer to 50% total with the war being about 20% of that. 2009 military spending will be closer to 30% and not because of cuts.
#30 Spending on the military is a total waste but the results of not having a big stick handy when you need it are rather dire when medium of exchange becomes human blood.
We’ve been there and done that several times.
#24 as long as the dept is below a certain percentage of income you can finance it. Borrow/spend beyond that point and things have gotten very seriously ugly in every country that made that mistake.
If you don’t believe me just try it for yourself and see how far into dept you can go before you have to fold and start over.
#28 You won the majority, remember? You don’t need any Republican votes! Your problem is not all Democrats are completely brain dead. Some of them still understand cause and effect.
“How Will We Deal With Up To A $14T Deficit?”
We won’t. Our grandchildren will.
WOW. Excellent links. I have been going through them and now reading the Washington Post articles. Amazing.
I’m in the wrong business.
>80+% of the Federal budget is military (can’t be cut), social security (can’t be cut) and Medicaid (can’t be cut).
According to Wikipedia, the total is less than 30%. <50% even if you include Medicare.
Ok you idiots.
How much of your MONEY ends up going to TAX/Tariff/License/all other fees.
There are a few countries, that take 70% directly from your wages. The best part, is that there are NO OTHER TAXES.
30% off the top.
Interstate tax
Sales tax.
Federal/state/county/city taxes
ANY and all tax that a company pays comes out of your pocket.
Gas Tax, Federal/state/county/city
Import tax
Car registration
Every product in Every store is At least 10% tax.
Utility TAXES.
Property tax
Business tax
and this isnt even NEAR an end.
there tends to be 1 main problem..
As a drug dealer you learn a few lessons.
1. if someone is CHEAPER, the customer will go to them.
2. POOR folks arent looking for the BEST drug, JUST THE’ DRUG.
3. you cant STOP giving drugs to others..SOME idiot without MONEY can send you to jail faster then Anything else.
The Down and dirty problem is…
1. IF its LEGAL, they will grow it THEMSELVES probably.
2. The ILLEGAL groups will cut prices to SELL. Even if they need to go back to $20 oz..They will STILL make money. Which is about the SAME amount as 3 packs of cigarettes..
Think about the price of GAS. They even ADMIT its the CHEAPEST form of fuel. The REST is profit. Actual price of FUEL with TAX is about $1 per gallon and the rest is PROFIT.
Unless the Gov. wishes to under cut The drug dealers, they wont have a chance.