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In a fiery speech that had her conservative Colorado audience cheering, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann railed against the dangers of health care reform and other Democratic initiatives, warning the proposals “have the strength to destroy this country forever.”
“This cannot pass,” the Minnesota Republican told a crowd at a Denver gathering sponsored by the Independence Institute. “What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass…”
In a speech filled with urgent and violent rhetoric, Bachmann — who proudly acknowledges she is the country’s “second-most hated Republican woman,” behind only former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin – drew a clear line on health care reform…
“Right now, we are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom,” she said. “And we may never be able to restore it if we don’t man up and take this one on…”
The inmates are thoroughly in charge of the Republican asylum.
Thanks, Mr. Justin
So republicans are sort of like those Iraqi terrorists who cut open their head and promised to become suicide terrorists right after the invasion.
But I already knew that. What’s the story here again???
2 Crug,
So I’ll take it you joined the blood oath?
These rhetoric driven republicans are truly a pathetic bunch. Anything to one up each other on feeding the frenzied sheep.
The reform is about Health Insurance, not Heathcare itself.
These are the same breed of motherfuckers that warned that fluoridation of the water was a communist plot.
Where’s my gun?
This woman is just fucjing crazy, and doesn’t deserve press coverage. Given what she’s said in the last year or so, she should be despised and tossed into a grinder. Yet, she is popular among the brain-dead crowd. Why?
Olo Baggins of Bywater said, on September 2nd, 2009 at 9:16 am
This woman is just fucjing crazy, and doesn’t deserve press coverage. Given what she’s said in the last year or so, she should be despised and tossed into a grinder. Yet, she is popular among the brain-dead crowd. Why?
Because they’re brain-dead!
Standard political speechmaking. We saw Democrats saying things like this in response to Social Security reform, school vouchers, and the Contract With America.
#8 I figured your response would be something like ” you do it too, neener, neener”.
You did not disappoint.
What is anyone objecting to here?
If Bachmann can convince her supporters to slit their wrists, I’ll take up a collection for razor blades.
If your standard is Arafat… Then yes this is all quite reasonable rhetoric.
I agree they should all slit their wrists….especially if they don’t have insurance….
If they are stupid enough to slit their wrists then they deserve all they get.
#4 – agreed. The is all about health insurance reform and not health care. And they can easily “reform” health insurance by removing the rules that prevent a person from using out-of-state health insurance. (Rules that insurance companies lobbied to put in place, since it reduces competition.)
#5. Because she’s HOT, in a Fatal Attraction sort of way.
She WONT be ignored.
So Obama is set to drop his insistence on a public option. The AFL-CIO said this was a line in the sand for their support. The Congressional Progressive Caucus said they would not vote for something that doesn’t have it. Is the AFL-CIO going to endorse someone else now? Will the CPC withhold their votes?
14 McCullough,
You KNOW she’s awesome in the sack… a demon you might say…
I agree. Despite her wacko politics, she is hot!!!
#16. I loves me some crazy-ass bitch.
# 8 I don’t recall anyone saying God was talking to them or we should slit our wrists during the social security debate which had the republicans been successful would have lost everyones social security savings in the credit bubble.
Wow! Think about it. Hot women who are political idiots could be the most dangerous thing imaginable!
#2 said,
“This is being rammed down our throats with absolutely NO ONE reading and understanding all aspects of what they are trying to do.”
Uh… there’s no one reading anything because NOTHING HAS BEEN WRITTEN. Well, fifty bajillion things have been written, but nothing has been presented, because MORONS LIKE YOU keep listening to DOUCHEBAGS LIKE HER and certain other esteemed folk who DON’T WANT their big money payouts to GO AWAY. Additionally, the Dems are now pissing their panties because said morons and said douchebags are incredibly vociferous, and they’re afraid of losing their seats come 2010 and 2012.
Oh how I love Urban Dictionary.
Katherine Harris Crazy: 1> a person interested in bringing about the Apocolypse. Only slightly less dangerous than global warming.
2>Someone whose head is so far up their own ass that they lose their sense of sight, except of course for the sight of their own sigmoid colon.
Used in a sentence: Michelle Bachmann is Katherine Harris Crazy!
How is it that ALL the Dems think this is a good idea? It’s because they are just following Christ.
Is it my imagination or does this Bachmann person look like a Stepford Wife?
we are willing to pay TONS of money for a WAR that was SUPPOSED to pay for itself(oil from Iraq).
AND when a bill that FORCES the Major HEALTH corps to work together and COMPETE comes up?? We dont want it??
When 1/3 to 2/3 of the USA cant get health care?? You are willing to send our Military INCLUDING the WEEKEND WARRIORS to be SHOT AT and killed??
THINK about what this could do..
COST less than 1/2 of current health care.
COSTS less to the companies, so they can hire MORE people.(go look at the health care services PROFITS/STOCKS and remember THATS AFTER the bills are paid)
Then comes the idea that someone submitted..
“Let our REPS SHARE the medical coverage WITH US”…and they said NO #@$@#$ WAY..
She was speaking metaphorically, but I guess metaphors are too hard for Democrats to understand. No one has read the health care bill and they even laugh at the fact that they should have to read the bills they vote on. Any politician who supports Obamacare will be looking for new work in 2010 or 2012, or in the case of some Senators 2014.
It’s bad policy and will bankrupt the country (if we weren’t bankrupt already.) What are we at? A $12 Trillion deficit just for the almost one year Obama has been in power. (Closer to 9 months.)
Government spent too much on stuff they shouldn’t have spent any money on. We are broke. It’s like a person maxed out all there credit cards and now has to go to Guido the loan shark to get money.
She is clearly a fuck nuts idiot.
Who voted for this wanker?
damn right!!!
Calm down, and step *slowly* away from the metaphor…
the only reason that this woman is given any attention (I think ) is because the people who DO listen to her are really just standing there, staring at her, with that glazed over expression which can only mean..they are undressing her and enjoying some S&M fantasy about her…
She’s shrill. She’s insane. She’s nuts.
She is a “republican.” I can think of no other word to adequatly describe an individual of her mentality today.
I just love the cult of personality.